Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 22

The next morning, Lexi groaned with the loud ringing that woke her up. She tried to ignore the high pitch tone, but it would not stop. It was Rafa’s phone. Lexi rolled on top of Rafa, inching her hand to where she saw the device. She wanted to turn it off. Her movement woke him and Rafa gripped her wrist, slowly moving her hand away from the phone. Then he placed his hand against her neck, bringing her head to his chest as he answered.

“What?” He closed his eyes and strummed through Lexi's hair while listening for several minutes to the other end. “Today's the deadline… At noon. Are you serious?” Rafa suddenly moved his arm from on top of Lexi and sat up, eying her while he finished talking. “Yeah, we'll both be there, but we're going to need a hell of a lot of security at town hall… That's what I'm thinking too since they’re looking to fuck with all three of us… Oh, will you send Jim and Ray over to the clothing store. I have to stop for a minute… All right, it's eight now, so we'll meet you at ten-thirty.”

Rafa clicked off his phone and stood, slipping on a pair of boxers while entering his office. Lexi noticed him turn on his computer, waiting for it to boot as he flipped through a stack of paperwork bound by a large black clip. He grabbed a pen and jotted a couple of lines before typing on his keyboard. Then he went back to leafing through the papers and stopped. Rafa looked at the bed, at the eyes staring at him and walked back over to her. He climbed on top of Lexi whose body hid underneath the blanket.

“You don't ever want to touch my phone, trust me. It’s safer that way.” She stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate when he pressed his lips against her forehead and kissed her. “We announce that I'm running for governor at noon. They pushed up the deadline on us, so Brett is entering my name now.” Rafa then scooted off her. “We’re going to stop and buy you something appropriate to wear on the way to meet Angelo. Abby will keep Maura in the office while we go to town hall.”

“Something appropriate?” Lexi looked at the ceiling, not exactly sure what to get for the event.

“Something more suited for business. You can't go in jeans and a t-shirt, baby. I know you don't own many clothes so go ahead and get you and Maura dressed. We don't have long.”

Lexi did not like the look in his eyes. It told her that this run for governor would not only be a battle to win but something much more complicated and dangerous. “What are you planning to do if you win?” Lexi glanced back and pulled some panties from a bag on the floor. Rafa admired the gentle bend of her waist and crawled on the bed behind her, stroking his fingers against her bare hips.

“I don’t have any answers yet. Angelo and I haven’t discussed it.” Lexi stayed quiet. She did not like his answer, but it did not surprise her either. There would be many unknowns ahead of them.

Rafa brushed her arms, rubbing off the morning chills. “It'll work itself out, sweetheart. It’s better for you not to worry about it.” He lifted himself on his knees and gently wrapped his bicep around her neck, bringing her head against his shoulder to look in her eyes. “You really should put on some clothes before I assault you. There’s a lot of lost time to make up for.”

“There is.” She kissed him as he slid a ring onto her left index finger.

“You’re my woman. I want there to be no mistake that you’re taken.”

Lexi looked at the rounded diamond that sparkled in a white-gold band. “It's beautiful.” She looked up at him, hugging him as he gently returned her embrace.

“And so are you, love. I want to keep the men off my woman when I'm not standing next to you.”

Lexi smiled. “I seriously doubt you have to worry about any of that.”

Rafa chuckled, pulling away from her hold and laying his hand against her cheek. Her words made him shake his head. The more he gazed on her naked beauty, the more he became lost with the sight.

“Oblivious woman.” He winked and stood to dress.


After breakfast, Rafa drove Lexi and Maura to a shop across town. Inside were many racks of business and formal outfits, all much more expensive than Lexi would ever consider by herself. She shuffled through one item after another, flipping hanger against hanger in boring repetition. Lexi knew street style too well, but usually Piper or Kayla would help her with formalwear. She felt out of her league, looking at the triple digits and not knowing how much of Rafa's money she should actually spend. Lexi froze. She gazed around with distress, wishing that what she needed would jump out of the rack and land in her hand.

As Rafa sat next to Maura on one of the sofas, he finally endured enough of the discourteous clerks who stood behind the counter. Instead of helping Lexi, they ignored her and whispered among themselves. He knew they had an issue with her as soon as she walked in the door.

Rafa stood and smiled at Maura next to him, holding out his hand to her; then he walked to Lexi. Lexi looked at him with a helpless expression, not knowing what to say or pick. Rafa wanted to reassure her doubts. “I'm not worried about the money. You can buy whatever you want, but keep Maura with you a minute, okay?”

Lexi grabbed Maura’s hand as Rafa walked to the front of the store, frowning at the attendants the entire way. He would not tolerate poor customer service at this store again, no matter who the customer was. That was bad business.

“Excuse me.” He crossed his arms on the counter and pointed at the one who did most of the whispering. “I know the owner of this store, and you’re both lucky to still have a job. If you don't get out there and help my fiancé, I’m going to fire you both. Understood? Now quit wasting my time, and find her something business-formal to wear.”

“Uh…um…Mr. Paolini?” The one stuttered and immediately left from around the counter without receiving conformation.

“That goes for you too.” He stared at the second clerk.

“R-right away,” she mumbled and moved quickly past.

Being satisfied with the turn of events, Rafa walked back to Lexi and took Maura's hand as the two sat in front of the changing room again. After ten minutes, Lexi came out of the fitting room, pulling on the flare of a purple dress landing above her knees; a simple lone strap draped over her shoulder. “What do you think?” she questioned.

He shook his head and looked at the attendant. “Give her something with more covering on the upper body…and pants. That’s not business-formal.”

“Right away,” the attendant said and began searching through the racks.

“You don't like it?” Lexi fidgeted with the small buckle around her waist when he stood, slipping an arm around the belt.

“Is that even a question?” he whispered in her ear. “This dress is bad. Admit it. You hate it too.”

“Yes, I hate it.”

“Look,” Rafa said. “I want to make you as comfortable as possible since I'm already forcing you come with me. You don't need to worry about your clothes. We will have a long afternoon as it is.”

Lexi nodded and allowed the clerk to lead her back inside the fitting room. After a minute, she came back out in a long white pantsuit. A vest with two white buttons overlay the lightest blue blouse, bringing out her eyes. A pair of white heels were strapped at her feet. Rafa noticed she seemed at ease with this outfit and let out a small breath of air.

“God almighty, Alexis. You were better suited in jeans.” He stood again and handed one clerk his credit card. “Ring me up. We have to go. And you,” he pointed at the other, “remove the security sensors. She has to wear it out of here.” The clerk obeyed and hurried away from them both after removing the sensors.

“You don't like this one either?” Lexi smoothed the vest against her waist, looking at him for some sort of approval.

“Oh…you look stunning, I assure you. Of course I like it, but I'll be warding off about a hundred other men who like it too.”

Lexi laughed and slid her arm through his, gripping the muscles underneath his coat. “I still can't believe that Mr. Paolini gets jealous.”

“I'll bet you can't.” Rafa brushed his lips against her ear. “Get your ass out of here before I corrupt you with the filthy thoughts running through my mind.” He whacked the seat of her pants in jest when no one else could see.