Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




My alarm sounds, waking me. Jumping out of bed, a huge smirk crosses my face. I head into the bathroom, and get myself ready for work. First shift back after having weeks off because of my injury.

Once I’m ready, I head out to my kitchen and make myself a coffee. I lean against the counter, sipping my mug of joe, while scrolling through my phone. I want to message Serena, but it’s barely five in the morning, and I don’t want to wake her. She works too hard and too many hours for me to message her just because I’m awake.

As I’m scrolling through social media, a message pops up from Serena.

Have fun today and I’ll see you tomorrow night.

Why are you awake? You should be sleeping.

I wanted to wish you luck. Anyway, I’ve got a huge day ahead of me today. I’m at the hospital until around four, then I’m cleaning, then I’m at the restaurant.

I hate how she’s working so many jobs. I mean, I commend her for being proactive, but she doesn’t need to work quite so many jobs now. But, I also don’t want to push her either. She needs to come to this decision on her own. Maybe I can try to persuade her in other ways to drop some of these menial jobs. She’s going to wear herself down.

I’ll be home after six tomorrow. Come over when you’re done.

I will.

Slipping my phone in my pocket, I look around my house. I have to try and clear out some of the shit I’ve got laying around so I can make room for Serena and her things. I still have no idea where she lives, or even what furniture she has.

Finishing my coffee, I grab the keys to my car, and head out. My first day back at work. The station isn’t too far from home, only about a twelve-minute drive. The moment I’m there, I park my car and walk into the station. The guys from the other crew see me walking in. Dean’s already here, in a hand-over meeting with the other captain just so everyone is up to date with what’s happening. Dean sees me through the office window, and holds a finger up to the other captain.

“You’re back,” he says when he leaves the office.

“Looks like it,” I reply as I stick my hands in my pockets.

Dean looks around, making sure we’re out of earshot from everyone. “You okay to be here?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

He gives me a small head nod, and smiles. “Good to have you back, brother. I’ve gotta wrap it up with Graham, then I’ll be out. We’ll be running drills once everyone is here. Wanna get the gear ready for it?”

“Sure.” I walk out the back to the drill tower, and head to the shed where the older equipment that’s used for our drills is stored. It’s equipment we can’t use on the trucks any longer because of wear and tear, or because of damage. No use in throwing it away, we may as well get as much use out of it while we still can, and use it for drills.

“Here I thought you were living the good life, vacationing all around the world, and couldn’t be bothered to return to work,” I hear Pen call as she walks up to me, and throws her arms around me in a huge hug. “Good to have you back.”

“Vacationing all around the world, huh?”

She smirks as she helps me set up for drills. “Put on a bit of beef, Alec. Especially around the middle there. Is that what lying around in the sun for weeks does to a person?”

“You’re an ass,” I say to Pen while we get everything ready.

“It’s good to have you back. I’ve missed putting shit on ya all the time. I had to put up with all those clowns.” She jerks her head to the side. “Heard you’ve got yourself a woman too.”

I smile at just the thought of Serena. “Yeah, I do.”

“Tell me she’s got a good head on her shoulders and she’s not like the other ones you pick up?”

“I think you’ll like Serena. Have you and my brother finally hooked up, or what?”

She cringes, and pokes her tongue out. “Rhett will always be my best friend, but as far as the whole part A into part B goes.” She screws her mouth up while shaking her head. “I couldn’t imagine anything worse.”

“I know, I know,” I say. “How’s it going with Dane?” Pen’s shoulders drop and her normal bright eyes, fade into disappointment. “What’s going on with the two of you?”

She clicks her tongue, then sighs. Standing, she places her hands on her hips and shrugs. “We just can’t seem to make anything work.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because...” She looks around as if she doesn’t know what to say. “It’s like...” She huffs, then shakes her head. “I don’t know,” she finally answers.

“He’s finished college and working now, right?”

“Yeah, he is. But I don’t know what the problem is.”

“What do you mean?”

She peers down, her face full of hurt and pain. “I want more with him, Alec, but he doesn’t seem like he wants more with me.”

“Then maybe it’s time to kick him to the curb and find someone who’ll want you as much as you want them.”

