Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Twenty-Four

Mitch stayedwith me last night, something that everyone agreed on to ensure our bond sealed effectively. When I woke up, Mitch was already awake, watching me with love in his eyes. We laid in bed together for over an hour, just talking. It was so normal, that for a moment, I forgot everything else, which I enjoyed very much.

We discussed everything that had happened the day before, and whether we were each happy with the decisions we made now that we'd had more time to think about it.

Thankfully, Mitch was just as happy as I was. I worried he would regret it, that the heat of the moment would make him wish he had waited for a ceremony, but he felt the same way I did, that that was our moment.

And for me, I was more than happy with the way things went. It finally felt like I was coming together as a whole. That he was just one of the many pieces I needed to complete myself. Even my wolf felt more at ease, like she too knew I needed his bond to help bind my soul together.

After a while laying in bed, Mitch reluctantly had to leave for pack training. Eli had organized for the rest of my mates to go with him and show everyone the pack borders, along with the animal traps to watch for, the secret hidey holes in case they get cornered and such so they could better protect everyone if an attack arose.

I chose to lay in bed after he left, opting to spend a few hours just relaxing, maybe getting in a few hours more sleep. Before my mates all left, they each came in and offered me a kiss goodbye. Jason informed me that while they were leaving, I could join them anytime. He also said to ensure my safety, Jake and Rick would be in the house to keep watch over me, and bring me to meet them if I decided too.

I eventually ended up drifting back to sleep and now it's just past midday. I've stared at the clock for a while, debating on what to do. My stomach settles the debate for me when it lets loose another growl. Sighing, I quickly get out of bed and throw on a pair of leggings and singlet.

I do something I used to do with dad in one of the houses we lived in. I throw on a pair of fluffy socks and slide around on the wood floors, giggling like a child. We used to have races up and down our hallway, each one ending up with us collapsed in a heap from the laughter.

I slide around, enjoying the moment of freedom, and the happy memory. At the kitchen, I push off from the entry way, enjoying the speed I build up, until I look up and panic trying to stop myself. "Watch out!" I call, but's it's too late.

I crash into Vivienne, who had chosen the wrong moment to move into my path. We both collapse to the floor, and the look of absolute shock on her face has me busting up. "Oh my god," I wheeze through the laughter, "I am so sorry, Vivienne." I try to clear my throat and meet her eyes with a straight face but her flabbergasted look isn't helping. "Are you okay?" I hiccup.

"I swear, I thought I was done dealing with children," Vivienne mutters as Rick helps her to her feet.

Jake appears at my side, helping me up, but not before ripping my socks off my feet. "Seriously, Dani? Are you trying to make our jobs harder? You've got people trying to kill you left, right and center, I would appreciate it if you didn't try to take yourself out too."

I snort at his words, and roll my eyes. "Stop being a spoilsport. I was just having some fun."

He mock glares. "Fun that almost killed your mother in law. Maybe be a little more careful next time."

"I was doing fine. She moved at the wrong moment." I turn to Vivienne, a little worried I hurt her more than I thought. "Are you okay, though? I didn't hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, Dani, just a little surprised. I wasn't expecting to get bowled over this morning."

I move away from Jake, who's holding my socks hostage and go to pour a coffee from the pot. "You know, for someone who supposedly has visions, you'd think you would have seen that coming."

I take a sip of my coffee, enjoying the annoyed glare she sends my way. She straightens and takes a step forward, her eyes intense. "You know that's not how the visions work, they..." She trails off when she sees the smirk on my lips behind the mug. "Ugh, I seriously can't believe I'm dealing with this again. Teenagers, you're like a plague on this world!" She runs a hand through her hair, and gives me a smirk of her own. "Maybe I should just leave, and forget what I came here for?"

"Wait!" I say when she turns to move. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm just happy and I don't want the buzz to die. It's been hard, trying to hold it all together and finally something amazing happens, and I just don't want reality to sink back in yet," I admit, turning away from her.

Luke and his bullshit consumes my everyday life. What is wrong with just enjoying happiness for a moment? Nothing, but it still feels wrong to do so when others are still suffering from his actions.

Her smile falters and she moves to encompass me in a hug. She lets me rest my head on her shoulders, and I return her hug tightly. "I'm sorry, Dani," she murmurs. "I'm sorry that life is not easy for you. But just know when this is all over, you can do what you want, when you want. no one can stop you then."

She lets me go and removes my arms reluctantly. "Thanks," I smile, but it's not as carefree as it was a moment ago.

"Well, as I said, there was a reason for me coming here. So maybe I can cheer you up? Get your mind on something else for the day?"

"Okay... What were you thinking?"

"Wolf training," she grins, her eyes alight with excitement.

When I don't react with the same level of enthusiasm, she sighs in annoyance. "I mean, fighting in wolf form, Dani. None of the stuff you've done as a human, but training done all in wolf form."

"Why do I need to do that?"

"Because now you've started the mating process, it's only a matter of time before someone tries to attack you again. Everyone, not just Luke, knows that a mated Alpha Queen is stronger than an unmated one. The more mates you connect with, the more untouchable you'll become. And while I know your father trained you effectively as a human, he never got the chance to show you how to attack as a wolf. I want to be sure that you have every chance possible when the time comes to defend yourself. Which means training your wolf."

I frown, unsure why I need training. My wolf knows what to do when I've shifted into her. Almost like she has control, not me.

"Why just me? Why not get my mates involved in this training too?"

She sighs, obviously frustrated with having to explain herself but I just don't understand why this wouldn't be something they need to know too.

"Your mates aren't invited because they would already know how to fight in wolf form. They've had at least two years to train in that form, and seeing as they're all Alpha's, I don't doubt that Tim enforced that training requirement. I also wanted to keep the list of people aware of what is happening to the absolute minimum after Aiden said there could be a traitor amongst us, closer than we think. The only reason I've let your enforcers know of my plan today, is because I knew you wouldn't be permitted to leave the house without them. Which actually may help, because now I can have you face off with them rather than me. Then I can instruct you better in human form since we don't have a mind link yet."

I glance over at Rick and Jake wondering what they think of this. Jake grins and cracks his knuckles. "What do you say, Dani? Ready for the ass whooping coming your way?"

I snort at his teasing tone. "As if you could beat me! You couldn't once before."

"That was you in human form, and you using your powers. You won't be using them this time. This time it will be just wolf on wolf and I'm sure you're little wolf will be shaking in her fur when she has to face off with me."

I raise a brow at his confidence. I've beaten him once before, I can do it again.

"You can be cocky all you want, Dani, but Viv is right. You aren't trained like we are. You only got lucky you faced off with us last time. But having to actually fight to defend yourself without using your special abilities? I think by the end of it you'll be begging me to finish it quickly."

I roll my eyes at his exaggerated prowess. Even without using what makes me Alpha Queen I can kick his ass and I'm determined to prove it. "Fine, you're on then! Winner gives the other a foot rub for a week."

I hold out my hand for him, and he hesitates at my overly confident attitude. I raise a brow, about to mock him when he clasps my hand. "You got yourself a deal, little miss princess."