Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 4

Lexi leaned against the bar at the Sandy Shores, listening to the music overhead and observing the few customers who dined before the five o'clock rush. She enjoyed Miami. Lexi came from South Florida over the ocean split, but Homestead paled in comparison since Moretti had become mayor.

As she polished a wine glass with a white cloth, her surroundings faded to oblivion with her mind on plans of her own. She closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to walk along the warm ocean’s shore and be free from Moretti’s grasp. She basked in what that kind of freedom would feel like. She could almost taste it when Rafa rested his arms on the opposite side of the bar and stared at her with his dark brown eyes.

“Are we working or daydreaming?”

Lexi snapped out of her trance and started to shine the wine glass again. “I’m working, always working,” she said.

He smiled. “Do I make you nervous when I watch you work?”

“Yes,” she admitted and looked at him, pondering what she had said. “I mean, no. You don't. I’m perfectly fine.” Rafa chuckled as she put the wine glass below the bar.

“So you are completely relaxed right now. That’s what you said, right?”

“Of course.” She attempted to compose herself even though his presence affected her concentration.

“Then why didn't you hang the wine glass with the others?”

“Huh?” Rafa pointed down, causing a sheepish grin to spread across her face as she realized her mistake. “Mr. Paolini,” she whispered. “I can’t focus on my work if you’re hovering over me.”

“Why? Am I that irresistible?” His voice hinted mischief.

Lexi stopped and gave him a look. “You’re familiar with the rules of this restaurant. So would you mind not fraternizing with the employees and taking your seat at one of the tables? A server will be with you shortly.”

“All right. Who‘s my server?”

Lexi started to shine another glass to keep her mind busy as Rafa stepped away from the bar but was still staring at her. “Seth will serve you today.”

“Then I mind.” Rafa objected matter-of-fact. “Why don’t you want to serve me?”

“That has nothing to do with anything. I took the last table. We take turns here.”

“Then I guess you’ll have to put up with me standing here until the next table comes.”

“You’re impossible.” Lexi turned away, ignoring him and went to take one of her table’s orders. True to his word, Rafa still stood in place as she slid her pen behind her ear and approached the computer to tap in the entrees.

“How about another date, Alexis?” Rafa put her on the spot.

“You must be kidding.” Lexi glanced at him before hitting send. “I don’t know why you asked me out in the first place.”

“You seemed to enjoy yourself the other day. Why not go out with me again?” His brow rose as he waited for a reply.

“I did enjoy myself.” She grabbed two margarita glasses and salted both rims.

“And you could enjoy yourself with me again.”

“Okay,” she said with purpose. “I’ll go out with you again if you tell me when we met. I don’t remember meeting you at all.”

“We’ll talk as you serve me.” He pressed forward against the bar and whispered, “Customer is always right.” Rafa walked away, sitting at the same table as he had the first day that Lexi saw him.

Before she had a chance to ask him anymore questions, Rafa’s phone buzzed from his jacket pocket. She found it interesting how his entire demeanor changed when he answered his phone. Her guess was that Angelo was the one who called. She could not hear what was said, but Rafa’s jaw tightened as he ended the call and shoved it back to his pocket. He pushed out his chair and marched out of the restaurant.

“Guess he changed his mind,” Seth said, picking up some menus and walking back out into the bar again.

“I guess so.” Lexi looked at the door with interest to Rafa’s urgent matter when he came back inside again and walked directly up to her, his flirtatious attitude gone.

“What's your phone number?” Lexi looked at him and did not know what to say. “Alexis, it's a simple question. I want to have it, and I don't have time to look through employee records.”

“I don't have a phone yet, but I will as soon as I get the chance.”

“Then what number did you put on your application? Give me that one.”

“That phone number belongs to a friend. I'm sorry. I don't have one to give you.”

“Fine.” His phone started buzzing again, which he immediately answered. “What?” he growled into the device but looked at Lexi with a softer expression and tilted her chin. “See you tomorrow.” Then he walked out of the door with his phone pressed tightly against his ear, swearing at whoever was on the other end.


