Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 33

As Rafa waited for Lexi to finish her bath, he hung the last of her new clothes on the empty side of the walk-in closet. He sifted through the dresses, pantsuits and jeans, nodding with approval that she found clothes she liked. He set one of the pantsuits aside that he wanted her to wear.

When Lexi came out of the restroom, she found him still in the closet. He was dressed in black slacks and socks, shirtless as he looked at her new clothes. Brett must have brought them while she was busy. Although Rafa heard her come in, he did not turn around. He was crossing his arms and focusing on her new shoes.

“You like shoes with heels, don't you?” he asked and stated at the same time, inspecting one of the shoes with double white straps.

“Yes, I like them,” she said and walked up behind.

“Are you trying to use your height to make up for uncomfortable situations?” He set the shoe down and picked up a suede boot with an added four inches, making her consider the question.

“Maybe.” She took the boot from his hands and looked at it. “I never thought about it like that. Maybe that is what I'm doing.” He nodded as she handed it back over and traced her fingers along his back. “Why did you get so many tattoos?”

“Why?” His brows creased together as he thought. “Hell, I don't know. Maybe I wanted to keep what’s important close to me. Very few people even know I have them.” He shifted sideways to his side of the closet and slid one of his white dress shirts off a hanger. “Your name is there too,” he said and let Lexi study the art, outlining the details with her nails. When Lexi found her name, her fingers lingered for seconds before slipping her arms around his waist.

“Am I important?” she asked, kissing the illustrations one by one.

“What do you think?” He turned around, quickly catching her hands as she stared back at him with a grin he knew too well—that tantalizing expression she always used when she wanted to embarrass him. “Quit asking me the obvious and go eat breakfast.” He twisted her body and swatted her, but he never let go of her hand and yanked her back; his eyes locked onto hers. “You should know that you’ve always been the most important.” Then he kissed her forehead and gave her a gentle push. “Now go on. I answered you,” he said with the pleased smile on her face.


Tension was building for Rafa and Lexi on the car ride to city hall. After listening to Rafa’s last call, Lexi assumed that the attendees surpassed the hundred and fifty maximum seating in the building. Rafa was moving his introduction outside to accommodate.

Fifteen minutes before noon, Brett pulled into a private parking lot in back, but it was not very private. There were people who stood along the sides of the grassy lawn out front and could still watch them exit their vehicle. There would be no real privacy before he began.

Rafa showed no sign of unease for the speech, only for Lexi as he gently lifted the blouse under her jacket to see the protective vest once more. Even though he was the one who fastened it around her breasts, he would take no chances in a crowd with the recent attacks on them.

After Brett turned off the ignition, a dark blue Jetta pulled beside the Escalade. Angelo sat in the passenger seat with Donnie at the wheel. Angelo got out first and walked to the driver’s side door of their car as Brett was stepping out.

“Hey boss.” Brett smiled. He seemed to be the only one happy about the speech as Angelo looked inside the back seat. Angelo barely acknowledged Brett, ignoring his enthusiasm as he spoke to Rafa.

“You ready for this?” He crossed his arms and waited for Rafa to exit with Lexi behind him.

“Of course,” Rafa said and grabbed Lexi's hand, helping her out of the car.

“Is she?” Angelo pointed at her from behind his folded arms. “If she shows any kind of weakness, it could destroy you before the campaign ever kicks off.” Lexi knew by the seriousness of his gaze that it was not another ploy to get underneath her skin.

“You were the one who wanted her to come.” Rafa squeezed her hand and looked at her. “I want to know what you’re doing here. We agreed that the group would stay low.” Angelo did not answer and knocked on the window of the Jetta to hurry Donnie along. When he did, Rafa shook his head with disgust. “I thought I told you we didn't need the police.”

“I know.”

“And you decided to ignore me? I said what I said for a reason and you ignored me.”

Angelo looked off annoyed. “He might be sheriff, but this time he's here as a private citizen. Let him introduce you. It’s his presence that we want. Then you can take it from there.”

“You should have told me first. I like to know what's going on before it happens.”

“If I told you, you probably wouldn't have showed up.”

