Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


This movingaround every five seconds thing was getting to me. Yeah, I knew I was in cahoots with nomadic vampires but the moving around had my head spinning in a thousand different directions.

If Ruth could see me now, she would blow a gasket. Her gray hair would probably turn red again. Which would be quite the look on a motorcycle, the fan of red hair would probably make her look like a flame.

“What’s funny back there, goddess?” Reggie called out over his shoulder while patting my hands. They were clasped right over his belly button and the thought hadn’t escaped my mind that they were so very close to grazing his groin.

Being fed on by a vampire clearly had lasting consequences.

I knew he wanted me. The heated sensation that washed over me every time he’d looked at me since feeding off my blood was undeniably passion--unadulterated lust. My thighs throbbed with want as the miles went by.

But it was more than that, if I was being honest with myself. There was something more between us, an invisible tugging, like a part of me was now connected to a part of him. The only thing I could compare it to be the few brief moments back at the pack where I realized Hutch was my mate, you know, before I came to my senses and he ran off to show everyone that he’d chosen Veronica instead.

Turning my head to the side, I rested my cheek on Reggie’s back, loving the fortress from the wind that was his body. “Just how things turn out. When you think you’ve got everything figured out, Fate comes and kicks you in the teeth.”

His chuckle rumbled both of us. Titus and Henry were riding in front of us on their own bikes. Things with them were awkward, but not as much as with Reggie. In fact, Titus hadn’t spoken a word to me all day.

“We’re stopping here,” Reggie pointed to a sign up ahead. The green sign on the highway alerted us that there was a motel and several places to eat.

I was glad to stop. My ass was killing me from all of this narrow-seat riding.

“How do you deal with all the moving?” I asked as we pulled into the place. The bricks of the one-story motel had been painted a pale blue in an attempt to make it look better but it was still your run of the mill cheap motel. Didn’t matter. I needed a shower and some sleep.

Reggie chuckled while Titus stomped off to get the room. I’d noticed they all adopted certain jobs and each did them without any discussion. Titus booked the room. Reggie went in and checked things out. Henry scanned the area for danger and made sure no one parked too close to their bikes. It made me wonder how long they had been travelling together.

There were a lot of things I was curious about, actually.

“Titus!” Henry called out of nowhere. Reggie had ignored my question for the most part. As soon as Henry called out for Titus, Reggie threw me against the nearest wall and went to action. It was vampires...again. They weren’t the ones from before, but from scenting the wilderness all over them, I realized they were nomads as well.

Titus ran over, looking like some overbuilt juggernaut. I was surprised the Earth itself didn’t shake under the force of him. He went straight into action, grabbing a vampire by the back of the head and tossing him into the motel sign. The vamp slid down with his eyes rolled back in his head, completely knocked out.

“Don’t move, Lizzy. Just don’t move.” Henry had taken Reggie’s place near me, caging me in again with his strong yet slim arms.

“What the fuck is up with Reggie?” I asked, looking over Henry’s shoulders. “Is it just me or did he not fight like that before?”

Henry turned around. I plastered myself to his back, not wanting any of those strange fangs inside me or anywhere around me.

“I…” Henry stuttered over his words. “I’ve never seen him...what in the ever-loving fuck is going on? Titus?”

Titus was still kicking ass and taking names but paused to take in what Henry was saying. His thick eyebrows bunched over his nose while he stood still as a statue but punched and kicked like he was doing it in his sleep.

“Uhhh…” I opened my mouth but words wouldn’t form. Reggie wasn’t only faster but at some point he actually lifted from the ground before Superhero punching one of the vamps in the jaw so hard that it actually dislodged from his face. The vamp looked like a broken puppet on crack. “Did he just fucking fly?” I asked and slapped Henry on the shoulder.

“Um… yeah, he just flew and he’s moving faster than I’ve ever seen anyone move in my life and that’s a long fucking life.”

In minutes between Titus’ brawn and Reggie’s newfound speed, the vampires were down, scattered all over the parking lot like yesterday’s trash.

Shit. Something was happening and we needed to find out what.