Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 26

Two days had passed. Angelo wrestled with his thoughts, unsettled as Vin drove to the gentlemen's club at Donnie's request. The more Angelo thought about the sheriff, the more he thought about the possibility that Rafa gained the backing of someone they could not trust. Even if that were not the case, the sheriff was losing his footing with the force. He could be a liability to the group, but Angelo would hear what he had to say anyway.

Vin pulled into Whips and stopped the car in Angelo's parking spot around back, letting Angelo and three other members go in a private entrance. As Angelo sat down at his desk, Vin brought Donnie in the room. Angelo looked at Donnie, thinking of all the things he would like to say, but to say anything would send his temper into a rage. When Donnie saw the scowl on his face, he raised his hand in defense.

“Angelo…I had nothing to do with what happened the other morning. I can't always be in Miami. I was at a conference, out of town that day.” Angelo folded his arms, staring at the sheriff in thought. Donnie had better do better than that if he expected to keep his trust. “Look, I think I know who held up your group, but the officers who carried out that road block were following orders. They had nothing to do with that. I can tell you that I'm looking into—”

“What are their names?” Angelo interrupted. “I don't want the matter looked into. I want it handled.”

“You know that's not how we work, and I won't give you the names of people on the force so you can go blow them full of holes…especially since I don't know if they were involved for sure.”

Angelo looked off to the door and pointed. “Then leave. We'll work around you since you can’t get control of your force and let them involve four-year-old girls in a shooting spree. I don't need your help.”

“No, you don't understand. Moretti has people on my force. Don't know what he offered or what line of bullshit he gave, but if do what you’re thinking, you're going to risk more than Rafa and yourself. You'd better think about this clearly before jumping at the first cop you think is a fake. You’ll do better alive.”

“Then give me some damn names. Let me check it out.”

“You know our arrangement. I give you names, you don't shoot anybody and you tell me what you find—vice versa.”

“Yeah,” Angelo huffed at him. “I remember.”

“Good.” Donnie took out a folded sheet of paper and slid it across the desk. “That should keep you busy for a few days.”

Angelo opened the sheet and read over a list of names and addresses. “This is better. We'll let you know what we find.”

“Also…” Donnie laid his hands on the desk and leaned forward, nearly whispering. “There are cops onto someone hacking our system. If it’s one of yours behind it, they will trace that shit right back to the computer being used, in any spot or place it’s being used. Something important got deleted…don't know what it was yet.”

“What do you mean something got deleted. How the hell can the head of the county not know what got deleted? Are you really that much out of the loop?”

Donnie sighed, “It's like I told you earlier. When some of your men turn, you have to go hunting. It’s delicate at the station. So is the hacker yours, or should I start looking for another threat.”

Angelo considered the information, neither confirming nor denying that the hacker was his. “I think it’s time for you to leave.” Angelo pulled out a drawer and grabbed a small white envelope, sliding it over to Donnie. Donnie looked at it and pushed it back.

“I don’t take stuff from you. What are you trying to pull? If I started that shit, I’d be as bad as the god-forsaken people I’m trying to catch.”

“Are you trying to pass for a saint or what?” Angelo tossed the envelope back in the drawer.

“Yeah, right, but I sure as hell won't be controlled with the almighty buck. You know how I work. Honest or not, everything I do has a purpose…and a benefit of some sort. Give it to someone who needs it.” Angelo smoothed the hair above his lip and pointed at the door for Donnie to go; then he jerked his phone out of his pocket.

“Brett…I'm on my way. Don’t leave the hotel yet. I need to talk to that little brat before you get her out of there.” Angelo hung up and snapped to the others to follow as he stomped out of the door.

At the hotel, Angelo left Vin and Sammy in the front seat as he stepped out and marched up the steps, holding up his palm to anyone who tried to talk. He exited the elevator and followed the blue stripe in the carpet to the conference room and stormed into the office where Abby sat.

“I'm giving you three seconds to tell me what you deleted from the police files.” Abby winced at his tone but calmly opened her laptop, used to keeping her composure with angry demands. “Why is it that women do the dumbest shit? At least one of you listens to people.”

