Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 35

Lexi stared at the closed door to the office and let out a sigh. She imagined there would be many nights that Rafa worked late hours. It made her feel lonely to think about the days to come. At least, it was not like before when she had to sneak away to visit. They would be married soon and she did not have to leave.

She looked at her phone and pulled up Abby's message as she exited and walked down the hallway to see Maura. It was as Abby said. Her mother attended Rafa’s introduction. Maybe she thought Lexi would know something about Kenneth's disappearance. Still, why would her mother think that Lexi would care about either one of them? Lexi had not seen her mother since Kenneth traded her for his debt.

Lexi felt uneasy about her mother as she sat on Maura's bed. Her attention shifted to Maura. She did not recognize the dolls lying against the pillow at the head of the bed. She wondered if Abby brought them for her.

“Hi, sweetie.” She looked down at the small girl.

“Hi, mommy.” Maura's eyes brightened at the sight of her mother and lifted up her arms right away.

“Where did your new dollies come from?” Lexi picked one up and straightened its brown curls.

“Daddy gave them to me.” Maura smiled without a care, taking the doll from Lexi's hands.

“Daddy,” Lexi said breathlessly and looked at the door, never expecting to hear that name from her daughter's mouth. “Who is daddy?” she asked, wanting to see if Maura referred to Rafa. Maura twisted and pointed to the direction from where Lexi came. Clearly, Maura meant Rafa. He was daddy, but still, Lexi was shocked.

Maura smoothed down the hair on her doll. “He said I could call him that.”

“Did he?” Maura nodded, making Lexi wish she had been there for that conversation. It must have been while she shopped with Angelo's family. She missed all the fun at home for an outing she cared nothing about—shame.

Maura slid from Lexi's lap and began setting the dolls on the small chairs around a child-sized table—also not there two days ago. “What else did you and daddy do, Maura?” Lexi rested her chin on her fingers with genuine interest and looked at the girl.

“We played dolls and I made his hair pretty. He said my bows would look prettier on you, mommy. And I got to hold the baby. She was so-oo cute, mommy. And we were laughing. Can I see her again?”

Lexi grinned at Maura’s chatter. Staying at home that day would have been so much better than spending money. “Sometime, sugar bear. I’m sure you will see Lily again.” Lexi stood and walked to the doorway. “I’m going to make dinner. Do you want to come downstairs with me?” Maura shook her head, continuing with her play. Of course, she did not want to go with her mother. Lexi scanned the room. The dolls and table set were not the only new items scattered along the floor.

“All right, but come see me in a minute.” Lexi descended to the first floor and eyed Ray sitting on the sofa, half-keeping guard and half watching some talk show.

“Hey.” Lexi sat one seat over and looked at him. His eyes lifted in question, having no idea why she was talking to him. She knew he was there to follow orders and protect.

To clear up the confusion, Lexi shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out some neatly folded bills. “I don't have anyone else to ask; I want to buy Rafa a ring.”

Ray stared at her silently. Lexi knew what he was thinking but she was not going away. She was not the type to give up that easily, so Ray eventually had to speak.

“Do I really look like the best person for the job?” Ray said and glanced at the money she clutched. “I’ve never been inside of a jewelry store.”

“Maybe not, but who else do I ask?”

Ray chuckled. Lexi did not know he was capable of anything other than a straight face. “I have an idea.” He pointed. “Why doesn't Rafa buy his own ring?”

“What?” Lexi's voice soured.

“Well, how much do you have?”

She counted, “Three hundred and thirty.”

“Uh huh, and that will buy what?”

Lexi sulked. “It can buy something nice. Three hundred might not seem like a lot to you, but I worked really hard for it.”

Ray turned away. “Why didn't you buy a ring when you were out shopping the other day?”

“Because…I didn't want to use his card for something like that. It wouldn't be special then.”

Ray rubbed his eyes. “And what were you looking for?”

Lexi smiled and slipped her phone from her pocket, pressing the screen several times before she showed it to Ray. “I want something like that.”

The picture showed a white gold band with no detail and no stones. “You think that is good enough for him?” Ray sat back against the sofa as Lexi shrugged and looked at the screen again.

“He wears a watch and his clothes are all dark, so I think it will be a good match.”

Ray looked forward, glanced at her through the corner of his eye and then forward again. Did he expect her to leave? “Fine,” he huffed. “Give me the money.” Ray held out his hand and Lexi did as he said, happy that he would help.

“Thank you.”

Ray laughed. “Don’t say thank you yet. You don’t know what you’re going to get.”


