Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 27

Maura was asleep for the night. Tossing and turning, Lexi tried to go to sleep early but it was no use. The pillow she used to smother her head would not keep the rushing thoughts from her mind. She knew Rafa lay on that bed, trying to recover and somewhere out there, she had a brother she had never met.

Lexi flipped the blanket to the empty side of the bed. Sleep was not going to happen. She dragged her feet downstairs to look through the refrigerator. After five minutes of standing with the door to refrigerator open, she closed it again. Nothing. Not even a cup of coffee sounded good.

Lexi walked to the family room and stood behind the sofas, looking at the two men who intruded on her space. Jim was talking on his phone while Ray watched the tube without enthusiasm. Lexi gave up on watching any mindless TV shows and went back upstairs.

Back on the bed, the suspense consumed her. Jim had told her that Rafa was doing better, but that did not calm her mind. She wanted to see him for herself. Lexi decided to take a shower. Maybe she could drown herself with the heat and tire herself enough to pass out.

In the shower, the water hardly alleviated her anxiety. Even as she turned the knob to a nearly scalding temperature, it did nothing. Lexi sat down on the marble corner seat to let the softener set in her hair while she sulked. She would have to talk to Rafa about her need for information and the group’s reluctance to give it to her. She was not used to being left out of the loop.

As Lexi stood again to rinse her hair, a tall shadowy figure moved from outside the foggy glass door of the shower. She instantly became defensive of the intruder and thrust the door open, striking whoever dared to enter the restroom. Lexi rushed to escape. A deep growl came immediately after; a hand reached out and clamped her arm. That did not stop her. As a mixture of water and conditioner slid down her legs, she jerked her arm out of the man’s hold. Lexi lost her balance to the slippery puddle on the slick tiled floor. She tried to grab the towel rack but broke the screws that held it in the wall. She braced herself when that figure grabbed her arm again and yanked her body against his.

Finally looking at the man, Lexi's mouth gaped in shock, unable to utter a word. She gazed at him, never expecting the person to have been Rafa. The scowl on his face made her body become rigid with fear.

“Is this how I can expect to be greeted every time I come home after being gone a couple of days?”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was you,” Lexi apologized. “Did I hurt you? Where did the door hit you? Did it hit your chest?” She began inspecting, laying her hands against his arms, not knowing where she should touch.

“Lucky for me, you knocked me in the back. I'm fine.” He let out a small sigh and pulled his shirt over and off while holding onto the sink for support.

Lexi stepped back as she watched him struggle and started to cry. “I am so, so sorry. I had no idea you were coming back tonight. Nobody told me anything. I can tell you’re still in so much pain. Let me get you some medicine.” Rafa raised his hand over the medicine cabinet to stop her from opening it. “Please, let me get you something,” she begged. Rafa pulled her arm closer, closing the gap between his chest and her soaked, naked body.

“I'll take meds later. Come here.” His frown turned into a smile and finally a small laugh.

“What's so funny?” Her downcast expression made him chuckle again.

“You are. It's going to take more than a shower door to knock me down, even in my state.” His grin made her tears flow faster. He might be recovering from bullet wounds, but he was definitely the same smart-mouthed man as always. She was glad he was there and slid her arms around his neck where she squeezed her eyes shut with relief. “I was so scared for you.”

“As you can see, I’m fine, love. Go finish your shower so I can get in after you.”

“But you can’t get the bandages wet. You’re not supposed to get the stitches wet. That could lead to infection. And then you would have to see the doctor again and—”

“Well…I'd have you help me shower, but I wouldn't be able to resist you. Then I'd have to explain what happened to Angelo and Stefano, and I don't need that lecture right now.” Rafa smirked and gently shoved Lexi toward the shower, forcing her to let go. “Go on before I change my mind. Besides, these bandages are waterproof.”

Twenty minutes passed as Lexi waited in the bed for Rafa when he finally walked out of the restroom with a lone pair of boxers and a white cotton shirt. Then he grabbed the bottle of pills off the nightstand and swallowed two.

“What did they give you?” Lexi asked as Rafa crawled underneath the blanket and scooted to her body, sliding his arms around her waist.


