Mistakes I’ve Made by Jordan Marie


Six Weeks Later

“Mitchie the jig is up.Tomorrow Reed is going to the clinic. I’ve put it off as long as I can,” Chasity says. “Personally, I’m glad. To be hot like he is, he’s boring as hell. I thought I might have some fun with him, but he won’t even give me a chance.”

“That’s okay, now that Callie’s living with me, it should be okay,” I tell her, smiling.

I was right. The only push that Callie needed was to see what she thought was Reed and Chasity kissing. She came to me for comfort, and I’ve made sure to be available constantly since. She’s made it almost too easy. I’ve been replacing her birth control for months—even before we started sleeping together—with fake ones, I purchased over the internet. I have access to everything now that I’ve persuaded her to move in with me. She’s been living in our trailer for two weeks. Reed has no idea. I’ve been careful to keep it quiet. I told Callie I was doing it because I know she doesn’t want another confrontation. Really, I just don’t want him to know until he comes to her, thinking he can have her back. She may not be pregnant yet, but it’s going to happen. Callie will never trust Reed enough to go back to him—I’ve done my best to feed her distrust of him, too.

Sometimes my plans work out so fucking well that I’m pretty sure I should be in politics. There’s only one tiny loose end.

And I’m staring right at her.

“Does that mean I get my payment now?”

“Yeah, sure. You have to take it home though. Reed won’t try kicking you out till tomorrow. Might as well crash at his place instead of moving back into your parents’ garage.”

“Yeah, you got that right. Maybe I can convince him to party with me. He might like it so much he’ll let me stay.”

“You never know,” I respond, wondering if she’s always been this stupid or if the drugs have fried her brains. I reach behind the couch and grab the overnight bag I put there after Callie left for work this morning. “But now you have to leave. I can’t risk Callie seeing you.”

“What? How are we going to have our parties anymore?” she pouts.

“We’ll figure that out as we need to,” I murmur, handing her the bag. It’s my hope she’ll party herself right out of my way when she gets back to Reed’s.

“Sounds good,” she laughs. “You want to give me one more for the road, while goody two shoes is gone?” she asks.

“You know I always want you, baby doll, but I’m late for work. I got to keep those checks coming in so I can get your care package stocked next month.”

“Care package?” she asks frowning.

I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes.

I point at the bag. “The drugs, Chasity.”

“Oh! Yeah,” she laughs. Then, without warning, she jumps up to kiss me.

I hold myself still for a bit, then decide to give in and kiss her back. Might as well, with any luck it will be her last one.