After finishing her dinner preparations, Lexi left the pot to simmer and climbed the stairs again to check on Maura. She listened for sounds of playing, but Maura was quiet. Lexi hoped she did not fall asleep and went into the room. Maura was no longer there. She could not have escaped the house with the coded exits and Ray on the sofa, so Lexi went to the other jarred door upstairs—her bedroom.

She noticed the office door was no longer shut. When she peeked inside Rafa’s office, he studied the computer screen and Maura sat on his lap. Abby must have left crayons, because while Rafa typed on the keyboard now lying on his desk, Maura colored on the sliding tray underneath where the keyboard used to sit.

Lexi did not know what to say. She knew Rafa needed to work, and obviously, Maura interrupted him. Even though he seemed not to mind, she wondered if Maura was getting in his way.

“Hey,” Lexi whispered and opened the door wider to show herself.

Rafa leaned his head sideways on the chair, looking worn out with his red eyes and slow movements as he shifted. Lexi could tell his body hurt and felt guilty that she had not watched Maura more closely. “I had a visitor.” He forced a smile, trying to hide how much pain he actually felt. “I attract attention,” he teased, trying to lessen the worry in her eyes.

“I know you have work to do. Why don’t you let me take her downstairs?”

“It’s okay,” he said, gently stopping her hands midair. “It's not a problem. Maura’s my daughter too.”

Lexi said nothing. She wanted to see Rafa get closer to Maura. They were a family now, yet the fear lingered in her mind that something would happen to him. Something already had.

While she stared hard at the wall, Lexi had not noticed him stand. It was not until he laid his hands around her cheeks that she gasped, startled from her thoughts by the gesture.

“I do have a lot of work, but I will always have a lot of work. It’s not going to kill me to help you take care of her. I enjoy spending time with her. She's a happy child.”

Lexi smiled and looked fondly at the chair with Maura. “She is happy, isn't she?”

Rafa nodded. “You did an amazing job with her, Lexi. I don't know how she turned out so happy in such a fucked up situation.”

Maura's head whipped in their direction, Lexi instantly addressing her concern. “Sorry, sweetie, that’s not a nice word.” Then she pulled Rafa's hand to the bedroom, out of the office. It was his turn to stay quiet, suddenly aware that he needed to watch his mouth around Maura.

“Okay, I suppose I still have a few things to learn. It might take me a little more time.”

“You told her to call you daddy,” Lexi whispered, remembering what Maura had said.

“You don't like it?” he asked, taken by the remark.

“No, I do,” she said. “It surprised me, is all. And seeing you like this with her…”

“I might not be used to a little girl in my house, but I learn fast.”

“Rafa, tell me you aren't running for governor just for us.  I know what kind of danger you’re going to face on top of what you already do. I’m not at ease with it all.”

Rafa let out a breath. “Angelo wanted me to run before I knew anything about your connection to Pearson. I told him no, but then you showed me what kind of man Pearson was.”

“Don't you know how dangerous he can be?” she asked, her frown showing how she really felt about him running for governor. “You could die. Then we wouldn't have you.”

He nodded. “I’m not going into this alone like you were. I still can’t fathom that you were planning to take all of them on yourself.”


“They probably would have killed you.”

“Yes, I know.”

“You were willing to sacrifice everything for her.” He pointed at Maura.

“It was hard to accept that I might be leaving her without a mother, but I mean…there…what other choice was there? They kept threatening me with her.” Lexi's lips started to quiver as she thought about one of the times they gave a loaded gun to Maura to play with, a ploy to make Lexi do what they wanted. She tried to shake the tears as that old, helpless feeling entered into her chest. She would have done anything to keep Maura from being used like that again.

“One little woman against a mob of crooked politicians…” Rafa frowned with the guilt that he could have done something to stop it all. “How you felt about Maura, Lexi”—he paused, wiping the tears from her eyes—“is how I feel about you both. I’m not alone in this. I have dozens of men to back me up. We are stronger in numbers, and every one of them is willing to do what they need to do.” He wrapped his arms around her neck, bringing her to his chest. “The same as I am protecting you, Angelo is protecting us. He doesn't take risks. Nobody’s an exception. You understand now?”

Lexi gave a slow nod and reached for Maura who walked out of the office. “Dinner is ready if you want to eat, or I can save you some for later.”

She started to leave him to his work when he realized he wanted to eat with her. This idea of being a family started to make sense. “No, I can work after dinner. Give me a second to turn off my laptop.”