Seductive Scientist Daddy by Scott Wylder









The next week passed quickly. Between my internship, my part-time job, and classes, I barely had a second to myself. Unfortunately, my part-time job barely covered my books and car payments, leaving me to survive mostly on ramen, which did nothing for my energy levels.

But, in a week, Ellen and Evan would be going up to Crystal Lake for two weeks. In exchange for taking care of the plants and the oysters, I would get a bonus. So maybe I could treat myself to some real food then.

I didn't see much of Evan for that week. He was busy doing work outside or traveling to presentations at neighboring schools. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to work with him more. After all, he was the lead scientist here. But, maybe it was for the best. I didn't want him to know about my silly crush. That would make it awkward for both of us.

One night, I was working late in the office. It was getting dark outside and I would have to leave soon. I was tired and I hadn't had time to eat anything, since a quick cup of ramen that morning. Ellen had eaten the last granola bar in the cupboard, this afternoon, so I would have to eat after I left.

I was debating on splurging and going through a drive-thru, when I heard the office door open.

"I'm sorry, Ellen, I'm almost done. . ." I turned to see Evan standing on the other side, surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here so late?" he asked. He checked his watch, his brow furrowing. "It's after six. You should have been out of here an hour ago."

"I had a morning shift at my other job, so I came in late," I said. "I'm just finishing up now. I'll be out of here in a few minutes."

"Lily, it's okay, you can leave now. The data entry can wait."

I sighed. I felt as if I was failing at my internship, just because I couldn't manage my time correctly. But, the thought of going back to my dorm and getting a little extra studying in before crashing was tempting. "You're right," I said. I stood up. However, when I did, a wave of dizziness came over me. I felt myself wavering.

"Lily? Lily!" For some reason, Evan's voice sounded faint. Then everything went black.

When I came to, I was on the floor of the office. Evan was kneeling over me with his phone pressed to his ear. He breathed a sigh of relief when my eyes fluttered open. "She's awake," he said into the phone. I heard a muffled voice on the other end. He looked me up and down, looking for any signs of damage. "Does your head hurt? Do you know the day's date?"

"No, and it's May 13th."

"Okay. Good. That's good." He breathed a sigh of relief. "She appears to be fine," he said into the phone. "Okay . . . okay."

He hung up. "The 911 operator says you're probably fine, but if you experience dizziness or headaches in the next 48 hours, I'm should bring you to the hospital."

My brain finally processed everything that had happened and mortification and shame sunk in. I had fainted, right in front of Evan. "Ugh, I'm sorry," I said. "That was stupid of me. I should go."

"Hang on. When was the last time you had any water?"

"Um, I had a cup of tea a couple of hours ago."

He sighed and reached into his backpack to pull out a metal water jug. He handed it to me. "Tea and coffee don't count," he said. "The caffeine only dehydrates you more. You know that."

I did know that. But, I had been so tired and it was hard to stay awake. "I’m sorry."

"Just drink."

I took a sip of the water. It was cold and refreshing. I immediately felt a little better. "Thank you," I said as I tried to hand the jug back.

He shook his head and leveled me with a stern look. "More," he said. "Now."

I shivered a little at his commanding tone. I had never seen him like this, before. He had always been so cheerful and relaxed the few times I had seen him, but now he felt . . . dominating.

I drank some more water. His eyes were on me the entire time. I drank so fast, a drop of water escaped and ran down my neck, to my collarbone, and down my shirt. His eyes followed its path before he looked away. However, his look had sent a shiver of excitement through me.

What was wrong with me? I shouldn't be feeling like this around my boss. If he noticed, he would just think I was a silly college student.

I handed him back the water jug. "Thank you. I feel a lot better now."

"When was the last time you ate?"

"This morning," I said. "Really, I feel a lot better."

"Lily, you just fainted. You clearly haven't been taking care of yourself. So be honest with me. What did you have to eat this morning?"

"Ramen," I said weakly. I flushed.

He rubbed his temple. "When was the last time you had a meal that wasn't ramen?"

I bit my lip. I couldn't remember. "A couple of months ago."

He smirked and shook his head "Life of an overworked and broke college student. I shouldn't be surprised." He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on. I'm going to buy you some real food."