Virgin Romance by Penny Wylder


Just like I thought, Kara is already asleep. Thankfully. And now that I’m away from Carter, I’m so tired that I barely manage to change my clothes before falling into my bed. Good thing I don’t have any classes tomorrow. Somehow I managed to get a free day on Wednesday, other than cheer practice.

It feels like I just closed my eyes when I wake up and it’s almost two. Holy crap.

The sun is streaming in through the windows, and I feel like I’m waking up from a coma. It’s been awhile since I’ve slept that hard. I guess that’s what sex will do to you. Maybe. I’ll have to see how I feel next time. I force myself out of bed, stifling a groan. There’s a not entirely unpleasant soreness between my legs and the rest of my body feels like I had a really hard workout. Though I’m not sure how much of that is just from being in regular practices again.

Wandering out to the suite’s kitchen, I can tell I’m the only one here. The doors to the other rooms are open and they’re empty. My stomach growls, and I think that a bowl of cereal sounds nice. But first, I see that Kara left me a note on the table.

Hope your date went well! Wanted to hear about it this morning but you were out like a light.

Out for a jog and then classes. I’ll see you at practice.

I want all the details!

XO Kara

I laugh out loud. She has no idea just how many details there are. Dirty details. So many I don’t think she’ll actually want to hear them. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the little table in our kitchen. So, I’m not a virgin anymore. I thought that the transition would make me feel something, like I’m somehow more complete or more of a woman or whatever. But it feels kind of like you feel on your birthday—you’re still you. The only thing that’s different is I now know I can orgasm so hard that I almost pass out. Carter kept his word. I am never going to forget that night, and I’m never going to think that it was a mistake.

A comforting relief fills me. I think I was still nervous that I might wake up and think it was a bad idea. But I don’t. I’m not a virgin anymore, and I don’t care. I like Carter and I don’t have any doubts about sharing my first time with him. I don’t think anyone else could have made me feel the way that he did. Sexy and beautiful and treasured. And then when it came down to it, letting go of all that and just giving me everything he had.

I blush just thinking about it.

So far, nothing about Carter has made me like him less. He’s jaw-droppingly hot, kind, interesting, and a gentleman. I like him. I don’t even care that he’s the coach anymore. There’s something between us now and I don’t want to stop until I know what it is. If he’s just the right person at the right time to give me some great sex for the first time, then so be it. But…I don’t think it’s that. Sure, I want to fuck him again, but it’s more. I want to see what it’s like to spend time with him. Nights on the couch watching movies or long drives to the middle of nowhere for no reason.

Screw it. I don’t care what others might think. I’m not going to stop and Carter gave me no indication that he’s going to either.

I put away my dishes and start on some homework that I put off while I was with Carter. I feel settled, happy with my decision, and before I know it a couple of hours have flown by and it’s time to get ready for practice. I need a shower. It might be stupid to shower and then go get sweaty, but I’ll be damned if I’m showing up to practice with sex still on my skin.

I’m getting my towel and shampoo when I hear a knock at the door. That’s weird. People don’t usually knock in the dorms. But then again, people don’t usually come to the dorms uninvited. My heart skips a beat when I open the door. It’s Carter.


“Hi.” His smile is breathtaking, making my stomach do flip-flops.

I gesture him inside and close the door. “What are you doing here? I’m just about to get in the shower so I can head over to the gym for prac—”

My words are cut off because Carter has dragged me into my arms and is kissing me. “I couldn’t wait,” he says. “I knew that if I showed up to practice without seeing you, I’d be hard the whole time. It’s been more than twelve hours.” His eyes darken as he says the words, and I go weak in the knees.

“We don’t have time,” I say weakly. “I can’t do this and have time to shower and not be late.”

The sexy smirk is back. “Who says you have to?”

Carter steals my towel from me and strides into the bathroom, stripping his shirt off as he goes. He leaves me behind with my jaw on the floor. I follow him into the bathroom where he’s already completely naked, starting the water running. God, just the thought of his body dripping in the shower is making me wet. “Are you serious?”

“I never joke about sex.” But he’s smiling while he says it. “Besides, I’ll even help you get clean. Think of it as two birds with one…cock.”

That same light, joyous feeling comes over me, and I wonder if it’s the sex or just him. This spontaneity, and laughter, it’s not like anything I ever had with other boyfriends. Carter jumps in the shower, and I’m mesmerized by the way the water travels down his body, catching and pooling in the lines of his muscles like it’s caressing him. He reaches down to his cock, stroking it though it’s already completely hard. There’s something about him doing that while he looks at me that sends a flood of wetness to my pussy. I’m the one that’s turning him on and he wants me to know it.

“Don’t make me drag you in here with your clothes on,” he says. I have no doubt that he’ll do it, too.

I strip out of my pajamas and step under the streaming water. It’s the perfect temperature, hot but not enough to burn. Though with how hot Carter is about to make me feel, I think we’ll see about the burning. He doesn’t waste time, pressing me up against the glass of the shower, kissing me hard. His hand is between my legs. “God, you’re so wet already.”

“I wonder why. We’re in the shower.”

