Seductive Scientist Daddy by Scott Wylder









She shook her head. “No, you really don’t have to do that,” she said. “You’ve already done more than enough.”

"I don't want you to faint again. It's not a good look to have my intern fainting in the middle of my office. Especially when it’s so late. You'll give us a bad reputation."

She took my hand and let me pull her up. Her brow furrowed. “Why were you at the office so late?”

I didn’t want to tell her the truth. I had been avoiding her, so I was coming in late to do my work, after she should have gone home. I managed a sheepish smile. “I hate to admit it, but I don’t have much of a life outside of work.”

She smirked. “And you’re telling me to take care of myself.”

“I didn’t just faint, now did I?”

She winced. “Touché.”

I led her to my car outside and told her to get in, before pressing the water jug into her hands. “I’m taking you to a restaurant that’s about thirty minutes away from here, and I expect you to drink that entire jug by the time we get there.” I said. I knew I was acting like a Daddy and that was dangerous territory. But, her fainting was the most terrifying moment of my life. Even though she was alert now, I couldn’t help but notice her pallor and the dark circles under her eyes. Just this once, I would let myself take care of her. I needed to make sure she was all right.

She made a face at the water but nodded. “Thanks,” she said softly.

We didn’t talk much on the ride over. I was tense and on edge from her fainting. Not to mention I was treading in dangerous waters by letting the Daddy in me out to play for a night.

Her quiet voice broke the silence. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I should have been more careful, so I didn’t faint like that.”


“Yes, you should have. But, you don’t need to apologize. Just let me take care of you, for tonight, only.” It was one night. I would let myself take care of her for one night. Then I would keep my distance from her, again.

She drank the water, just as I’d commanded. It felt good watching her obey my orders, even a small one such as drinking some water.

When we pulled up to a cozy diner in a neighboring town, I confirmed that the water jug was empty and gave Lily a nod of approval. She smiled as if I had given her a long, praise-filled speech. Even if she was a little bratty, she seemed so eager to please me, which made her all the more tempting. I needed to nip these fantasies in the bud. She was my intern. Of course, she would be eager to please her first boss.

I led her inside the diner. An elderly woman smiled at us cheerfully, before guiding us to a booth in the corner. “Can I get you two started with something to drink?”

“Two waters and a bowl of vegetable soup, please,” Evan said. “Thank you.”

She pouted at me. “What if I wanted soda?”

“Caffeine is the last thing you need right now.” I left no room for argument in my tone.

She shivered a little at my tone, but I thought I saw a small smile, as if she was a little excited to be pushing my buttons. That had to have been my imagination.

The waitress brought us the waters and the soup, along with the menus.

I took one of the menus. “Order whatever you want,” I said as I looked over the options. “No sugar or caffeine. And you’ll want to eat your soup before it gets cold.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her grab her soup and take a bite before groaning. I smiled. She was adorable. “It really has been months since you’ve eaten real food, hasn’t it?”

Her cheeks turned a little pink as she nodded. “My budget’s pretty limited between school costs and my car payment. My part-time job doesn’t pay for much.”

“I’m surprised your parents aren’t helping you more.”

She looked down at her food and bit her lip. “I don’t talk to my parents a lot and I can’t rely on them for anything. Neither of them was around a lot when I was growing up, so I had to figure out how to rely on myself. I taught myself how to cook and do basic chores. I started doing odd jobs for a little bit of spending money; selling lemonade, mowing lawns, babysitting, or whatever I could get hired to do. I used that money to buy food and clothes, as well as my first chemistry set – I always liked science. I’ve been supporting myself since I was ten. I don’t think my parents ever gave me money, growing up. They certainly wouldn’t give me money now.” She turned away as if embarrassed by how much she had shared.

I could feel a muscle in my jaw twitching with anger at her parents. How dare they leave a kid to fend for herself like that? Lily was so sweet and vulnerable, and the thought of anyone hurting her in that way . . .

She was looking at me nervously. I probably looked as if I was about to snap at any moment. “I’m sorry,” I said finally.

She shook her head. “It’s fine. A lot of my classmates are struggling to learn how to be independent right now, so in a way, I have the advantage.”

I shook my head. There was no way she could believe that. “You should have been taken care of, Lily. You deserve to have had someone take care of you.”