Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Fifty-One

All eyes are fixedon me as I walk through the trees, dressed in a gold trimmed teal dress. Laura and Monique had it requestioned when they knew I would be accepting my role as Queen. I didn't want to argue over wearing something so girly, so I simply agreed and put it on.

At least I would get to go barefoot, as was tradition.

It felt weird to have them dress me up, apply makeup and do my hair when I would be dead soon anyway. But I let them have this. Hopefully it'll leave them with another good memory of being around me.

Jake made sure my last night alive could be everything I dreamed of and more. He ordered in over three dozen pizzas, invited Laura, Tim, Monique, Aiden and Lia over. He made a big deal how we were celebrating my last night as an Alpha Princess before I became an Alpha Queen. He even teared up while he made his little speech, something that almost set me off.

No one questioned his motives. Or his need for us to have a mini get together of movies, board games and food. We spent the night laughing with each other, talking about just anything and everything. Like a family does.

We made fun of each other, we made memories that they will always cherish. I went to bed feeling content that in time, they would be okay without me.

Monique is up by the stone dais, holding the box that contains my crown. Jax, Sammy and Lance are all waiting for me, each of them dressed in matching grey shirts and sweats. Once the coronation is over, we're supposed to shift and run together as a pack, so most people assembled today are dressed for that.

The many people who are gathered in the forest are all watching me with varying amounts of awe and respect. They have finally begun to see I would be a good Queen for them. Too bad it's not meant to be.

When I finally reach up to where the elders and my grandmother wait, I'm a bundle of nerves. My mates are all close by, watching and waiting with anticipation. Unlike like last time, we're already mated so this ceremony isn't about them, it's just about me.

Once I'm Queen, they become King's through our connection, at least that's what Sammy told me after I had mated with Cam and created our bond. There was no longer any reason for them to perform the other ceremony they had intended like last time. This one is all about me.

"Welcome, Danielle Jackson, heir to the Jackson Pack." Sammy is watching me with kind eyes. Who would have thought he would warm up to me?

I bow my head in respect, my tongue is too thick to speak right now. My eyes dart around, looking for Aiden, Jake, Blake or Adam. The four of them are spaced out behind my mates, ready to intervene when the time comes. It causes me to breathe a sigh of relief.

Jax offers me a warm smile. "We are pleased you have accepted your role. Today we're here among all your friends and family to make it official." He lifts his gaze from mine and looks out to those who are watching on enraptured. "Many of you know who this young woman is, and what she has done for our packs. She is a fierce spirit, a woman meant to take her role as our Queen and lead us out of the darkness the previous King had us buried in. I know there are going to be some of you who aren't happy to see her rule, but I think you need to think about the comparison the past month has brought us."

Lance nods along with Jax, picking up where he left. "A month we've been without the King. A month we've all just existed as a people. There has been no fear, no worry. People have left the packs, choosing to move on with their lives in the human world, and while it is something we don't approve of, our Queen has made it clear that no one will ever live feeling like a prisoner under her rule."

Sammy turns away from the crowd, as do the other two. "Is there anything you wish to say to your people before we proceed?"

I nod, knowing this is the time where what I say will have an impact and be left in their minds for years to come. I take in a deep breath, turning to meet the gazes of the many different pack members. Lily and Leon are up front, watching me with devotion. Tim and Laura are gripping each other's hands while watching me with love.

Lia is watching me with awe filled eyes. I think she still finds it hard to believe her younger sister is heir to the throne of a pack of wolves.

I clear my throat, my eyes watering as I meet the gazes of the people who turned out to watch me become their Queen. "Thank you," I breathe, trying to keep my emotions under control. "It hasn't been easy these past few months. But finally, we have reached peace, which is all I ever wanted for you all. I wanted to know that every person would be free to live their lives. That people would get to find their happiness and not be constantly worried about being attacked, or if they are breaking some arbitrary rule that had been put in place by a scared little man. Now you all have that chance to live your life as you please. Without fear, without violence and without worry. Today is a new day for all of us. One that I hope will mould us into a united pack."

Many of the people are nodding along at my speech. I could have said so much more, but I just wanted to leave them with my wishes of the pack being one big happy family. That's all I want for them. To live together in peace and harmony.

"It's time then." My grandmother smiles over at me then opens the box that holds the crown to be placed upon my head. My heart races when she sets the box on the dais. This is really it.

I watch as my grandmother comes around the dais to stand before me. The Elders figured this would be the best way for me to be coronated since Luke wasn't here to pass the crown on peacefully.

"Danielle Jackson. Do you accept the right to be Queen? To lead your people to the best of your abilities and through all the trials we may face as a pack and as a species? Do you agree to always put the packs needs above your own no matter the consequences?"

I stare at her a moment, hesitant about that last line. That's not part of the ritual. As I stare into my grandmother's eyes, I wonder if she knows more than I thought. Maybe she truly does know what is supposed to come next?

She remains stoic, waiting for me to respond. I meet her eyes with determination. "I accept the honor of being your Queen. I will lead you all the best I can through trials we face, both new and old." I pause, glancing to my mates before adding the last response. "With my dying breath I will always put the pack first. Above my friends, above my family, above my mates, above my life. The pack is what matters."

My grandmother turns to take the crown out of the box, her eyes watering slightly when she turns back to me. "It is my honor to crown you, Danielle Jackson, Queen of the Jackson Pack." Her hands shake as she lowers the crown to my head, and I am unable to fight the flinch when it finally touches my hair.

She reaches down and takes my hand, turning me to face the crowd. "I give you our Queen!"

Cheers rise up around me, almost deafening. It brings a smile to my lips. They accepted me. I am actually their Queen.

Just as quick as the cheers rose up, the pain strikes my heart. I stumble back a step, my hand slipping from my grandmother's. I reach for the dais to steady myself and I know this is it. It's happening.

The cheers have quietened, people now murmuring with worry. My grandmother is suddenly shielding me from the Elders, each of whom are trying to reach me to find out what’s wrong.

"Do not touch her."

She must know. That’s the only way to explain why she's keeping them at bay.

My gaze seeks out my mates, and sure enough just as I predicted, they are trying to get to me. Only my plan has worked. The four people I asked to help me are preventing them from reaching me. My biggest fear right now is someone will realize it is the crown causing this and take it from me before it's finished its job.

Aiden is aiming guns at anyone who tries to approach, and it surprises me to see Jake, Adam and Blake are doing so too. Aiden must have given them some of his weapons to help with this impossible task.

I can hear Aiden begging my mates to back off. "Don't make us shoot you. Accept your mate’s choice. This is what must be done."

Everyone is glaring at him, but as if they sense my gaze on them, they all turn to look at me. "I'm sorry," I mouth out, gasping as another bolt of pain shoots through my heart.

My body feels hot, a fire deep within me consuming me from the inside out. Instinctually I know that once the fire has consumed my whole being, I will cease to exist in this world.

I pant as the pain gets stronger, and I worry that more people will try and reach me and stop this from happening. Fighting breaks out as my mates struggle to get to me, to save me from a fate I want. My vision starts to blur with tears, the pain too much to bear as I slide to the ground against the dais.

The last thing I hear in this world is the sorrowful howls of my mates mourning my death.