The Viscount Always Knocks Twice by Grace Callaway



“Last one back to the stables is a rotten egg,” Violet declared.

Richard grinned… because it was just the sort of thing his viscountess would say.

“I’ll give you a head start.” He tightened the reins as Aiolos stamped his hooves in eager anticipation. Ach, he knew just how the stallion felt. Since his marriage, he’d discovered the surfeit of delights that each and every day could bring—all because of Violet.

Wonder and pride expanded his chest.

The love of his life rolled her eyes. “As if I need a head start. I’m going to win this fair and square. On the count of three, ready? One… two… three!”

She took off like a shot. Riding as one with Moonlight, the silver grey Arabian mare he’d given her, she galloped through the heather and swaying grasses toward the newly renovated stables in the distance. She was riding astride, in the pair of trousers he’d had specially designed for her to wear during their romps together. He gave his lady as much advantage as he dared—not enough to let her suspect that he’d done so—before he gave his mount the signal. “Go, boy!”

Aiolos needed no further urging.

Exhilaration fired Richard’s blood as he followed close on his beloved’s trail. Somewhere along the way her bonnet flew off, but she seemed to take no notice, her thick, glossy braid flowing free in the hot summer air. He saw her sneak a glance back at him; that move cost her. Aiolos sprang forward, his longer stride beginning to eat up the difference between him and the dainty, fleet-footed mare.

But Violet, as Richard knew full well, was not the kind of woman to yield (except when he was making love to her and, by God, that was sweet). Sure enough, her elegant spine curved over the saddle, her slim, trousered legs tightening on her mare’s sides.

Lucky, lucky mare.

Recalling how Violet had ridden him before breakfast made Richard lose a few precious seconds, but he snapped his attention back to the race as they neared the stables, Vi less than a length ahead. He could see the finish line—the entryway to the stable’s courtyard—and the stone water trough sparkling just beyond.

Bending forward, he said, “Let’s show the girls what’s what, shall we, old boy?”

Aiolos made a noise that sounded like a laugh. The Thoroughbred burst into full speed, hooves thundering, spraying the air with clumps of gravel and grass. They crossed the finish line a heartbeat before their fierce competitors.

Richard dismounted as Tom, the stable hand, came jogging over. Tossing the gap-toothed lad the reins, he strode over to Violet. She put her hand in his, jumping down in a graceful motion.

“By Golly, that was brilliant!” Her cheeks were pink, her tawny eyes lit with good humor. “Admit it: Moonlight and I almost had the two of you.”

“It was close,” Richard agreed.

Aiolos huffed as if in protest, but when Tom brought Moonlight closer, the stallion adopted a more gentlemanly posture. He allowed the delicate mare to have the first drink from the round stone trough at the center of the courtyard before he took his fill. Then he stood beside her, nickering softly while she fluttered long eyelashes up at him.

“Methinks love is in the air,” Vi said, grinning.

And who was Richard to interfere with love?

Turning to the stable hand, he said, “Give them a long cooling down, Tom—out to the orchard. The apples are in, and the horses deserve a treat.”

“Yes, m’lord.” Whistling cheerfully, Tom led the way, the horses swishing their tails in unison as they followed.

Once alone, Richard turned meaningfully to his viscountess. “Now as to the matter of the forfeit…”

“Forfeit?” Her brow pleated; she had a dusty streak across her adorable nose. “I don’t recall there being any forfeit—”

Her words ended in a shriek because he’d swept her off her booted feet. In three steps, he reached the trough… and released her gently. She made a shallow splash. The water wasn’t deep—about the same depth as that long ago fountain, actually.

“Gadzooks!” Appearing stunned, she gawked up at him from where she sat, knees splayed, shallow waves rippling around her. “What was that for?”


Her beautiful eyes narrowed. “Revenge?”

His smile deepened. Devil and damn, he enjoyed playing with her. In the months since their marriage, they’d worked together to improve their estate, and, with Violet at his side, it hadn’t been drudgery. With her, labor was mingled with laughter and lightheartedness.