“Smartass,” he mutters, silencing me by taking a nipple into his mouth. I gasp at the sudden sensation, skin pebbling under his tongue. But I’m not a virgin anymore, and two can play at this game. I reach between us, grabbing his cock, marveling at the feel of it. Smoother than I imagined and hard as the stone that was supposed to kill the two birds. He groans while I explore him. Last night was amazing and I want to make him feel amazing too.

“I want to taste you.”

His head flies up so fast I think he’s going to get whiplash. “You don’t have to do that.”

It’s my turn to smirk at him. “You like firsts. Don’t you want to be the first man to ever be in my mouth?” I see him swallow, and his jaw tighten. His cock jumps in my hand. “I think that’s a yes.”

Sinking down onto my knees, I get the chance to study him in detail. I can’t imagine a better example of what a cock is supposed to look like. He’s so thick, my fingers barely close around him, and now that I’m this close, I’m amazed I fit all of that inside me. Carter leans his arms against the wall of the shower, shielding me from most of the water.

I’ve never done this before, but I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what to do. Stroking him with my hand, I lick across his head. My first taste is salt and something deeper, masculine. I lick him again, and I like the way he feels, smooth and hard, a little rougher just around the head. Glancing upward, I see that Carter has his eyes closed. I can’t be doing that badly, then.

Leaning forward, I close my mouth over him, just the head, sucking gently. Carter curses, and I know I’m headed in the right direction. I set up a rhythm, in and out, in and out, taking more of him each time I go down and sucking each time I come back. The muscles in Carter’s stomach are jumping like he’s holding himself still, and I take that as a good sign. I like that I can make him feel the same way he made me feel. I want him to let go. I want to feel what it would be like to have him come from just this, just me teasing him. The thought makes me wetter.

I speed up my rhythm, sucking harder, and I feel Carter’s hand in my hair. He pulls gently, slowing. “Wait, April, stop.” His voice is ragged, desperate.

“What’s wrong, did I do something?”

He pulls me to my feet, eyes fiery. “That was goddamn amazing, but if you keep doing that I’m going to come in your mouth.”

I can’t help the satisfied smirk on my face, and he sees it too.

“But that’s not what I’m here for,” he spins me around so that I’m facing the wall. His hands are on my ass, exploring me, pulling my legs apart so he can reach my pussy. “I’m here to fuck you. And I’m not going to do it gently.” His words are hot in my ear, and I bite my lip to hold back a moan. His fingers are toying with me, and I know he hears the whimper that escapes. I feel the head of him at my pussy, pressing in. He pulls my hips back against his, and I love the explosion of pleasure I get as he sinks inside me. He pushes me into the wall of the shower so I’m trapped between his body and the glass, hot and cold.

Pulling out, he slams back into the hilt, and my knees buckle, the only thing keeping me up is him holding me here. Again and again and again, deep pounding thrusts that vibrate all the way through my body. His voice strains with every thrust. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’re still going to feel it while I’m watching you today.”

Oh god. I moan again and he keeps going.

“Yeah. I’m going to watch you. And I’m going to think of how you came all over my tongue. How I fucked you senseless with my cock.”

The way he’s thrusting into me, it’s lighting me up. He’s hitting all different places and it’s like I’m a lit fuse. It’s just a matter of time until I explode. Carter reaches down and grabs one of my legs, lifting it so he can fuck me more deeply.



I’m seeing stars and I can’t breathe and I think I’m telling him yes. God I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of this. Why on earth did I wait so long for this? Carter slams into me, grunting with the effort and it might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I lean my head back on his shoulder, leaning into the feeling of being utterly, gloriously fucked. He’s so deep I feel impaled and I fucking love it. He’s hitting just the right spot and suddenly I’m almost there. I’m begging for him to keep going. Last night was so good and this might be even better.

I’m so close, and I can tell he is too. He speaks, words barely coherent in the frenzy. “I’m gonna come. I want to come inside you. Let me come inside you.”

God yes, I want that. I want all of him in me. I want to take everything from him and keep it. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” It’s all I can say.

We slam into the wall together, Carter fucking into me with savage speed, and I break open. It’s so good that I can’t even scream. How can I scream when I can’t even breathe? Lighting is flashing behind my eyes and pleasure is searing across my skin, crackling along my nerve. My pussy floods, I can feel the rush of it over his cock and down my legs. Behind me, Carter is still fucking, every thrust making my orgasm last longer. With a final burst, he pushes into me, crying out, and I feel him come. Warmth spreads through me and it triggers another orgasm. I’m shaking on him, squeezing him, wracked with shudders of pleasure. I don’t want it to stop. Please don’t let it stop.

Suddenly we both take a breath. We’re still pressed together, and I’m not sure either of us would still be standing without the support of the wall. I’m trying to slow my heart rate, trying to take a breath that’s not shallow. I think he is too. Holy fuck that was good. I can’t even move, just stand here. I feel his cum dripping down my legs and I think it’s a very good thing that we decided to do this in the shower.

Slowly, I turn. He’s still pressing me into the wall, but I need to see his face. Need to kiss him. He still looks far away, eyes glazed with the aftermath of it all. I kiss him, tangling my tongue with his. I wouldn’t be opposed to playing hooky from practice and spending the whole time in this bathroom with him if it means I’ll get more of that.

He groans, coming back to himself and deepening our kiss.

The front door opens, and we both go entirely still.


Shit. It’s Kara.