Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 5

When Sunday came, Lexi looked forward to a long-needed day off and had worked every night the past week. She had planned to spend the entire day with her roommates, ending with the date she agreed to have with Rafa. As much as her sarcasm masked what she thought about him, she did admit to herself that she liked being around him. It was a shame that Angelo made harsh requirements on his time. Lexi only had seen him for brief moments since.

Dating Rafa was never in her plans though. She still missed Giovanni and could not count how many times she lost sleep after being separated from him. Lexi knew she had to let go of the past and move on. She could not turn back the clock, but going out with Rafa could be a bad decision in the end. Lexi did not want to be connected to another powerhead. She wanted simple and Rafa was nowhere close to being simple. He also did not know about her past or her connection to Moretti.

Even with the situation as complicated as it was, she still looked forward to seeing him. He was growing on her, and it was past the time he normally came to eat. Rafa was never late—not this late, not eight at night.

Her thoughts on Rafa shifted when she spotted a man wearing a black trench coat, walking through the door. He was the same man who stole her from the driveway of her house five years ago. She hated him. She also dreaded his message every time she saw him. She could not believe Royce came to her job. The last time he had word for her, Ava ended up dead. Lexi vowed that none of her other friends would end with that fate.

Lexi cringed as he strolled to the bar and hoped Seth would not be cued that the situation was off. She did not need this getting back to Rafa. It would be a red flag.

“What do you want, Royce.” She scowled at Moretti's henchman, leaning her elbows on the bar and making direct eye contact with the greasy, straight-haired man. He had a certain scent lingering about him, reeking of cheap cologne that screamed psychopath.

“What do you think I want, Cinderella?” he said, his breath every bit as putrid as his scent. “A moment of your time outside. You’ll follow me if you know what’s good for that little brat you’re keeping. What was her name—Maura?” A twisted smirk settled on his lips. Royce knew exactly how to rile Lexi's temper.

“How dare you say her name?” Lexi slapped the bar with her hand. “If you lay one finger on her, I swear to god, nothing will hold me—”

“Outside, bitch.” Royce cut her off.

Lexi grit her teeth together, moving around the bar to follow him, not bothering to tell Seth where she was going. What good would it have done? She knew what was in store for her—a warning to be sure, one that would leave Lexi foaming at the mouth, anxious for the day of retribution when she could fully return the favor to Moretti and his spawn.

Lexi continued to follow Royce to the dark alleyway beside the Sandy Shores, where trash dumpsters speckled the path between buildings and no person should be walking after sunset. Once they were halfway, Lexi spotted two other men lurking in the shadows. They were both pointing guns at her as Royce slammed her against the brick wall behind.

“Six weeks, Cinderella. Six weeks and you’ve gotten absolutely nowhere,” Royce spat, saliva spraying from between his teeth. “Moretti isn't happy with your progress…or lack of, princess. You know he doesn’t see a dime from Pearson with Tomassi in the way. We can't have you sitting on your ass.”

“What the hell do you want me to do—waltz into the Royal Flush and shoot the man in the lobby? Does Moretti really want that shit coming back on him? I already told him that I have to wait for the banquet, so lay the fuck off.”

His hand lashed across her face, leaving an inflamed print to match. Then he jerked the back of her hair and snarled against her ear. “You’re nothing but a whore to me. Don’t waste my fucking time, or I’ll make sure it’s time well spent.”

Royce shoved her to the pavement, her head crashing against several bricks behind. While Lexi held her head, a wad of saliva hit her arm; the three men disappeared into the night.

Lexi’s stomach twisted with nausea. She flung her arm toward the ground, taking a discarded piece of trash and wiping off the remaining dribble. Her feet fumbled as she struggled to stand.

“Bastard,” she choked and took a deep breath. Lexi wondered how badly the slap stood out on her face and brushed the chalky white marks off her uniform. She was thankful the brick wall did not tear her clothes. By now, Seth would be wondering what happened to her, but she could not think about what he would say. She had to get to a phone.

Lexi walked back inside, ignoring the guests’ stares at her disheveled appearance. She guessed her hair was a mess, but it was probably her reddened cheek that stood out. The unwanted attention did not faze her as she walked straight toward the bar and shut everyone in the room out of her mind…until she spotted Rafa sitting at his regular table by the front of the bar.

