Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


“This is bad,”Henry said to Titus as he placed Reggie’s limp body on the bed back at the motel. Reggie was ten times more pale than usual, which for a vampire made him nearly translucent. “We need to find someone for you to feed on,” Hank continued, mumbling to himself as he began to look over the giant gash on Reggie’s chest. “That’s the only way to recover from this. These cuts are so deep. I might find two--maybe three.”

I sat still on the edge of the other bed as Titus paced the floor and Henry scrambled for answers. Henry was still mumbling to himself when the obvious answer smacked me upside the head.

“Wait, can’t he feed on me?” I asked as Reggie’s eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness again. He had done that several times as we rode to the motel. Henry and Titus both moved into a tizzy before they stared at me.

“I mean, he can. That would solve a lot, but are you sure?” Henry asked. His fists were balled at his sides, and he stared at the sunset orange carpet as though it were the one he was asking.

“That was part of the deal, right? I help you; you help me. I’m here. I have blood. I can help him. Besides, he’s been so sweet to me.” I sat on the bed next to Reggie. His eyes flew open immediately and his fangs protruded from his gums. They came to a point and even in the dim light of the dank motel room gleamed like polished silver.

“You don’t understand what it will do to you,” Henry protested and sat on the other side of Reggie. He took my hand in his. “It will make you go into a lust of sorts. A lust more powerful than even wolf mating rights. It will be uncontrollable.”

I scoffed. “I think I will be able to handle myself, but I appreciate the concern.” While I spoke, Reggie turned his head and I put my wrist out. He licked his lips but something in his eyes asked for permission.

“But Lizzie, you don’t…”

Henry’s words were interrupted by Reggie’s fangs sinking into my skin. Immediately, I was thrust into a haze of want. Passion rushed through my body, igniting my veins and alighting my marrow. With Reggie’s fangs still drawing, pulling, tugging my lifeforce from me, I climbed on top of Reggie’s nearly lifeless body and clawed at my clothes with my free hand.

That’s when the world went black.

I woke up the next morning, fuzzy, my head felt like an anvil. I leaned forward, thinking I was turning over in the bed but realized I was tied to something.

“It’s okay, Lizzie. We had to. It was the last thing I wanted to do to you, but you left us no choice. Here. We can untie you now.”

“Untie me?” My mouth was filled with cotton. My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. Even still, I retained some of that hazy feeling from the night before. My core throbbed and my cheeks heated up, but I hoped like hell they wouldn’t notice. Last thing I wanted was to be tied up again.

“We had to. You were out of control. I’m so sorry.” Reggie took me into his arms and cradled me against his chest. My first instinct was to be appalled, disgusted, that a vampire held me so closely, but my wolf revealed in the feeling of being so near to him. I relaxed and let him hold me while Henry explained that I basically tore my clothes off and dry-humped Reggie. When he was too busy drinking from me, I began to strip Henry.

“We didn’t want to take advantage of you in that condition. Well, most of us.”

I scanned the room to find Titus in the corner, arms folded over his chest as he smiled at me, making his biceps bulge and threaten to burst from his black t-shirt. His green eyes were darker than I recalled. “What I wanted to do was finish the undressing for you and fuck you like you were begging to be fucked.”

My entire body was officially on fire. I could see why they tied me up now.

“Well, thank you for handling me. I didn’t expect the sensations to be that powerful.” I paused, considering my question but asked it anyway. “Will it always be that way?”

Titus cleared his throat while Henry and Reggie suddenly got shy. “Yes. It will always be that way. And when it’s time for me to feed on you, be warned. I will not go easy or slow. I will fuck you like you want to be fucked and I won’t stop until we are both fully satisfied. Keep that in mind. I won’t warn you again and next time, I won’t let these two stop me.”

Fuck, I both loved and hated how I looked forward to the time when Titus needed to feed and kept that sultry promise.