Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


These fuckers didn’t respector value sleep, that much was apparent. The sun hadn’t even finished rising in the sky when they started bustling around the room, making all kinds of noise.

“Can’t a girl get a fucking wink of sleep around here? I mean, damn. Everybody is talking about feeding from the wolf but no one wants me to rest. Speaking of being a blood supply, I need to fucking eat in the mornings. No more of this get up, brush your teeth and get on the motorcycles with no pancakes or even a damned granola bar. Fuck.”

It all came out in a drowsy slur as I stomped around. After I was done, the three assholes broke out in a collective fit of laughter which only pissed me off more.

“I got you breakfast already, goddess. You’re right. We haven’t been as cognizant as we should’ve been of your needs. And coffee is on the table. We will wait while you get dressed and eat. No more rushing out. We promise.”

After blinking a few times to get my focus, I noticed Reggie was the only one actually paying attention to me. The others were packing. I got up to go to the bathroom after Henry waved at me and Titus gave me a weird fist bump that hurt like hell. The guy did not realize how strong he was.

Even though they said they would wait for me I hurried through my shower and breakfast. I was aware that despite my protest, I was cramping their style. I did have to rely on them for the time being and clearly now needed them for my protection since swarms of vampires were coming at me like I was the queen bee.

Never been the queen bee in my fucking life--no reason to start now.

Before I even opened the door, I could hear the grumblings of Titus outside, wishing I would hurry up, fussing about females taking a long time.

“It’s been thirty minutes. Get over yourself, you brute,” I said, flinging the door open. All of our bags had already been strapped onto the bikes. Henry leaned against a pole, doing his security scan thing. Damn it, he knew how to lean in just a way that made me want to lean with him, or have him lean against me. Any of that would be fine.

“Get her inside!” Titus bellowed so loudly that I slapped my hands over my ears. We hadn’t even moved two steps and Vampires were coming from every direction. I smelled their rot before I saw them, my wolf’s hairs rising on the back of her neck as she sensed something was wrong. She still wasn’t coming out since that day at the pack but I didn’t blame her.

Still, I could use her claws about now.

“Henry, do your thing,” Reggie called out but it was too late. Henry was already in the battle, slicing the throat of another vampire with his claws.

“I’ve got her. You two intercept.” Titus was like a wall of violence, fighting off anyone who tried to come toward me. Fuck, I was so entirely goddamned tired of being defenseless against these blood-thirsty bastards. My wolf wanted to take them out one by one but her fear was clouding her judgment.

One particularly determined swarm of vamps came toward me; their blood red eyes shining with the light from the now risen sun. Their mouths were open, fangs gleaming like polished diamonds ready to pierce my skin and take the life force that didn’t belong to them.

Titus went after them before they could get closer. It was a good defensive move but he was clearly outnumbered. He had to dart back to me once to fend off a random sprinter but soon he was overcome by the herd. They’d done it on purpose.

I was so focused on Titus that it was only after my skin had been pierced that I realized a vamp was on me. He took one long pull on my veins before Reggie grabbed the vampire in question by the throat and ripped him off me. The vampire had already lost his mind with the feeding. He clawed at Reggie, not in an act of fighting back but in a desperate attempt to get to me. He had no value of self-preservation whatsoever, he simply wanted what was inside my veins, no matter the cost.

“Reggie, take them out. Use your flying shit or whatever you have to!” Henry called out. He was still taking out vamps like they were toy soldiers without brains. The look of calm collection on his face surprised me. Like this was something he did all the time. No big deal.

His suit wasn’t even wrinkled in the slightest.

“Get on the bikes right this fucking minute.”

Reggie flew through the vamps like a tornado, taking them out in a flurry of motion. Arms and legs and vampiric cries were all around us while he tore through them. Titus grabbed me and before I knew it I was on the bike with him, riding behind him. It was only when we got going that I noticed the blood dripping from the moving motorcycle.

“How bad is it?” I asked him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“It’s bad.”

I held my wrist in front of him, knowing what it meant. “Take what you need.”

He pushed it away. “No, we said we wouldn’t.”

I scoffed and slapped him on the back. “Now is not the time to be a tough guy or cut off your nose to spite your face. Take the fucking blood. I’m giving you what I have. Take it.”

In seconds, his fangs shot into my wrist. I called out his name with the onslaught of lust and passion that rushed through me. It wasn’t as powerful as it was the first time with Reggie, but it was all-consuming nonetheless.

I couldn’t see beyond it. I couldn’t think past it.

Before I knew what I was doing, I reached down around Titus’ waist and ran my free hand across his groin.

I reached down with my free hand, running it across his groin.

“Oh, god,” Titus groaned swaying into me a bit. “Why you gotta do this now, baby. You want me to drive us into a wall.”

“No,” I moaned, trying not to focus on the way he was stiffening beneath my palm. I want to fill him. I wanted to run my hand up and down his shaft… but I also really didn’t want to be driven headfirst into a way.

I moaned again, tucking my hands around him as I focused on my breathing, even as my imagination took me back to that moment he had walked in on me in the shower… and all of the wonderful things I wanted him to do to me.