Lexi had forgotten about him and wished he had not come at all. She would have to deal with that conversation later. Left with little option, she shook her head and walked past Rafa, glancing at Seth and pointing. “Please take over my tables for now. I promise to make it up to you.” Then she ducked into the employees’ break room and grabbed the phone off the wall.

“Abby,” she asked with a worried whisper, almost frantic about what she would hear on the other end. “Are you all right? Is everything okay at home?”

“Lexi, everything's fine. What's wrong?” Abby's tone returned her concern.

Lexi looked at the ceiling and let out a sigh of relief. “I’m checking in. I want you to keep a watch out for any problems, okay?”

“Okay. Are you all right?”

“I'll explain later. Be safe.”

“Okay, I have Maura right here with me. We’ll be careful.”

“Good, talk to you soon.”

Lexi closed her eyes and hung up the phone. She breathed—in and out a few times and then walked inside the employee restroom. Her face looked hideous. It was obvious as to why the customers were staring. Lexi attempted to part her hair in a way that covered the blotchy scarlet handprint, but it was no use. Maybe cold water would lessen the redness of her cheek. She grabbed some napkins and began running them under the faucet tap when Rafa entered the room.

“Who were you talking to on the phone—your roommate?” He turned the faucet knob off and lifted her chin to inspect the damage.

“I don't have a roommate,” she said, glancing at the wall behind to avoid his stare.

“Oh no? You’re either lying to me, or your house has some serious electrical issues.” He placed a bag filled with crushed ice from the bar against her cheek, making her wince. Several small nicks in her skin burned with the ice, probably from the large rings that decorated Royce’s fingers. “So, do you want to stick with that lie?” Rafa pressed.

Lexi did not answer his question and tried to change the subject. “I have to get back to work.”

He shook his head pointedly. “I’m not letting you work like that. Plus, you’re in pain.”

“These scratches?” She blew it off. “I hardly know they’re there.”

“And what about your uniform?” Lexi turned to get a better look in the mirror and saw scuff marks on the back. “Who did this?” Rafa asked. Lexi said nothing as he looked at the knot on her head. He moved the ice pack from her cheek to her head and questioned her again. “I asked who’s responsible. I’ll find out one way or the other, so you might as well tell me now.”

“Do what you have to do, Mr. Paolini. I can’t say anything.”

“Can't or won't?” At her silence, he handed her the ice and grabbed her hand. “I’m taking you home. Don't try to argue with me. You won't win.”

Rafa pulled her through the side door to avoid any more questioning stares and snapped at the valet once they reached the front of the building. “Go bring me my car.”

The valet left without a second thought as Lexi glanced at Rafa, aggravated with the fuss. “You’re making a scene with me. Do you know what kind of jealous remarks I’m going to face when I come back to work? Most of the staff are already gossiping because they see you requesting me, and now they’re going to think you’re giving me special treatment. I can't go home tonight. Let me work my shift, Rafa. I need the money anyway.”

“Not going to happen, Alexis. And I wouldn’t react differently with any other employee.”

“Oh…so you’d take all the employees home.”

His glare reflected her blatant sarcasm as his Lexus pulled up in front. The valet quickly got out and opened the passenger side door for Lexi. Rafa shut her door and gave the man some money before making his way around and getting in.

“No, I wouldn’t personally be taking them home,” Rafa puffed, his eyes narrowing on her before putting the car in drive.

They said nothing more until the car pulled in front of Lexi's house. It appeared that no one was currently at home, but that did not surprise him, considering the conversation he overheard.

“Keep ice on your cheek and head to take down the swelling. Then get a good night's sleep so I can see you well tomorrow.” He pointed at her front door and leaned against his car, making sure she made it inside safely. When she returned a confused look, he cleared up what he meant. “You’re coming to my place? Remember? I will pick you up at eight-thirty.”

Lexi gave a weary nod before stepping inside. Immediately after she closed the door, Rafa opened his phone.

“Hey, I have a problem. I need to place a watch on a house… Yes, I do have a good reason in fact, but I‘ll have to explain the situation later. Can you spare Jim and Ray… Good, I’ll give them a call. Thanks.”

Within two minute's time, Lexi's house came under the observation of the group. Something about the situation did not settle right with him. Rafa was determined to find out why. Whoever hit her would meet their match. His first step would be to return to the Sandy Shores—to take the surveillance videos and view them back at his place.