Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


“I never thoughtI’d be back here. Last time I stepped on these lands, I vowed it would be my last.” I threw my leg over Henry’s bike as he offered me his hand.

We had reached the outer property line of the pack, the place where the lower shifters stayed together. Ruth’s place was right on the line. If she wanted to, she would leave this place with the ease of a sneeze.

“I know this is uncomfortable for you, Poppy, but we have to find out whatever we can about your parents. We have to. This is all craziness. Welcome craziness, but craziness all the same.”

Henry wrapped his arms around my waist as he spoke, his chin on my shoulder.

I was mated to three vampires. I never imagined this was how my life ended up.

“Let’s just get it over with.”

Titus and I went ahead of the others. Henry was doing his regular ‘scanning the area for danger’ thing while Reggie whistled something that sounded like classical music mixed with reggae. It was a weird mix.

I knocked at Ruth’s door and for a brief moment thought she might be gone. Maybe they had done something to her for being associated with me.

A gasp cut that thought in half. “You’re here!” She looked over my shoulder. “And you’ve brought interesting guests. Come in. Come in.”

She ushered us in, looking like Henry as she checked to see that we were alone.

“I thought I’d never see you again.” After shutting the door, she embraced me, nearly squeezing me to death. She looked older, even in the few days since I’d seen her. Her hair seemed messier than usual, the rings under her eyes darker. I wasn’t sure she had slept. Which was probably why her place was spotless. Ruth was a stress cleaner. There was even a fire, but it was kept low, nothing cooking in the pit.

“Um, Ruth, these are my… umm... mates.” Why on god's green earth was that so hard to say.

She sat down slowly, slower than I’d ever seen her move. “Is that right? Well, that makes some sense, I would suppose.”

“I am Titus, ma’am. This is Reggie and Henry. It’s nice to meet you.” He bowed low, like he was royalty or some shit, before he froze. “Why would that make sense?”

Wait, when did Titus get manners?

“Well, her mother was a vampire princess. So, Obviously, it makes sense.” Ruth shrugged like it was nothing, but I was pretty sure the world had stopped spinning.

I choked on nothing but air and Ruth’s words. “I’m sorry, what?”

She smiled. “I’ve never been able to speak about it before, not with the Alpha’s ruling. Besides, I was concerned for your safety, but I’m not afraid anymore. Let them come for me. Your father was once the Alpha of this pack and your mother was the princess. I was in charge of protecting them.”

Henry sat on what used to be my chair and crossed his legs at the ankles. “Because you’re a witch.”

This may all sound all nice and normal to Henry, but I still stood there blinking.

Ruth smiled and nodded. My heart could only take so many fucking shocks. “What do you mean she’s a princess?”

I was clearly a few steps behind everyone else.

Ruth patted my hand. “Yes, Lizzie. I’m half witch but very capable of casting protection spells. It’s my specialty, actually. I kept your mother safe, at least from the vampires and all of these years I’ve kept your identity hidden. It’s no wonder you are mated to three vamps. It’s only natural.”

“Why?” I asked, leaning forward and shaking my head as though that would help me keep everything straight. “Why were they killed?”

“The man you know as Alpha killed your parents, Lizzie. They were afraid of you.”

Gods above someone better start making some damned sense. “Again...why?”

It was Reggie who interjected this time. “Because the offspring of such a powerful shifter and an equally powerful vampire, well, could change the world, at least the supernatural world. Your blood has limitless potential to us, Lizzie. That’s why we have powers. That’s why all of the others of our kind can’t stay away from you. They are drawn to you, just like we were. Because you are our Queen.”

They all moved as though they were going to bow, but I jumped up, ready to start kicking shins if I needed to.

“If I’m so powerful then why have I been treated like dirt all my life?”

Ruth let out a long, weighted breath. “That’s because of me. I used my powers to tamper down yours and keep you protected. It was no easy feat, but I did it for you, because I loved your parents. The Alpha beat you and abused you as a show of power. He was also making sure he kept you under control. Fear is a good controller. He couldn’t risk you lashing out. If you did, they would see how strong you really were.”

I shrugged, nothing about this was making sense, and yet it was making all the sense. Which made less sense...

I clearly needed a minute to get my head on straight.

“Okay, I’m powerful. Now what?”

Titus crossed his arms over his chest. “I bet I know a ton of vampires, including the head vampire who would want access to all of your power. I knew you were trouble the moment I laid eyes on you.” His stern stare turned to a soft smile and he winked at me.

“I knew it was you!” The door to Ruth’s home busted open like it was made of straw and Hutch stood there, heaving breaths in and out, his face red and his fists balled as though he were ready for a fight. “My wolf felt you near. Now you’re all going to pay!”