Daddy Claiming His Little by Jess Winters



The spanking left me feeling so wet that I could hardly focus on the meal. My legs were like gelatin after the orgasm. If only my Daddy would take me to bed with him, I would be the luckiest girl alive.

I knew he wanted to because when he saw me, the look on his face was full of intense passion and lust. But there was also this sweet adoration that he had, such an intense kindness about him that I hardly knew how to handle it.

It was the happiest I had been in a long time, perhaps the happiest I had been ever. I couldn’t believe I was so lucky to have such a kind Daddy.

All the other Littles I knew would be so jealous of how wonderful Ajax was. They probably never had a Daddy who was a sheriff like mine.

During dinner, Daddy fed me spoonfuls of noodles and let me hold my sippy cup. I was still restrained from movement, locked into the chair so that I wouldn’t spill or run away without eating all my dinner.

“Are you feeling full yet?” he asked me, looking on sweetly as I finished chewing my food.

“Just a few more bites, and I’ll be done, I think,” I said.

I wanted to make him happy, and the meal was so delicious I could barely contain myself. Though I was getting a little full, and I wanted to make sure I was maintaining my perfect figure for him no matter what.

“Good, then when you’re done, I’ll do the dishes and we can sit down to watch a movie.”

He fed me a few more spoonfuls, and I squirmed about as I ate, still enthralled from the aftershocks of the orgasm. All I wanted was for Daddy to place his scruffy beard between my legs and bring me to climax over and over again.

I lost myself to daydreams imagining what it would be like to feel him inside of me, the rush of an older, sexy man who was my caretaker and lover.

He seemed like he was fighting his urges, biting his lower lip occasionally whenever I moaned at a particularly delicious bite of food.

The phone rang when I finished eating. Ajax unbuckled me from my seat, and I slid out, conscious that I was still wet and probably would remain that way until I could be in his arms once more.

“I’ll run and get that and be right back in a jiffy,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

I wanted to grab him by the arm and tug his face towards mine, enveloping us in a kiss that would make both of us delirious.

I could only slightly hear him on the phone in the other room, but I had no idea what the person on the other end of the line was saying. It must have been serious and maybe even work-related.

I couldn’t be entirely sure, but I wanted to ask him.

I walked around the living room and into the kitchen, where he had his cell pressed up to his ear.

I wanted to see if I could surprise him and maybe even get some more affection out of him if he was going to head off to work that evening.

I padded softly through the living room, careful not to make any sounds. It was a gorgeous house, more beautiful than anywhere I’d ever lived before.

When I was younger, my parents would travel so frequently that I never thought I’d be able to find a place I could call home.

The only reason I’d agreed to live with Steph was because she was paying the rent, even though I’d told her I’d get extra jobs just to help out. But, of course, she had turned me down, saying she would always help me out in a pinch.

Things would be so much easier now, living with my Daddy. I knew I would be able to feel protected and safe from the rest of the scary world so long as I was in his arms.

He was about to hang up the phone, and I made sure to be as quiet as possible to sneak around to him, wanting to give him a surprise hug from behind.