“Maybe you’re right. But, it’s like when we’re together we’re so good, and when we’re apart, we’re both miserable.” She lifts her chin, and smiles again, though I can still see the hurt. “Anyway, enough about me. How are you feeling about being back?” When Pen doesn’t want to talk about something, she shuts down and won’t talk about it.

“I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long.”

“You did have a garage door fall on you. Even though I think there wasn’t anything wrong with you, you just wanted a few weeks away from this place. You faked it all, didn’t you?” she happily taunts.

“About damn time!” I hear Rhett calling. He jogs over and claps a hand to my back. “So good to have you back.”

“Did you miss me?”

“Like a hole in the head,” he says. He looks to Pen, and narrows his eyes. “You alright?” he asks with concern.

It’s amazing how well these two know each other. Penelope shoots Rhett a scowl. “Yeah, why?”

“You look or sad or something.”

Penelope drops the heavy hose, links her fingers together and stretches them out in front of her to crack them. “It’s on, stud. It’s on.”

And here we go. The normal competitiveness between Pen and Rhett. “You think you can take me?” Rhett jabs Pen in the shoulder. “Because I think you’re just a girl.”

“Okay, stud. What’s the bet?” They’re both as bad as the other.

Rhett taps his finger to his chin, thinking. “I know,” he says with a small sly grin. “If I win, you have to clean my new bachelor pad from top to bottom.”

“You’re finally moving out of Mom’s. Good for you. Growing up and being an adult,” I say with a chuckle.

“Whatever,” Rhett replies. “What do you say, Pen? Like them odds?”

“So, if you win, I have to clean your new place?” Rhett nods his head. “But when I win you have to wash my car every week for the next three months.”

Rhett screws up his nose. “I don’t even wash my car.”

“That’s the bet,” Pen says.

“Fine. Because I’m gonna kick your ass.” Rhett holds his hand out to Pen and they shake on it.

They both look at the tower, and smirk. Dean and Hugo both join us, and we have a quick meeting about what’s happening before we begin drills.

“Boss, can you set up the red flag?” Penelope asks Dean when the mini-meeting is done.

Dean rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “What’s the bet this time?”

“He’ll have to wash my car for three months,” Pen replies with all the confidence in the world.

“And if Rhett wins?”

“He won’t.” Her strong shoulders and booming laugh are all quite motivating to me. She has so much cockiness. Most people might even think she’s smug, but she’s not. Penelope is a woman who loves doing what she’s doing, but feels like she needs to be at the top of her game because she’s in a male-oriented career.

“Then she needs to clean my place from top to bottom,” Rhett answers.

“Finally moving out of Mom’s,” Dean says, surprised.

“That’s what Alec said.” Penelope points to me and laughs. Rhett rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

“Well, let me set up the red flag. Alec, walk with me.”

I jog to Dean as he grabs the red flag from the storage shed and begins toward the drill tower. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Why?”

“Being away from here for as long as you’ve been, could mean nerves about returning.”

“Are you trying to make me nervous, because I was fine until now.”

Dean laughs. “How’s it going with Serena’s brother?”

“Nothing more than what you already know. Serena’s moving in with me too.”

“Makes sense. Anyone can see you love her as much as she loves you.”

Love? We’re nowhere near that stage. “Yeah, not there yet.”

Dean laughs and slaps his hand on my back. “Keep telling yourself that, maybe you’ll even believe it.” Serena doesn’t love me. Just like I don’t love her. “Anyway, here.” He thrusts the flag into my hands, and looks up to the drill tower.

“You’re making me go up there, are you?”

“What a better way to start back.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest, and waits. “Up you go.” Dean shoos me with his hand.

“You’re an ass,” I call over my shoulder as I walk away from him. I hear him laughing.

By the time I reach the top of the tower, I can see the crew standing around talking. I wave the flag from the top so they can see I’ve got it with me, but then shove it in my pocket and make my way back down. Pen and Rhett will be fierce trying to find it, and all along, it’ll be in my pocket. Suckers.

“Okay, let’s get this done. Rules,” Dean starts saying.

