Seductive Scientist Daddy by Scott Wylder









I swallowed. I felt a rush of emotion at his words, but I couldn't sort them out. They were all jumbled together. Before I could respond, the waitress came back to take our orders. I hadn't even looked at the menu, so I asked for the first thing that popped into my mind while Evan ordered a salad.

"Thank you for dinner," I said after a while "This was really nice of you."

He shrugged. "Don't think anything of it," he said. "Seriously, it's my pleasure."

I blushed a little. His words sent a bit of a thrill through me, even though I knew better than that. He only meant it in a professional setting. I shouldn't take it to mean anything else.

After dinner was over, Evan insisted on driving me back to my dorm room. "I can give you some money for an Uber tomorrow, but I don't want you driving home by yourself tonight."

“You've already done so much for me. You really don't have to—"

"I want to and I will," he said firmly. His voice softened. "I know the food and water helped, but I wouldn't forgive myself if you fainted behind the wheel. Please let me drive you."

I swallowed nervously and nodded. "Okay," I said.

He smiled. "Thank you."

The car ride was quiet. I leaned against the window and closed my eyes. I would have to study for several hours, before going to sleep, so it would be nice to get some rest while I could.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I heard was a faint fire alarm in the distance.

"Lily," Evan said quietly.

"Mm?" I looked up at him, yawning.

"Which one is your dorm room?"

I looked around and realized we were already on the college campus and outside the two dorm buildings. The fire alarm was louder here.

"Oh shit," I muttered.

Everyone from my dorm was piled out on the lawn. Red lights were flashing inside. Evan pulled over on the side of the street and I got out and ran to my RA, who was sitting on the sidewalk in pajamas.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She shrugged. "The fire alarm went off an hour ago," she said. "Some sort of weird malfunction. They're trying to turn it off, but they don't know how yet." She nodded at the dean, who was standing off to the side, talking to faculty members. "The dean canceled all morning classes, because no one's getting any sleep tonight, thank God. But, if you have another place to stay for the night, then go. We could be out here for hours."

"Shit," I muttered. There wasn't any place for me to go. I glanced at Evan who was watching from the car with a concerned look on his face. Well, there wasn't any place outside my wildest fantasies.

I trekked over to him. "The fire alarm malfunctioned," I said with a forced smile. "Gotta love old dorms, right? But, morning classes are canceled, so it's not a complete loss."

He wasn't buying my weak attempt at bravado. "Do they know when they'll fix it?"

I opened my mouth, but before I could tell him it would be shut off in a few minutes, he raised an eyebrow. "And don't lie to me. I'll know if you're lying."

My breath caught slightly and my mind went blank. His saying that, with an eyebrow raise, was enough to make me want to do everything he said. "They don't know when it'll get fixed."

He nodded. "Get in," he ordered.

I obeyed without thinking. "Where are we going?" I thought about possible places where he could be taking me. I hoped he didn't get a hotel room for me. I already owed him a lot for tonight. However, I wouldn't mind crashing on the office floor. It had a clean and fairly comfy rug. Besides, it wasn't the worst place I had slept. When a spring popped loose in my childhood mattress, I had spent months sleeping on my dirty hardwood floor with only a thin quilt for padding. The office floor wouldn't be anything new and at least it was quiet.

"We're going to my place," he said.

"Y-your place?" My throat went dry. I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle an entire night at his place. I already had a crush on him. Sleeping at his place would drive me wild.

"Don't worry," he said quickly. "I'll sleep on the couch. You can have my room for the night. You'll have privacy to study, sleep, or do whatever. I won't bother you at all. It's quiet at least."

"Thank you," I said. If he wasn't driving I would probably have hugged him. Staying at his place was better than anything I could have expected. I still couldn't understand why he was being so nice to me, but I felt completely safe with him. He had been so nice and kind and caring.

He drove to a modest house on the outskirts of Knoxville. It was a rural-suburban area, where all the houses had a small patch of forest in between them. The house itself was a small, one-story house. It was more of a cottage than a house.

"Come on," Evan said. "Let's get you inside and into bed."

I smiled. His words made me feel all warm and safe. I wasn't sure why, but I enjoyed it when he took care of me. I knew it was only for one night, but I didn't want it to end.

His house was clean, but minimalist. The only decoration was a bookshelf in the living room, which was cluttered with science and nature books.

He led me to his bedroom which was down the hall. "Here you go," he said. I opened my mouth to say something, but he raised an eyebrow. "Don't even think about offering to take the couch."

I flushed a little and he smirked. "I knew it," he said. He leaned up against the door frame, mere inches from me. My pussy grew wet from being so close to him. "You're the one who needs a good rest, Little One," he whispered as his gaze traveled to my lips.

I blushed beet red at that. I wanted him to kiss me and then pin me down against his bed and fuck me until I screamed his name.

Evan cleared his throat and looked away. "I'll just be in the living room if you need anything. Get some sleep, okay? If morning classes are canceled then you can study tomorrow morning."

Before I could reply, he shut the door, leaving me alone in his room.