Every day held surprises. Fun.

“Well, you win.” She looked down at herself and wrinkled her nose. “Crumpets, my jacket is soaked. I’d better save it from further damage or my maid will have my head.”

Deftly, she unbuttoned the garment, a feminine version of a man’s riding jacket. She passed it over to him, and he took it absently, entranced by the sight before him. Beneath the jacket she wore a white linen blouse, which the soaking had rendered nearly transparent. In the bright sunlight, he could see the outline of her pink and delectably puckered nipples…

“Be a good chap and help me up, will you?”

He leaned over automatically, extending his hand, swallowing as he saw how the wet trousers clung to his wife’s incomparable legs—

Her hand gripped his firmly, and too late he knew he’d been had. The next instant, he was pitching forward into the trough. His bride’s merry laughter accompanied the giant splash.

Scowling, he pushed wet hair out of his eyes. “Think you’re funny, do you?”

“Hilarious,” she got out between chuckles.

Her joy was so infectious, so damned delicious, that he leaned over and kissed her.

One thing led to another, and she gasped, “Richard, not here. We’re going to drown!”

Good point. Water sluiced off of him as he rose, taking Violet with him. He made for the nearest point of privacy. The scent of fresh hay, leather, and horses greeted them as he strode purposefully down the aisle of stalls, the half-dozen occupants twitching their ears curiously as he passed. He entered the empty stall at the end, kicked the door closed behind him, and deposited Vi on the bed of clean straw.

He tugged off his sopping boots and made short work of the rest of his clothes. Already, he was fully aroused, his erection bobbing heavily as he stalked toward his wayward spouse.

“You’re still dressed,” he observed mildly.

She was biting her lip, fighting laughter. “Really, Richard, this is beyond outrageous. You don’t have to prove anything. I’ll be the first to vouch that you’re no stick-in-the—oohhh…”

Exactly. Yes.

Within minutes, he had her naked (a not to be overlooked benefit of allowing one’s wife to dress in trousers) and panting beneath him. He licked his way over every inch of her. She returned the favor, driving him half out of his mind.

When he judged her ready, he flipped her onto her hands and knees. Clamping his hands on her slim hips, he entered her in a swift thrust that had them both moaning. They’d discovered that this was one of her favorite positions—yet another way in which she was perfect for him. Through a haze of lust, he watched her pussy spread around the thick, veined meat of his cock, taking him to the balls. Enveloped by her snug, wet heat, he knew he wasn’t for long.

Sliding one hand under her, he found her little nubbin. He rubbed it, pressing it against the plunging steel of his rod. Panting, she arched her back, grinding her bottom into his thrusts. He gritted his teeth as his bollocks slapped her dewy lips, harder and harder, pleasure reverberating down his spine.

When he felt the first rippling clench of her release, he hauled her up by the hips, lifting her knees off the ground. He held her aloft, slamming his cock into her spasming sheath in rhythm to her breathless cries. Fire sizzled up his shaft, and he threw back his head, shouting out as he ejaculated. As he poured the hot load of his essence into his wife’s generous keeping.

With a satisfied groan, he flopped onto his back, pulling her atop him. He tucked her head against his chest. Time slipped by unheeded as their heartbeats slowed in languid unison.

Finally, he said with reluctance, “We’d better get dressed before anyone sees us.”

“In a moment.” She lifted her head to look at him. “There’s something I have to tell you first.”

For a man who’d never been able to read women, it never ceased to amaze him how clear her thoughts were to him. From the shy yet eager expression in her eyes, he knew what she was about to say. His heartbeat began to race again.

His throat tight, he said, “Are you… we…?”

She smiled. “There’ll be a new Murray sometime next spring.”

Unable to find words, he kissed her instead. Emotion brimmed between them. When they parted, they were both breathless.

