Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


The three men surrounded me,their bodies like lightning in the cool. night air, the moon dancing over all of our skin and they pressed against me, heat and cold blending together from all sides.

Cold from them, heat from me as all of that burning need began to crawl over my skin.

The heat radiated everywhere as their hands began to trail over my skin, moving over my exposed abdomen and hooking under the waistband of my jeans.

"Do you wish to join us," Reggie asked, his voice half a whisper as he leaned in, nipping at my earlobe.

"Join us?" I stuttered back, I knew what he was asking, but there was something about the way he said it that made me feel like I was missing something. Although, that might have just been because I was having trouble thinking straight with how their hands were leaving trails of fire and ice over me.

"Yes, join us," Henry repeated, sending me gasping as he began to bite at my neck from the other side. His teeth nips, the sharp points of his fangs scratching playfully over my skin.

It was then that everything clicked together.

"Be our queen, our desire, our mate." All three of them spoke, but I couldn't tell who said what. I couldn't even tell where each of them stood. My world was hands, and teeth, and heat of cold and an overwhelming desire that was knocking around my insides.

I couldn't think straight, but it didn't matter. I already knew the answer. I think I always had. There was only one, after all.


The word was more of a gasp, the gasp shifting to a shriek as Henry and Titus pulled my pants down from either side. Cool night air whipped between my legs, fanning all that heat into a fury.

"Yes." I said again, the sound almost like a plea as they gathered around me, and sunk their teeth into my neck. Three sets of fangs punctured me at the same time, the fangs pulling deep into my neck.

The world swirled, the heat exploding as everything began to go dark.

I gasped, sure I was dying, but the second everything dimmed, something else inside of me took hold. The world brightened, the dim light of the moon becoming as bright as the sun as they drank from me. As something in me changed.

"Drink." Titus was the first to pull away, his sharp fang dragging over his own wrist as he cut the skin and offered it to me. I know, somewhere deep down, I should be disgusted by this, but seeing the red blood well up on his wrist, none of that mattered. I opened my mouth as he pressed his wrist against my tongue letting me drink.

He tasted just like he smelled.

He tasted like his hands felt against my skin. He tasted like all of that desire that I felt fluttering inside of me. One taste of his blood and all of those sensations grew worse. He was a drug, and I wanted more.

Before I could get anymore he pulled away, leaving me pouting until another wrist was presented and then another. In turn, each of the boys let me feed from them as they had from me, all of those swirling emotions becoming intoxicatingly impossible as the last drop of blood touched my tongue.

I needed them all, and I needed them now.

"Fuck me," I moaned, knowing I was half delusional but not caring. All of those feelings I had been holding at bay for the last few days were coming to a head and I couldn't be happier.

Titus growled in relief, pulling me against him as he lifted me, his hands firm against my thighs as he lifted me to straddle him. Reggie was right behind me, his hands soft against my back as he supported me against Titus, as Titus began to lower me down.

The wide head of him pressed against my opening, spreading me as he continued to press me onto him. As he continued to fill me. I gasped in surprise at the pressure, at the feeling, at the warmth of him as he twitched inside of me.

I may have never had sex before, but I was no stranger to a good dildo, and there was something about this that was so much better than that.

"Of fuck," Titus groaned as he pressed into me all the way, Reggie's hands moving over my back. "You're so tight."

All I could was moan as he began to move me against him, move me against Reggie who was still right behind me, and his bulging cock that was pressing into me from another direction.

"Oh god!" I gasped, as Titus's cock twitched inside of, the man howling in pleasure as his own desire ripped through me. He hadn't even finished his shout before he was gone, his cock slipped from my opening and another took its place. Reggie pressed into me, firm and strong as he kissed and bit and my neck, Titus twisting and lapping at my nipples as Henry dropped to his knees before my.

"My beautiful love," Henry whispered, his hands on my hips as he looked up to me before he leaned in, his face burrowing between my legs, his tongue sliding between the swollen lips of my pussy. Reggie moved in and out, my body sliding against him as he moaned and bit and nipped at my ear. Being filled by him was one thing, but feeling Henry lick against me, his expert tongue pressing and moving and sending me writhing.

I had never felt anything like this before... I mean, obviously. But I didn't actually think that anything was possible. Not even when my body seized in pleasure, everything tightening as I screamed. As I came.

For the first time.

It sure as hell wouldn't be the last.