Rafa ignored him and led Lexi toward Jim and Ray who waited in front. The brothers were wearing khaki pants and white shirts. They blended in well with everyone else who came. They did not look like they worked for Angelo.

Rafa and Lexi stood between Jim and Ray. As Donnie tried to pass them to the podium, Rafa snatched his arm. He stared at Donnie, holding him responsible for the attack on his store. “Nothing had better happen today or I’m coming to see you,” said Rafa.

“I get it. We'll talk about it later.” Donnie pulled his arm away, continuing toward the front as though the exchange never happened. He stood at the podium, glanced back at Rafa and then turned on the wire attached to his collar. “Good afternoon,” he greeted. Rafa tuned out Donnie and whispered to Lexi.

“You’ll stay here with these guys, okay? You’ll be safe with them.”

Lexi turned around to see Angelo staring at her and then whipped back around. Angelo. She thought. Great.

“Try to remember, this is like a promotion for us. Hold your head high while I'm up there. How you act reflects on me. It comes with the whole political scene.”

“Yeah,” Lexi whispered back.

“And keep your eyes open too. I don’t know these people.”

Rafa heard the crowd clap and stepped out on cue. As he walked to the front, he gave everyone a nod and shook Donnie's hand for the show. Then he stepped in front of the podium instead of hiding behind it. He wanted everyone to get a good look at their candidate. After scanning the crowd and looking for anything suspicious, he adjusted the small microphone on his coat.

“I’d like to thank all of you for coming out and giving me your time this afternoon. We didn’t have as much time to put this together as we had hoped. We faced deadlines being changed and last minute notices. But I’m here. I’m here because I believe strongly in this state and in you who keeps this state moving. All of you being here shows that I’m right, and I appreciate that you came with hope of a better Florida.”

“He’s good,” Angelo whispered behind Lexi. “I’m going to hate letting him go.”

“As Donnie said, my name is Rafael Paolini. Most people call me Mr. Paolini.” He paused for effect, establishing everyone's attention. “The reason I’m running for governor is simple. Like most of you, I’m tired of the direction this state is heading. I want to see more leadership…more commitment and hard work…a lot less lazy ass men with a title and false promises.”

“Should he have said that?” Lexi glanced back at Angelo.

“Well, the blunt truth has worked for him so far. I think people are tired of pretty words anyway.”

Lexi nodded. For a split second, Rafa's eyes seized hers. That was all the time she needed to know exactly what the subtle gesture meant. He wanted to know if she was listening. Maybe he needed her moral support as he stood in front of the wolves.

“I’ve been where many of you are,” he said, looking off to the side in reflection. “I was the young man just starting out who struggled between paying the electric bill or eating that day. We already face hurricanes and flooding. We see homelessness on our streets. If that isn’t bad enough, we have gators surprising us in our backyards.”

“But what about the hidden threats? What about the predators in top notch suits disguising themselves as our friends, waiting for the opportunity to pounce on our struggles as soon as they see the chance to benefit themselves and their own agenda.”

“Isn’t it time we unite…that we do what’s best for us because we know what’s best for us? How can someone with an agenda care for others who are dirt poor? Can they really understand what it means to live from paycheck to paycheck when their biggest motivation is what they can get from us?”

“I come from nothing and I built myself up. It wasn’t easy. But I knew if I was ever in the position I am now, I would fight to change the direction we are going and have been going for years. I want to see hard work pay off for every one of you. I am you. I’m asking for your vote because I’m someone who’s been there and not someone who wants to keep you there.”

He finished speaking and gave the audience a few seconds to digest all he said. Afterwards, he focused his attention throughout the crowd, giving him a general idea of where they stood.

“Again, thank you for coming out and giving me your time. I will be free for the next few minutes to answer questions.”

“Mr. Paolini,” said a man in front. “You’ve never been in politics, so why do you think you’re qualified for governor?”

“That’s a valid concern.” Rafa nodded in agreement with the man. “I’d say I’m qualified because I have ten years of experience in leadership positions. I also have a master's in political science and minor’s in both accounting and law. I would use that knowledge to make sure money is being used properly. I would use it to ask for the resignation of those abusing their positions.”