“What about pain meds?” she asked when his grip around her tightened.

“I'm fine.”

“You are not fine.”

“I took some ibuprofen before I left the warehouse.”

“What’s that supposed to do for gunshot wounds? You gave me a lot stronger pills when my back was hurt.”

“You’re a different matter.”

“I am not—”

He cut her off and gripped her chin. “Did you want those pills?” he asked directly.


He nodded. “I don't. It would interfere if I had to make a quick decision in the middle of the night. You need to respect my wishes.”

Lexi groaned at his unwillingness to budge. “Fine, if that's how you want it.”

He gave a slight nod and clicked off the lamp. Then minutes passed. After trying to get comfortable with the intensifying pain, he took some more ibuprofen. His chest was killing him and it hurt to breathe. The meds would take at least thirty minutes to have an effect.

“Are you okay?” Lexi rolled on her side and ran her fingers through his hair, gently stroking to lessen his pain.

“I've been better, love.” He brought her hand from his head to his lips, kissing her fingers and palm. “Tomorrow, I want you to go with Brett and Abby to get you and Maura a dress for our wedding. I was going to take you, but I'm not strong enough to drive right now.”

“Are you sure that we shouldn’t wait to get married?”

“We can’t wait for that,” he answered. “I'm announcing my run for governor on Friday, and Saturday we get married. Angelo is going to reserve the banquet hall for us.”

Lexi stared at the wall opposite of Rafa and then laid flat on her back; a single tear led to more following. So much would happen by the end of the week. So much already had.

Rafa reached his arm over her body, placing his hand over hers. He felt her tremble underneath. He hated that she was scared. What could he do to ease her fears? “Why are you shaking?” he asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

“I'm fine.”

He sighed, “Tell me what's on your mind. We agreed that there would be no more secrets.”

She thought over the events for seconds before making a reply. “I'm scared, Rafa. What if they do get me or worse—Maura? Do you know what they could do, would do if they caught her now?”

Rafa did not blame Lexi for worrying, especially after the attack proved they could reach her in the middle of the day with people around. He would have to take extra care to erase the threats quickly. He could not let her get hurt.

No matter how much his chest hurt, he brought Lexi close and clamped her with his arms. She needed to feel safe. She needed to know that he was willing to do whatever it took. “I promise to do everything I can to keep what happened at the store from ever happening again. They won’t get that close to us next time, Lexi.”

Lexi brought her fingers to his chest, gently tracing the outlines of the bandages. “I'm sorry you got hurt over this. I'm scared that you or Maura could get hurt again. It doesn't have anything to do with me. After they killed Ava, I'm afraid for anyone who’s close to me. Moretti doesn't want me dead. He wants me back.”

Rafa's jaw tightened at the thought. Healed or not, he would definitely take care of that threat more quickly than planned. “Sweetheart, what's your stepfather's address. You wouldn't tell me then, but you’re safe with me now.” Lexi did not say anything, remembering the old house. The memories of her childhood still haunted her mind. “Tell me now, Alexis.”

“204 Tanner Street,” she whispered, “but I didn't tell you before so they wouldn't hurt you, not me.”

Rafa shook his head. “A little thing like you was trying to protect a big boy like me. We might not have talked much about ourselves, but you should have asked me for help. I think you know I would have helped you with that problem.”

Lexi shrugged. “I didn't want to involve you in my issues.”

“Yes, I know,” he huffed. “Your mother…is her name Gloria Taylor?”


“And did she ever say anything about your real father to you?”

“You’re asking because of what Abby found, aren't you?”

“That's right.”

“No, my mother never said anything that would help you. I don’t know anything about her life. She only mentioned my father once…that he told her not to show her face around him again. That’s it. I know nothing about him. I don’t ever want to either. If you find out who he is, I don't want to know.” Lexi broke off in thought. “I do want to know about my brother.”

“Lexi, you know if you have a brother, he’s older than you, don't you?”

“Yeah…if I really have one.”

“True enough.” Rafa yawned and closed his eyes. “Enough talk; let's get some sleep. I think those pills are finally starting to work.”

“I’m glad you’re home,” she said, lifting her body and pressing her lips against his. “I love you, Rafa.”