Daddy Claiming His Little by Jess Winters



When Ajax got home the other night, he told me he had successfully defended the whole town against the wolf. He and Thomas had cornered it off while waiting for animal control to come and take it to a different location that contained more heavily wooded areas.

It would be much safer out there and would never bother us again here.

Ajax and I spent the week cuddling and helping one another. I decided to wash the dishes, vacuum, and sweep so he wouldn’t have to do those chores when he got home.

I wanted to surprise him, but he was a little later getting home than usual. I began to worry, thinking maybe I should call Thomas down at the station.

Luckily, Steph called me to keep me company.

“He’s probably just grabbing you a surprise gift. Besides, hasn’t he been talking about how much he wants to give you a little something to show his affection and adoration for you?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said glumly. “But what if something happened to him? I can’t shake this feeling that he’s gotten into trouble and can’t get out of it.”

“What kind of trouble?”

I could hear Steph blowing bubble gum on the other end of the phone, and I giggled, grateful to have a friend who knew how to cheer me up.

“I’m not sure,” I said thoughtfully. “Anything. I mean, he is the sheriff in our town. And we’ve had all sorts of things happen to us here—that wolf was just the beginning. Remember the robber?”

“Mhmm,” Steph said. “That was a crazy time.”

Our school had gone on lockdown so the sheriffs could have free reign of the town looking for the robber.

They did such a good job that both Thomas and Ajax won medals they proudly display on their uniforms.

I remembered when I’d first learned we had a new sheriff and that it was Ajax. Of course, I was instantly infatuated with him, but I didn’t want him to know that about me, so I played it cool and tried to avoid him for the most part.

I guess I got lucky, and I told Steph this.

“It’s like something out of a Little’s fairytale,” she gushed.

Right as she was about to start another string of calming and soothing words for my nervousness, I heard the front door open.

“I think he’s home. I’ll call you later,” I told Steph.

“Okay, call me and tell me everything!” she squealed.

I promised that I would before I hung up the phone and bounded into the next room.

“Hey, baby girl,” Ajax said, kneeling on one knee and opening his arms for me to run into.

“I missed you so much,” I exclaimed. “But you were so late. I thought something happened to you.”

“I was just trying to get you an early birthday present,” he told me, eyes wild with excitement. “Do you want to open it now?”

“Yes, there’s no better time than the present!” I exclaimed, so eager to find out what it was he had gotten for me.

He pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket and opened it.

Inside was a gorgeous ring full of different pink and red diamonds.

“Oh my gosh,” I breathed. “Is this for me?”

“Yep. I’ve meant to ask you this for a long time, and it’s been on my mind since we first met. But I wanted to wait until the moment was just right.”

“It’s incredible. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.”

“Try it on.”

I held out my hand, and he placed the ring on my finger.

“What do you say? Will you continue to be my Little and make this Daddy the luckiest sheriff alive?”

“Yes!” I cried, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him tightly. I felt his lips graze my cheek, then nuzzle my ear. Soon he was biting my neck and I was moaning into his ear.

“Let’s go to bed,” he growled, taking me up the stairs.

I could hardly contain my excitement, turned on at the mere thought of occupying the same bed together.