The Viscount Always Knocks Twice by Grace Callaway


For my readers who asked for Violet’s story… this one’s for you. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had channeling my inner hoyden!

For my writing tribe who keeps me sane: Tina, you’re the best partner-in-crime a gal could ask for. Diane, thanks for all your brilliant editorial feedback. Sandy, hugs for answering my panicked messages and sharing your expertise on all things equine. Jess, you’re a wonderful cheerleader and friend.

For the creative geniuses behind my brand: Seductive Musings Design, Period Images, and Atomic Cherry Design, thank you for making my books and website so absolutely gorgeous.

For my family who burned the midnight oil with me on this one. For Candace, best beta reader and sister. For Brian, whose edits made me laugh and go, “Damn, that’s good.” You’re the best, baby. And for Brendan, our little hero.