Rafa hung up and immediately slid behind the wheel, heading to the hotel. He could not understand why Angelo called him at all hours of the day. It was as if Rafa was the only member of his ranks and Angelo could depend on nobody else. This time, it had something to do with the governor.

He pulled around the familiar circular drive to the Royal Flush and stepped out of the vehicle, handing valet some money and approaching the steps.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Paolini.” The greeter smiled as he neared.

“Good afternoon,” Rafa returned but said nothing more.

In the large conference room on the lobby floor, Rafa closed the door behind him and went to sit in front of Angelo on one of the beige leather sofas. There were two facing each other, a table in between and four plush side chairs that reclined.

“What is it this time?” Rafa started as soon as he sat. “I was about to enjoy a meal away from this place when you interrupted me. If you call me to this hotel again, I’m going to start forwarding my mail here. Hell, I’ve only been at my house a handful of times since I bought the place two months ago. Do I need to put the damn thing back on the market, because you always seem to have—”

“Christ, Rafa. Is that all you can do is bitch?” Angelo flicked his hand in the air, earning a menacing look from Rafa. “Do you need to get laid or what?”

I was working on it, you dick. Rafa thought as Angelo threw a newspaper article in front of him.

“Brett brought me word an hour ago that Pearson is pissed that I won’t sell him more shares of this hotel. Pearson’s also saying that I’m not worth a damn and trying to get my current investors to go with him instead. He told them they were risking their money with me. That explains why some of my shareholders are asking for numbers and charts. I also hear he's hired someone to get me out of the loop, that he plans to bring down the entire group.”

Rafa sat back and pondered any situations that he had dealt with recently, but nothing pointed to anyone trying to take out Angelo again. He exhaled. “I've handled petty shit lately: small business affairs gone bad, a few men getting caught up in dope and couldn't pay back their loans, and a couple of guys who tried to jump bail after we posted it for them. It was nothing in the way of setting you up, for sure. These people barely knew their own names. Do you think there's any truth to it?”

“You know where I stand. I have to take all threats seriously, even if there's nothing to them. I have a wife and kid to protect now.”

Rafa looked at the clipping and read the headline—Governor Ethan Pearson running for second term. “What's with the article?” Rafa tossed it back to the table.

“Well,” Angelo picked it up and glanced over the words, “Reelection is coming up, and I can't stand Pearson. He can’t lead much less get anything else done. I tried to keep the peace by making him a shareholder, but he keeps trying to fuck me over.”

“All right…and…” A steady eye is all Rafa gave, expecting Angelo to ask something completely out of the question.

“So I want you to run for governor.”

At his words, Rafa stared at Angelo for a minute. There could have been an explosion, and Rafa would not have noticed any of it. He concluded that Angelo had finally lost his mind. “Let me get this straight,” Rafa began. “You want me to run the entire state of Florida?” His fingers smoothed over the growth on his chin. “This includes dozens of counties.” Angelo watched the exasperated thoughts cloud Rafa's eyes. “But you also want me to continue being your vassal so you can call me whenever you damn well please at any hour of the day?” Rafa stood and breathed slowly, wondering if he heard Angelo correctly.

“You have all the credentials, Rafa: An education, charisma—voice. People listen to you without question. We need somebody else in office.”

Rafa raised his hand in the air to stop him from talking more. “You need somebody else in office. I'm not about selling my entire life away. Hell, you already own ninety-nine percent of it. Why don't you run?”

“As if that would ever happen. Can you see me as governor?” Angelo snubbed the idea.

“Are you out of your mind? What the hell happened to staying out of the spotlight, because this will certainly not keep you in the shadows?”

“I’ve already thought about that, and I have plenty of men to keep the two separated. So give it some thought.”

Rafa shook his head at the suggestion and said, “Are you finished with me? I need to go check on some items for the hotel tonight. You know, one of those other tasks you gave me.”

Angelo held his hand toward the door and watched Rafa leave.