Penelope quickly interrupts, “Wait, there are going to be rules?”

“We’re making it a bit of fun today. Still taking it seriously, but let’s throw in a bit of fun too. We’ll run proper drills this afternoon.”

“Fun?” Penelope mumbles. “I want to kick your ass fair and square,” she says to Rhett.

“Shut up, Pen,” Dean says to her. She lowers her gaze, embarrassed she’s been caught out by Dean. “Rules. The person who brings back the flag, wins.” We wait for more of Dean’s rules. “Ready?”

“What?” Rhett looks around, confused.

Dean presses the fob in his hands, and the alarm sounds in the firehouse that we’re ready to roll. “Thirty seconds!” Dean yells.

We run to our gear, and are dressed and ready by the time Dean calls our limit. The simulated fire is burning through the drill tower, and we’re all ready to combat it. “There’s someone screaming for help,” Dean says through our earpieces. The someone is the flag, which is in my pocket.

It’s all part of the drill, but I do feel nervous and anxious about getting back into a burning building again. I know, though, if I don’t push past it, I’m never going to be able to do my job again. I’m not going to let that happen. I love my job. I’m also not going to let down my crew.

Hugo is in the truck, backing it up so we can get the aerial ladder up to the top. The moment it’s extended, Pen is already climbing her way to the top where she thinks the flag is.

“One and a half,” I call the size to Rhett knowing we’re on the hose together.

“On it,” he responds. Within less than a minute, he’s on a knee at the front of the hose, and I’m supporting him from behind as the water shoots out, attempting to extinguish the fire.

“Watch on your left,” I call.

“I see it.” He hits the fire to the left, trying to control its direction. “Pen, Hugo?”

“We’ve got a line on the top floor,” Hugo responds.

“Mayday, mayday, mayday. I’m out of air! I’m out of air!” Dean calls.

“Pull the line back,” I shout to Rhett. “Hugo, survivors?”

“Pulling back,” Rhett yells.

“Survivors not found.”

“Mayday, mayday, mayday. I’m out of air, I’m out of air! Get out, the roof is collapsing, get out!” Dean yells again.

“Get out now!” I shout over everyone. Although this is simulated and completely controlled, my heart is racing with excitement. I find the adrenaline and energy I’ve been craving. I’ve missed this so badly.

Rhett and I retreat, Pen and Hugo are already retracting down the aerial. “Dean, where are you?”

“Back entrance, ten steps to the left, and around the corner.”

“I’m on it,” Rhett yells as he takes off around the back of the building.

Pen is down beside me, and Hugo finishes retracting the aerial. “You okay?” I ask.

She nods before taking off around the back in search of Dean. Within moments, Dean, Rhett and Penelope all walk around the front. “Response time was good when I called mayday. Where’s the flag?”

“That’s not fair. I was on the line down here while Pen and Hugo had aerial,” Rhett complains as he takes his helmet and turnout gear off his head.

“I didn’t get it, so neither of us win,” Pen says to Rhett. A satisfied grin decorates Rhett’s lips.

I strip out of my turnout gear, and pull the flag out of my pocket and pat it against my forehead. Penelope does a double take when she notices the flag wasn’t even up in the tower. “You bastard!” she screams and lunges for the flag.

Laughing, I shove it down the front of my shirt so she can’t get it. “Neither of you won. Which means, I’ve won.”

“Don’t think I won’t go there to get it!” Penelope warns as she shoves me in the shoulder. I respond with the same shove in the shoulder. She scrunches her nose, as she steps back. “Fine, I didn’t win. I don’t like not winning, Alec.”

“I didn’t win either,” Rhett reminds Pen.

“I swear, Pen, you’re the most competitive person I’ve ever known,” Hugo says.

She smiles broadly, quite satisfied with herself. “Good.” She pulls her shoulders back, then bends to pick up her gear. “And don’t you forget it.”

Dean shakes his head. “She is too much sometimes, but God I love that girl,” he says.

“I’m a woman!” she barks in return.

Pen is a lot to handle. But she’s fiercely protective too. She may be competitive when it comes to being one of us, but she’ll have our back each and every time we need her.