“Are you feeling well? Is there anything I can do—by Jove.” The realization made him jerk upright. “I just dumped my pregnant wife into a trough… made love to her in a stable.”

“I know. Wasn’t it tip-top?”

He had no resistance against her flirtatious grin. Against the love and devotion in her eyes, a mirror of his own feelings. Cupping her precious face in his palms, he demanded, “Do you know how much I adore you?”

“I have a pretty good idea, but you can show me again if you want.” Her glowing smile lit his world. “There’s always the new gazebo to break in.”

He laughed. Because life with Violet was an adventure… and always would be.

The End

Dear Reader,

Thank you for joining me in the world of Heart of Enquiry! I hope you enjoyed your visit with the Kent family and ask that you consider leaving a review. The next installment of the series, Never Say Never to an Earl (Polly’s story), will be out in Fall 2016. More info on that book and others can be found on my website:

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Cheers and happy reading!

XOXO Grace

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Grace’s latest series features the adventures of the Kent family. Each of the unconventional siblings finds laughter, steamy passion, and true love while unraveling mysteries and secrets in late Regency England. Join them in their rollicking and sizzling escapades…

To purchase The Duke Who Knew Too Much (Heart of Enquiry #1), please click here.

When Miss Emma Kent witnesses a depraved encounter involving the wicked Duke of Strathaven, her honor compels her to do the right thing. But steamy desire challenges her quest for justice, and she and Strathaven must work together to unravel a dangerous mystery ... before it’s too late.


To purchase M is for Marquess (Heart of Enquiry #2), please click here.

With her frail constitution improving, Miss Dorothea Kent yearns to live a full and passionate life. Desire blooms between her and Gabriel Ridgley, the Marquess of Tremont, an enigmatic widower with a disabled son. But the road to love proves treacherous as Gabriel’s past as a spy emerges to threaten them both… and they must defeat a dangerous enemy lying in wait.


To purchase The Lady Who Came in from the Cold (Heart of Enquiry #3), please click here.

Former spy Pandora Hudson gave up espionage for love. Twelve years later, her dark secret rises to threaten her blissful marriage to Marcus, Marquess of Blackwood, and she must face her most challenging mission yet: winning back the heart of the only man she’s ever loved.


The Viscount Always Knocks Twice(Heart of Enquiry #4)

Sparks fly when feisty hoyden Violet Kent and proper gentleman Richard Murray, Viscount Carlisle, meet at a house party. Yet their forbidden passion and blossoming romance are not the only adventures afoot. For a guest is soon discovered dead—and Violet and Richard must join forces to solve the mystery and protect their loved ones… before the murderer strikes again.


To purchase The Widow Vanishes (Heart of Enquiry, Prequel Novella), please click here.

Fate throws beautiful widow Annabel Foster into the arms of William McLeod, her enemy’s most ruthless soldier. When an unexpected and explosive night of passion ensues, she must decide: should she run for her life—or stay for her heart?



Welcome to Mayfair, where passion and intrigue go hand-in-hand. This steamy romance series brings to life a Regency London of refinement–and depravity. From bawdy houses to Vauxhall, rakish heroes and plucky heroines discover that the path to true love can take some exciting and decidedly naughty turns…

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How far will a wallflower go to win her husband's love? When her disguise as a courtesan backfires, Lady Helena finds herself entangled in a game of deception and desire with her husband Nicholas, the Marquess of Harteford ... and discovers that he has dark secrets of his own.


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Wealthy widow Lady Marianne Draven will stop at nothing to find her kidnapped daughter. Having suffered betrayal in the past, she trusts no man—and especially not Thames River Policeman Ambrose Kent, who has a few secrets of his own. Yet fiery passion ignites between the unlikely pair as they battle a shadowy foe. Can they work together to save Marianne's daughter? And will nights of pleasure turn into a love for all time?


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When destiny brings shy Victorian maid Abigail Jones into the home of the brooding and enigmatic Earl of Huxton, she discovers forbidden passion … and a dangerous world of supernatural forces.

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