Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


“That didn’t go very well. Areyou okay with it, Alpha?” Reggie winked at me, taking my hand in his. We had a meeting with the pack, my new pack since I was the one with the highest rank and the Alpha role belonged to me in the first place. We hadn’t heard anything about the Alpha since he ran for his life like a coward and I wasn’t worried in the least.

“I can’t believe half of them left, just because I’m half vamp and I have three vampire mates. Haters.”

We were making our way back to my new house. I chuckled to myself as I realized I’d gone from the lowest of the low to the highest rank in the pack. From the shacks in the edge of the lands to the mansion in the middle of the lands.

Nearly being killed was the best thing that ever happened to me.

“It’s better this way,” Titus said. “It’s better to have a smaller circle, a smaller pack that has your back and are loyal than a larger one that you question. That’s why I only ever allowed these two to travel with me.”

By the time we got to the house, I’d made peace with it. Titus was right. I’d rather have a loyal pack of three than a distrustful pack of a thousand. Now I just had to hunker down and fix everything the last false Alpha had done to screw up his people.

My people now.

They had always been mine to lead. Which was a weird twist of fate to wrap my head around.

“What the fu…” I said as we opened the door. On top of the table was a vase, black marble with white veins running through it. Inside the vase were a dozen white roses which were all fully bloomed to perfection. Their petals looked like they would melt if I touched them.

“There’s a card, goddess. Would you like me to read it?”

I might never get used to Reggie calling me goddess. Which was fine by me if it sent the same shivers up my spine every time.

“Yes, please.”

He picked up the card and paled. Well, he paled as much as a vampire could pale. “It’s from Orinth.”

Titus and Henry both gasped.

“Wait, who the fuck is Orinth?”

Titus stepped back from the roses. “The Vampire King. The Vampire King.”

“Well, what does it say?”

Reggie held it out, his hands trembling. “Your blood belongs to me. I will see you soon.”

As Reggie spoke, the roses wilted, the petals all fluttering to the floor around the table.

Well, fuck.