Obsessed Love by MINK



Imoan as his hands roam my body. His touch isn’t soft. It’s firm and possessive, maybe even a bit protective. I smile, fighting not to wake up from my dream. Usually I suffer from nightmares that steal my sleep, so I fight to stay under, never wanting this to end.

Why is it that every time you realize you’re in a sex dream your mind tries to rob you of it? I press my thighs together, enjoying the unfamiliar throb there. Another moan leaves my lips.

“Bet you taste as sweet as you sound.” A voice rumbles next to my ear, causing goosebumps to break out along my skin.

I gasp, realizing the deep voice I heard is very much real and not a dream at all. My eyes spring open, but I only see darkness. I never sleep in the dark. I always leave a light on somewhere.

I reach for my throat, remembering the feeling of all the air leaving my body. Once I realize nothing is around my neck, I reach for my gun but come up empty-handed. Everything is gone, even my belt. Panic, the raw kind that turns your insides to acid, rises into my throat. What the heck is going on?

I jerk up into a sitting position, trying to get my bearings and allowing time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. “Who’s there?” I ask. My mind is already flashing to the last thing I remember.

“Bruno Cavetti.” My heart starts to strum harder as I remember the man as he unfolded from his vehicle. He was intimidating, standing over a foot taller than me. Yet that didn’t stop my attraction to him.

The rush of heat I’d felt at the sight of him mixed with the touch of fear because of his size had surprised me. He could easily overpower me was my first thought in that moment. I should have moved away from him, or called for backup sooner, but my stupid twisted mind had gotten caught up in the idea of him overpowering me.

Before him it had been a fantasy of mine, nothing more. One that I’ve kept trapped away in the back of my mind for as long as I can remember. And that fantasy definitely didn’t have a place in my career, especially when most of the guys I took down were short on hygiene, teeth, and tact.

Even though this guy made my spidey senses tingle, I never thought for a moment him coming at me could be a real possibility. Especially when I got a better look at the man’s handsome face. He didn’t need to force anyone to do anything. I should've known better than to let my guard down. I was trained to know better.

“You remember.” His deep voice rumbles from somewhere close. A moment later, the room fills with light. I blink as I take in the overly done bedroom around me, trying to figure out where I am.

The giant windows are covered in heavy, thick curtains from floor to ceiling, not revealing what time of the day it might even be. I’m sitting in the center of a fluffy bed. Everything in the room screams of money. There was no expense spared in this place. Why am I here?

“You must have been tired. You shouldn’t have been out so long.” Is he actually trying to sound concerned? The man abducted me, and now he’s worried if I’m well rested or not?

“You choked me.” I brush my fingers across my throat. There is no pain there. Even when he’d wrapped his arm around me, it hadn’t hurt. I’d fought him as darkness took me under. He’d let me hit and scratch at him, not trying to stop me.

“I didn’t have much of a choice.” He pushes off the wall he’s casually leaning against. The same calmness he’s displaying now is what had me dropping my guard to begin with when I pulled him over. He wasn’t what I expected when I saw the sleek fancy SUV speeding through town. Then again, I don’t think anyone ever expects someone like him.

“You didn’t have a choice?” I question as I scurry backwards until my back hits the headboard. He stops when he gets to the side of the bed.

It’s then that it really sinks in that I have nothing to defend myself with. All of my training would be useless against this man. He’s more than twice my size, and he’s all brute force. He’d already gotten the drop on me. I’m done for. I won’t be able to stop him. Again, that same wicked thrill runs through my body, making me wonder what is wrong with me? How could I possibly be getting turned on right now?

“How else was I going to get you to come with me?”

I stare at him. Why does he have to be so damn handsome? I bet if he were hideous, my body and mind would be in sync with one another. That the only thing I would feel is fear. And that’s the last thing I feel right now.

“Why?” I find myself asking.

There is no way he doesn’t realize what he’s done. I mean, he may be big, but he in no way looks as though he’s dumb.

He’s kidnapped a police officer. He doesn't seem crazy, so there must be some reason I’m not understanding. He knocked me out. He could have taken off and gotten away. If he wanted me dead, he had the chance to kill me already.

“I want you,” he states simply. The same words he said after he’d said he wasn't going to kill me.

“You want me?” I repeat. “I’m not just a toy on a shelf you can grab and take with you.” Does he have any idea how utterly insane he sounds?

“You must be hungry,” he says as his eyes roam over my body. The way he’s devouring me with them, you’d think I was naked and not still in my uniform. Minus my shoes and utility belt.

“I’m not hungry.” My stomach is in knots.

“You’ll change your mind when you see the food. Alice has been cooking since I brought you home. We don’t want to be rude. She’s excited.”

“Rude!” I hiss. “We don’t want to be rude?”

Okay, maybe he is crazy. My eyes drop to his hand to check for a wedding band. Is he talking about his wife? Surely not. I glare at him as I find myself growing madder at the fact that he might have a wife. Even if I don’t see a ring or the indentation of one, he might have removed it.

“Come.” He offers me an outstretched hand. I lean forward as if I'm going to take it. This time it’s him that drops his guard. I lunge for the lamp on the side table, grabbing it.

His hand wraps around my ankle when I get a hold of it. I roll over to swing it at him. He dodges it easily. The lamp goes sailing across the room, shattering in front of an older woman with a tray in her hands.

“Help, he's kidnapped me! I’m a police officer!” I shout.

Her eyes widen for a moment. “I knew it would take a feisty one to take you down, but a cop, Bruno?”

She shakes her head at him like she’s scolding a child. His hold loosens a fraction on my ankle, so I do the only thing I can do. I go for the other lamp.

I knew it was a mistake before I even tried it. This time when he dodges my throw, he lands right on top of me, pinning me to the bed beneath him.