Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Twenty-Five

Vivienne,Jake and Rick have headed out to wait out front for me while I make myself a quick few sandwiches with cold meats to eat along the way. I could have left without food, but my mates would have killed me if I don't think about looking after myself. It didn't help that my stomach was growling pretty loudly in the kitchen, and Jake made sure I planned to eat or he said and I quote 'I'll tell on you and watch as your mates force feed you'. So, food on the go it is.

Once I've downed one of the sandwiches, I pack the others up in a paper bag and go to meet up with the others out front of the house. Who knew Vivienne didn't like being in Eli's house too long? She said it started feeling claustrophobic in his home because it's so much smaller than what she's used to.

When I step out the front door, I hear a voice, a moment before I see his face. "I'm sorry Alpha, I meant no disrespect. I only wished for Eli and his mate, to meet my mate, Jane. I can come back another day, I'm sorry." Blaise is opposite Vivienne, and bows to her. When he does, a small gasp leaves my lips at the woman by his side.

She's different to when I first saw her, but her face is burned into my brain. "Sarah? You're Blaise's mate? How are you here? How on earth is this possible?" I descend the steps, heading straight for her.

Jake and Rick move to stop me, each of them displaying concern. "Dani? What is it? Do you know this woman?" Rick's gaze goes back to the girl who has gone white as a ghost upon seeing me.

"Yeah, I know her and so do you two. It's Sarah, the girl who refuted my claim as Alpha Queen. Remember, she got sentenced to the silver cages for her disobedience at my coming out ceremony?"

Jake and Rick turn to study the girl more intently, and I see the moment they recognized her. Their bodies go tight with tension and they move to stand in front of me, protecting me from her.

Vivienne glares at the girl, her hands balled into fists. Blaise seems confused by what's going on. "Who are you talking about? This is my mate, Jane. Her name is not Sarah. You must be confusing her with someone else."

"I'm not," I inform him, feeling bad for him. "She may have dyed her hair, and grew it out, but it's still the same girl. She glared at me for days because she wanted my mate. I wouldn't forget her face anytime soon."

Blaise seems a little pale, his eyes flicking between me and his mate. "Is it true?" he whispers, almost like he doesn't want to know the truth. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with pain, only to swing my way and I see the flicker of hate in their depths. Obviously, he does too because he drops her hand. "How could you lie to me? I thought you were a rogue in need of saving. What, did you come into my pack for the Queen all along? Or was it that you were still hung up on her mate?"

"No! Blaise, I swear, he means nothing to me, anymore. I ran away from my pack. I couldn't stand seeing her and the man I loved be together. It cut me too deep. When I found you, it was like a switch flipped over. I forgot all about him. Please, just let me explain. Let me show you that he means nothing to me. You are my mate. I don't want him. I only want you. I love you, Blaise."

"How could I ever trust that your words are the truth?"

His voice is filled with so much pain, and even though I don't exactly like the girl, I can't stand by and watch them end up apart because of the choices she made before she met him.

"She's not lying, Blaise. She may have been when she first met you, but right here, right now, everything she said was the truth. She doesn't care for Cam anymore. She loves you."

Blaise seems confused, and I honestly feel bad for Sarah. She lied to him, about her name, where she was from.

As I watch the two of them simply stare at one another, a thought is nagging at my mind. Just how on earth did she get away from the pack? Did someone help her leave? She wouldn't have been able to get away on her own.

"Sarah, who helped you?"

She snaps her gaze to mine, a worried expression on her face. "What, what do you mean," she stutters out, fear radiating off her.

"Well, you ran away from the pack and just happened to stumble upon this pack. It seems very coincidental you'd end up here, when I too ended up here." She pales worse than before, her eyes filled with terror.

I turn to Blaise, my instincts trying to put the pieces together. "Did you meet her before Eli left to come save me or after?"

He frowns, and I see his confusion as to why I want to know the answer to such a question, but Vivienne can see where my thoughts are going. She moves slightly, ready to apprehend Sarah if she tries to run.

"I met her before Eli took time off to find you. But why does that matter?"

Sarah is practically shaking as I turn back to her. Vivienne has moved to grab hold of her, which has Blaise expressing worry for his mate.

"What is it? What's going on?" he demands, as Vivienne growls in Sarah's face.

"Vivienne, calm yourself. I know you're angry, but we need answers. Don't hurt her."

Blaise is glaring at me. "What is going on? Alpha, please release my mate!"

"She can't do that, Blaise."

"And why the fuck not?!"

"Because Sarah is the leak in the pack. We thought it was you or Hudson since only you two knew about where Eli was going when he left, but now, this is making much more sense. Sonja knew where Eli was going and who he was going after. Sarah left Tim's pack, and came here with the help of Sonja, most likely to try and see what side the rogue pack would take in the impending fight. She was the reason Eli was kidnapped, along with myself. Her actions caused more harm than you can imagine. As Alpha, it is Vivienne's right to make her answer for those crimes."

Two people suddenly appear, people I've never seen before. They immediately approach Vivienne and take hold of Sarah with a hand on either arm. "Take her to the cages until I'm ready to deal with her," Vivienne spits, her eyes spewing rage at Sarah. The girl visibly shrinks. I would too. She tried to hurt her son. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of a mom defending her son, especially not a woman as fierce as Vivienne.

Blaise seems to realise how serious the situation is by the appearance of the two massively built men. He sighs in defeat. "Can I go with her Alpha?"

Vivienne nods, but doesn't say a word. Once the four of them have disappeared from sight, Vivienne turns to me, plastering a smile on her face. "I'm glad we figured out who the spy is," she says. "But I think that we need to find out just what she's told Luke and how long ago she sent information to him."

"I don't think she was talking to Luke. I think her contact was Sonja. And once she died, I doubt Sarah knew who was next up in the chain."

Jake frowns, thinking about it. "You might be right. That girl is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I think Luke would be smart enough to know she'd betray him at the drop of a hat if she was ever found out. However communicating with an Elder is not forbidden. She could get caught in cahoots with Sonja and no one would blink an eye."

"Jake's right. She's probably nothing more than a mindless puppet for Sonja. Still, if you need help getting information, give me a call and I'd be happy to help," Rick says, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Vivienne smiles around us. "Don't you three worry. I'll figure out what she knows and then when the time comes, will deal with her appropriately."

I shiver from the menace in Vivienne's tone. I really would not want to be in Sarah's shoes when she comes face to face with Vivienne. "Right, just because we have more drama, does not mean I've forgotten why I came to get you, Dani. Now hurry up and get your tushy moving before more problems decide to crop up."

"Hey! It's not my fault that more crap is happening. I just go about my day like a normal person and bam, drama finds me."

Jake snorts. "Drama finds you? Girl, you are nothing more than a drama magnet. Where you go, drama is soon to follow. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Fine, but I think that's an Alpha Queen thing, not a me thing."

"I don't know," Rick muses. "Other Alpha Queen's have never seemed to have this much trouble. I'm pretty sure it's just a ‘you’ thing," he teases, his eyes filled with laughter.

I just flip them both off and walk away, heading in the direction to Vivienne's home. I don't have to stick around and let them be asses.