Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Fifty

I chuckleat the four men sitting on the sofa, staring at me like I'm crazy. Well crazier than normal.

Thankfully I was able to convince Jake to come with me this morning, and then we picked Aiden up along the way.

When I brought them to the house Adam and Blake were living in, both the other men objected to even going up to the front door, let alone even entertaining the thought of going in.

I had to remind them to trust me, and to let me do all the talking.

Adam of course was against me coming inside his home. He refused to hear what I had to say, but luckily Blake overruled him and told Adam to simply hear me out. Especially after the way they had treated me at the words of their father.

Everyone went inside, and I gestured for them to sit down. I explained that there is a reason the four of them were chosen by me and that I needed them to listen before they asked any questions.

It took me almost an hour to run through everything important. I told them about the curse on our kind, the cleansing and what I was told, and the crown being the thing to kill me.

Then I told them my plan.

I wanted all four of them to do their best to protect me from being saved when the time comes.

"You want us to stop anyone who tries to save you?" Aiden asks, his brow furrowed, and his lips pursed. "I mean, I knew you were crazy, but I don't think even I could hold back wolves intent on saving you. Not without killing them."

"I don't want you to kill them, just buy me some time if I need it."

Adam is watching me warily. Like he thinks this is some kind of trap. "What about what happens to us after you die? Have you thought about that?"

I nod and reach in under my hoodie for the small packet filled with letters to everyone. Well, at least everyone who doesn't know the plan. There was a letter to Jake and Aiden in here too, but if they agree to this, they won't have to read their letter I suppose.

I place the packet on the table and all of their gazes fixate on it. "This packet has letters to each of my mates, the council members, my grandmother, Tim, Laura, Rick, Lia, Lily and of course there's one for you two in there also," I say, gesturing to Jake and Aiden. "In each letter I tell them why I did this, what it meant and what it will mean for our kind. The council members have directions for ruling the packs in the future. With the coronation, my mates will automatically be linked to the throne and will be able to rule after my death. But my letters will guide them into making some much needed changes. At least I hope they do.”

I go quiet and let them think it all over. I'm hopeful that they'll at least consider helping me. If not for me, but for the pack. It hasn’t been an easy decision, to give up my life for everyone else, but after all Luke has put them through, am I any better if I refuse to do what must be done out of the same selfishness.

"You definitely want to do this?" Jake is staring at me with mixed expressions flashing in his eyes. "You want to sacrifice yourself for the rest of us? Are you sure about this, Dani?"

"I'm as sure about this as I was about being cleansed. This is what has to be done. Am I happy about it? No. I finally reached a point where I’m happy, there isn’t anything looming over my head. I’m so close to my happily ever after, but if I can save the rest of our people from ever having to go through all that I did, then I think my life is a fair price to pay."

Jake is nodding slowly, his eyes still showing a mix of warring emotions. "It took me a while, but I have learned to trust you, Dani. I may not like it. Actually, I hate the idea of you not being here, but if you honestly think this is what must be done, then I will stand behind you no matter what decision you choose to make. Just please tell me you have at least thought about every other option before making this choice."

What can I say? There wasn't really a choice to be made. It was my life or the pack's. That’s what Malina said. There was no in between.

"There are no other options, but I promise you that this is what has to be done. Our future depends on repairing the balance, on giving back my blood to make us even with Mother Earth.”

Aiden is staring at the packet of letters, his brow furrowed. "Lia is gonna hate me." He lifts his gaze to mine. "Even if we do this, if we help keep them away from you after you're crowned, there is going to be a lot of people who hate us for agreeing to help, despite the letters you've left behind. It's a big risk to take," he finishes, his eyes on me. "You're asking a lot. You know that, don’t you? This could very well be the end of our lives as we know it."

I know that. And I hate having to ask it of them, but I don't know who else I could ask. Not and have them follow through. Maybe if my mates knew the full problem, they would be agreeable. But if they aren't, if they're too overprotective, then it would lead to a life of resentment whenever things kept going wrong in the packs. I would never be able to relax for fear that it was my fault people got hurt, or that the packs were in trouble.

"If you don't want to do what I'm asking, then I will understand. It is a lot to ask of you. And I wouldn't be asking. I’m not gonna lie and say I know how it will all play out, because the fact is I'm as clueless about this as the rest of you. All I know is that this is what I'm meant to do. I just can't do it alone."

