Daddy Claiming His Little by Jess Winters



I went upstairs to check out the rest of Ajax’s house.  It was gorgeous, with wooden paneling everywhere and paintings of different forests hanging on the walls. I trailed my hands across the walls, enjoying exploring the environment by myself.

Downstairs, I could hear Ajax moaning slightly, and I giggled at the thought of him relieving himself in private. I wondered if he was thinking about me the whole time. I didn’t want to be presumptuous, especially because I’d never had someone care about me before the way that Ajax seemed to care about me.

I paused in the last room. It was painted a beautiful pale pink color, and there was a comfortable bed in the center with plush pillows and a luxurious comforter. It was my dream bed, and it would be a dream to sleep in it.

I heard a creak on the staircase, and I knew Ajax was walking up the stairs to find me. So instead of walking to greet him, I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes.

He gave a soft knock at the door and stuck his head inside. I looked at him through the slits in my eyes, but I quickly shut them once he saw me on the bed.

“How are you feeling baby girl? Do you like this bed?”

“It’s so cozy,” I said, stretching my legs. “I love that this blanket is so comfy. It’s nothing like my apartment back home.”

“I’m so glad you like it here. Why don’t we go and get your things, and then you can claim this room as your own?”

“Really?” I said, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. “Because I looked at all the other rooms, I promise, but this one was my favorite—and pink is my absolute favorite color, ever.”

He laughed heartily. “Well, that’s good to hear. Let’s get a move on, and we’ll get you settled in no time.”

I skipped over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck instead of his torso, pressing my lips firmly to his cheek, making sure I didn’t kiss him directly on the lips.

I did, however, catch the corner of his mouth, and I felt the pressure as he leaned in and kissed me back on my cheek, pressing himself firmly against me. We stood like that for what felt like ages until I knew I would start trembling from desire if I didn’t let go of him soon.

Downstairs, he held the car door open for me and took my hand as he helped me inside. I felt so vulnerable when I was near him, being taken care of like this. It was beautiful and terrifying.

Terrifying because I had never developed stronger feelings for a man in my life. Terrified that I might risk losing him forever if I so much as made one mistake.

He hadn’t said anything to me about if I messed up or if I made so much as the slightest mistake. But I’d had friends like that before, and guys too who had been interested in me.

I was quiet on the ride home, and I knew he could tell something was on my mind.

“Everything alright over there, baby?”

“I’m fine Daddy,” I said, continuing to stare out the window.

“Now I know you’re not telling the truth to me when you huff at me like that. You know it drives me crazy when you lie.”

I folded my arms over my chest and sighed again.

“I know,” I said after a while. “It’s just…you’ve been so nice and generous to me.  So what’s to stop you from taking all of this away?”

He laughed incredulously. “Why, whatever do you mean by that? I would never do such a thing.”

I sighed. “I know, but there’s been a lot of men in my life who have abandoned me. So, I’m really shy around new people, and I don’t know what I’d do if I started to trust you even more, and something happened.”

After a few seconds, I added, “I’d be crushed.”

He reached out one of his hands and patted me on the leg, rubbing my knee in small circles. His skin was hot to the touch, and I felt myself becoming wet all over again; I sighed, this time out of pleasure instead of anxiety.

“I will do everything in my power to make sure that you know you are cared for and treated with love,” he said, his tone firm yet sweet.

“I know, Daddy,” I said.

“Good. I hope you never forget that.”

We were stopped at a traffic light, and another truck pulled up next to us. Ajax rolled his window down to greet the other sheriff.

“Thomas,” he said, grinning. “It’s been a while.”

“It has indeed,” the sheriff named Thomas said. “I have meant to pay you a visit for quite some time.”

“Well, I’ve got my hands full lately. But if I ever get a moment off work, I’ll be sure to let you know. And who’s this beautiful young lady you have with you?”

“Oh, this is Maya. Maya, this is Sheriff Thomas.”

“Hi,” I said shyly. Why on earth were all the men in this town so damned attractive? I made a mental note to introduce Stephanie to Thomas the next time we spoke.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Thomas said. “Any companion of Ajax’s is a friend of mine.” He winked, and I blushed.

The light turned green, and Thomas sped ahead, taking a sharp left turn towards a skinny road between two cornfields.

“He was sweet,” I told Ajax.

“He’s a kind person who helped me out a lot when I first got here. I haven’t met too many kind people in my life.”

I nodded voraciously. “I know exactly what you mean.”


“It’s just, I’ve had a lot of friends who get sick of me after a while. You know, like I was telling you before—sometimes people can be so mean and it’s hard to deal with.”

We arrived at my apartment and I ran inside to grab my things with Ajax following me. Unfortunately, Steph was out, so I’d have to let her know at a later time that I was staying somewhere else for a while.

Ajax helped me put my stuffed animals and pillows into a bag, taking some of my clothes last.

“I guess I don’t have too much stuff,” I said glumly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you more things,” I said. “I’ll get you some new things, I promise.”

“Aw, you don’t have to do that for me, Daddy.”

“I want to, you’re my baby girl now, and I will do anything to make you feel happy and secure.”

I smiled and leaned against his arm.

“You’re the best Daddy ever.”