Daddy Claiming His Little by Jess Winters



I woke up to a warm bed in a warm room. Part of me wanted to peel off my nightgown and toss it to the other side of the bed, but I didn’t want Ajax to come in and find me like that.

I couldn’t help myself around him. I thought about him non-stop, and I realized I was daydreaming so heavily that my nipples had become hard.

Pressing softly, I let my hand travel over my chest and beneath the covers. They were snug, and I found I could not move them, at least not without a bit of effort.

The itching feeling I got turned into a burning lust, and I knew I wanted Ajax, but I didn’t want him to find out if I was a Little.

A small voice in my head said, but what about last night?

I thought back to the night before when he had offered to read me a bedtime story and got me a sippy cup of warm milk.

He must have been a Daddy. And then I froze.

Oh no.

Had I called him Daddy to his face, without yet knowing whether or not I could be his Little?

I immediately abandoned touching my body and let my hands fly to my face.

“Oh, no,” I groaned.

How embarrassing.

Seconds later, I heard a knock at the door, and then Ajax peered his head around.

“Everything okay in here, baby girl?”

I felt my face turn redder than a fresh tomato. So, Ajax was a Daddy, and he seemed fine with me being his Little.

I showed him my best pouting face and crossed my arms over my chest.

“You tucked me in too tightly last night,” I whined ever so slightly.

He walked over and sat on the bed. “That could have been a lot tighter, you know,” he said, voice teasing. “You just make sure you’re doing what Daddy says, and everything around here will be just fine.”

I stuck my tongue out slightly, and he reached out a hand to pinch my tongue ever so softly. I felt a lightning bolt strike from my heart to my groin. Ajax was so attractive.

“Wait a minute,” I said, startled. “Don’t you have to go to work today?”

“Nope,” he said, smiling. “I took today off so I could take care of you. I can’t have my baby girl all alone in the house without someone taking proper care of her, especially not after that fright you had.”

“That’s too sweet of you,” I said. “I’ll be okay by myself. Besides, I don’t want you to miss out on work or money on account of me.”

As he leaned in, I could smell his cologne. I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him until I forgot my name.

“Now, you’ll stay here while I take care of you,” he said with a soft smile.

“Fine,” I huffed, biting my lip at him. “So, what now?”

“Now I’m going to make you breakfast,” he said. “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen.”

“But I don’t have anything to wear,” I whined.

“You do, and stop whining,” he said.

“Ok, fine,” I replied.

“What was that?” he asked.

I wondered if he could see my nipples getting hard again through the thin fabric of my shirt.

“Yes, Daddy,” I said softly.

“Good girl,” he said, cupping my face in his hand. “That’s exactly how you should be addressing me from now on. And I have a dress for you in the closet, though we’ll probably have to go shopping for new clothes after this.”

He turned around and walked out of the room, not closing the door after him.

I stood and walked across the room, opening the closet slowly to examine what kind of dress he was talking about. There were dozens of shirts, a few belts, and a couple of his sheriff uniforms.

And there, at the back of the closet, was a little pink dress with spaghetti straps and daisies printed all over it. As I tugged on the dress, there was a small note attached to it that read, “For when you meet the one.

Was I the one? I vowed not to bother Ajax with my foolish questioning, mainly because I knew he wouldn’t let me get away with it so easily. Even still, some small part of me wondered if I was the one for Ajax, if he had a string of broken hearts behind him that led his friend to give him such a gift.

I slid my white slip over my body and tossed it in the corner. I inspected my body in the full-length mirror, feeling my face growing hot again at the sight of my bare chest and my white underwear.

I hadn’t showered yet and would probably need to soon. So instead of doing anything about it, I took off my underwear and laid them with my dress to be washed later.

Sliding the dress over my head, I found that it just barely reached below my waist. If I so much as slightly bent over to grab something off the floor, I would be revealing my ass to Ajax.

I wondered if he would like that. I felt myself becoming wet, and I knew I would need to relieve myself at some point, or else I would spiral out of control with lust and longing for my newfound Daddy.

I hoped he would think I looked cute in my dress. Then, as if he could hear me, he called my name out from the kitchen.

“If you’re done in there, breakfast is ready,” he said.

“Coming!” I called back.

I walked slowly down the hall, my body feeling hot and flushed from the newfound breeze between my legs.