Blake, the quieter of the four of them rises and comes around to hug me. I freeze, not quite expecting his affection. "Thank you," he says when he pulls away. "Even while you're asking this, not once have you tried to be selfish. If this is truly what the original Queen wants, then it means she has asked it of every person who came before you and they were not strong enough to think of more than themselves. You are sacrificing everything for our happiness, and I will forever be grateful for your actions tomorrow. I will help you any way I can."

"Thank you," I murmur, tearing up at his words. He's right that I'm sacrificing a lot. I'm losing any chance of a life. A future.

The other three are all watching our interaction with varying degrees of acceptance. Jake sighs, and runs a hand through his hair. "I don't want to do this. I would rather see you alive and well, but if this is truly the only way, then yes I will help you in your final moments."

Aiden sighs and nods along in defeat. "Fine, if they're going to help, may as well join the club." He gestures down at the packet of letters. "I expect you to update those though to say we were only doing what was asked of us. These three won't get harmed but me, I'll have a massive ass target on my back. I want it in writing that I was only doing what was requested of me as a friend. And I expect you three to back me up when the time comes."

Jake chuckles under his breath. "Don't worry, Aiden, I won't let you get eaten by the big bad wolves."

Aiden throws a nasty glare at Jake but doesn't say a word. I think he knows Jake will have his back.

My eyes land on Adam, waiting for his decision. He seems to be thinking it over, unsure on what course of action to take. I knew he might be the one who was difficult to convince. I had hoped that his hatred of me being Queen though would be enough to push him into helping me.

Adam finally lifts his eyes to meet mine. "I hate you."

Jake growls, but I raise a hand to stop any argument. I already knew he didn't like me, his statement isn't news. Nor does it bother me. Not everyone in this world is going to love or accept me, that's a fact of life.

"I hate that after all the time I spent hating you for what you are, what you represented, you are a better person than I thought. I also hate that you’re going to rip my brothers heart out by doing this. But..." he heaves a sigh, letting the breath of air out slowly. "I understand why you're doing this. I wish that my father had of been as good of a leader as you are proving to be."

I blink back tears, moved by his honesty. I never thought he would say I was a good leader. Never, not even if I was dying. He studies me a moment, like he's got more to say, but just thinking of the right way to say it.

"For the good of our packs, I will help you. Maybe this will give us the chance to start fresh. I just truly hope this is worth it. My brother is finally happy, after all the shit that has happened, he deserves happiness. Taking this from him is going to gut him."

"I know," I admit with a sigh.

That has been the biggest thing that has kept me awake most nights. The thought of leaving all my mates behind. They've only just begun to heal from what happened, and then I'm going to do this. It will rip their hearts out, but I just have to hope they will eventually understand that it was a necessary evil.

In each of the letters, I told them how much I loved them. That I wished for them to move on and find peace without me. To live as I wanted them to.

Hopefully they do as I wish and find a way to be happy.

"Thank you, all of you." My eyes well up with tears as I look around at the four of them. "Please, take care of them for me."

They know I'm not just talking about the pack anymore. Jake comes to me, wrapping me in a hug. He pulls away with a sigh. "Come on, we better get back. Besides, I think everyone will suspect something is up if they see you hanging with him." Jake gestures over at Adam pointedly.

The man in question just rolls his eyes. "Yes, time for you to leave. I need my beauty sleep."

Blake takes the packet of letters from the table, clutching them tightly. "I'll deliver these after everything is done."

I nod my thanks and turn away. Aiden follows after Jake and I, sighing when we get back outside. Adam all but slams the door behind us, leaving me to wonder if I pissed him off by asking for his help. Probably. But at least he agreed to help me, even if it was just for the packs.

"Is there anything you want to do before tomorrow?" Aiden is watching me with worried eyes. "People you want to say goodbye to? Things you want to do that are on your bucket list?"

We begin to walk back to the house slowly and I think his question over. "I don't think I really have a bucket list. Maybe if anything, I'd just like a night with everyone. One last moment of happiness. Something that will give them all a good memory to remember me by."

Aiden turns away from me, wiping his eyes. Who knew a big bad wolf hunter could cry?

Jake clears his throat, his own eyes glazing ever so slightly. A determined expression settles on his face. "Consider it done."