“Mr. Paolini,” another interrupted. “What is your affiliation with Angelo Tomassi? Does your run for governor have anything to do with your connection to him?”

“Fair question.” Rafa made no change of expression, knowing that the question would come up eventually. “I’m a business professional. I strive to be the best. It makes sense that Mr. Tomassi employed me as his consultant. Sometimes I work with the employees; other times I check the numbers on his books. He hired me because he trusts me. I’m all about the truth.” The person nodded, but Rafa wondered if he satisfied the question. It was sure to be brought up again. He expected it.

“Mr. Paolini.” A woman squeezed her way up front. “I know I’m not the only one who wonders. Are you married?” she asked, hinting at an ulterior motive with her tone. Rafa's eyes almost rolled at the question that had nothing to do with his run for governor, but he resisted the sarcastic answer that he wanted to give and smiled instead. “I am currently engaged.” He held his arm out to Lexi.

“Wave.” Angelo tapped her shoulder as Lexi smiled and held up her hand in the air.

“Mr. Paolini,” another woman in the crowd shouted as soon as Lexi’s hand went down. Even though Rafa could not see her, he knew her voice in an instant. “Isn't it true, Mr. Paolini, that you did get married and annulled the marriage the next morning?”

Rafa searched for her, finally spotting her dead center, a spot she chose so everyone would hear. He would have to personally deal with Sofia later.

“It is true,” he said simply and waited for the next question that would come.

“So wouldn't you say backing out of a personal commitment shows exactly what type of governor you would be for our state? If you’re indecisive in your personal life, how do you expect us to trust you with issues that concern us?”

Rafa breathed away his rising temper, giving himself a moment while the people nodded and agreed with the woman. As all eyes locked on him in front and waited for him to answer, Rafa crossed his arms. A smile of contempt replaced his stoic expression, a smile that those who knew him picked up.

“As a matter of fact, it shows completely the opposite,” he started with an air of confidence in his voice. “It shows these people that I am dually aware of a problem before I set it in motion. I foresee the unwanted outcome of a bad decision before ever going through with it. Instead of putting this entire state through a trial and error agenda, it shows them that I think ahead…that I sleep on the matter. And if I don't feel the same way the next morning, I will annul the action before anyone will suffer long term consequences.”

Judging from the crowd's applause, they fully accepted his explanation; then he shot a hardened glance at Sofia. Having once worked for him, he saw the alarm in her eyes, knowing exactly what the Tomassi Group could do with her. Angelo did not react lightly to former employees running their mouths, especially when it interfered with group affairs.

“Thank you. That’s all the questions I will take at this time. For a list of other issues I will address, feel free to take a card with my website. Brett is handing them out over there.” Rafa pointed to Brett who stood by a table where the entryway met the sidewalk; then he waited for the applause to end and gave a wave before approaching Angelo.

“We need to shut that damn woman up,” Angelo snorted. “She broke our code of conduct.”

“I was standing there, Angelo; I know,” Rafa said as Angelo took out his phone and looked at him.

“I'll meet you at the hotel in thirty. We'll handle it then, and bring her too.” He pointed at Lexi with Rafa scowling at him.

“What are you talking about? We don't need her there. I already explained the rules.”

“Don't give me that. You know why.”

While Lexi tried to make sense of their exchange, Rafa pulled her behind and opened the passenger door of the Escalade. “You're coming with me,” he sighed, stepping in after her. Five minutes later, Brett and Vin hopped in the front seats and Brett looked back at Rafa.

“Where to?” he asked.

“The hotel.”

“Are we dropping her off first?”

“I said,” Rafa grit, “the hotel. Angelo’s orders. Now start the car.”

Angelo had added to Rafa’s bad mood after what Sofia had said. Angelo was making an example out of his former assistant for some future reference. Rafa would have argued the point about Lexi going with them, but he knew better than to do so in front of Lexi.

The Escalade finally started. Even though Brett looked unsure about bringing Lexi, he turned the key to the ignition anyway. Rafa did not like where this day was heading at all.