“You mean Lexi?” Abby smirked, almost mocking what he had said. “Lexi listens to keep Maura safe. Take away Maura, she’s psychotic…and ruthless. We’d be screwed if something ever happened to that little girl or anyone else she cared about.” Abby glanced behind Angelo to look at one of his men, but Angelo kept his eyes on her. “They didn't call her Cinderella for nothing, you know. Consider the original character handled the dirty work.” Angelo thought back to her threats on the clerks at Rafa's store and considered Abby's words. He would keep the information in mind.

“Here, I’ll let you listen to the recording.” Abby gave him the laptop and clicked a few buttons before turning up the volume. Angelo's glare remained as he listened to the audio.

“Who is Gloria?” he asked.

“That's Lexi's mom,” Abby answered him.

“Play it again,” he said and listened three more times. “Rafa needs to hear this. This is important.” Abby pointed behind Angelo.

“Son of a bitch! What the hell are you doing here?” Angelo held out his hand, scolding him for not being at the warehouse. Rafa was wearing a regular black tee shirt and loose-fitting jeans. He was listening to the recording as he leaned back on the sofa, holding his side.

“This isn't over yet.” Angelo waved Abby away while sitting in the recliner next to Rafa. “Don't you know how to heal? What good are you to anyone like this?”

“Fantastic to see you too, Angelo,” Rafa snorted. “Anyway, Stefano said I was good as long as I don't do any lifting. Not that he had a choice. I ripped the tubes out of my arms and told him to write me a prescription. Brett came and picked me up.”

Angelo looked at Brett who sat on the other end of the sofa. “You could have told me that you picked up Rafa when I called.”

Brett shrugged. “You were in a hurry and I knew you would see him soon, so…I waited.” Angelo glared at them both but continued to talk to Rafa.

“How long did Stefano say it would take you to recover?” Angelo pointed around his chest, at the bandages that covered his bullet wounds.

“Since the bullets didn't hit anything vital—just a lot of blood loss—about two or three weeks. He okayed me to take care of stuff, nothing strenuous. That’s it. I guess no shooting wars at the moment.”

“I'm surprised you came here first. Does Lexi know you're out?”

“No, I called Jim to check on her. I figured if I went home first that I'd still have to come see you or worse; you’d come see me. So I came here first.”

“Don't make me add a third shot to your recovery.” Angelo looked at Brett. “Go ask Abby if she told Lexi about that audio before you take her and Rafa home.” Brett nodded and disappeared inside the office in back. “So what do you think about that recording?”

Rafa yawned, feeling worn out but giving Angelo his thoughts. “Since it mentioned her mother, I'd say it's an older brother. I think Lexi would have noticed her pregnant mom sometime in the nine months. I say we go visit her mom back in Homestead. I've wanted to head that way anyway. Just wait until I'm healed. Once that door’s open, that’s it. Plus, Lexi and I need to plan a wedding, not to mention my public announcement for governor…late as it is; but I’m still entered into that race. No backing out now.” Rafa rubbed his temples to alleviate the exhaustion he felt both physically and mentally.

“Yes,” Brett answered as he came back in and waited for Rafa to get ready to go.

“You get whatever information you can from Lexi, Rafa. We’ll research it while you’re getting better. Then we'll drive down to your home front.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Rafa held the arm of the sofa and forced himself to his feet. “And before I forget; I missed my announcement for governor, but I can make up for that Friday—same place. Screw the police backing.”

“Yeah, some of those bastards are on Moretti's payroll too, but I think you should wait until next week to make your speech.”

Rafa looked at the ceiling. “Doesn't surprise me, but if I wait until next week, they’ll think they shook us. I don't want Pearson getting too excited. We’re going to come back strong against him.

“Fair point,” Angelo said

“Off topic,” Rafa added. “I need someone to take Lexi to buy her wedding dress. I figured we would get married here on Saturday. I don't want anyone making a big deal about her being under group protection and us not being married. I’d have to shoot one of them.”

“Are you planning on resting anytime soon?” Angelo taunted about the full schedule. “Fine, Brett and Abby can take Lexi tomorrow. We'll send a couple of others with them. I guess you’re going to stay home with Maura.” Rafa nodded. “Fine, then make some calls and set up what you need at town hall. I'll make sure the banquet room is ready for your wedding. You can keep Jim and Ray for the next couple of days…just in case. You might think about staying at the hotel.”

“Okay.” Rafa felt drained but nodded as he followed Brett out of the room to go home.