Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




“Look at you, getting around with crutches now.” Rhett pulls out the chair from the table and plonks himself down. “How are you feeling?”

“I’ll be better when I get back to work,” I reply.

“He’s a miserable bastard,” Mom says from the kitchen.

Rhett smiles at Mom. “So, he’s normal then?”

“I’ll be kicking you out of my place the moment I can drive. Don’t get too comfortable. And you better not be having sex in my bed.”

“I don’t want to hear this, boys.” Mom brings over a coffee, and a packet of cookies, and sits at the dining table opposite Rhett. “Why are you here?” She intentionally stares at Rhett.

“Dean will be here soon too,” he replies, but doesn’t actually answer the question. “Can I have a cookie?” He reaches across the table, and Mom moves the packet away from him. “Come on, Mom. Just one.”

“No. These are mine.”

“You’re not her favorite anymore, I am.” I proudly turn to Mom. “May I have a cookie please?” I hold my hand out, knowing she’s going to give me one.

“No.” She moves the packet away from me too. “And I don’t have a favorite anymore. I now like Dean’s dog, Tripod, and Thomas. Those two are my favorites.”

“My dog is your favorite?” Dean asks as he walks into only part of the banter. His eyes light up when he sees the cookies, and reaches for one. Mom smacks his hand away and hides the cookies under her arm. “I only want one.”

“Not happening, buddy. These are mine, and mine alone.” Rhett chuckles, and Dean rolls his eyes. “Why are you all here? Is it family dinner night? Because I don’t recall inviting either of you two here.” She points to Rhett, then Dean.

“I didn’t know we need an invitation now, Mom.” Rhett’s smile says he knows she’s not serious.

“We’re actually here to take this loser out for dinner.” Dean points to me.

“Aww, now I like you two again.” Mom stands and gives Dean a hug, then walks around to give Rhett a hug.

“What about me?” I ask.

“You, son, are a grumpy pain in the ass. You’re wallowing around here because you were hurt at work, and you’re pissing me off.”

Rhett snickers, and Dean looks up the ceiling. “And this is why we’re here, to take him out for a while. Get his head back in the game, so he’ll stop acting like he has been,” Dean says. “Get ready.”

Grabbing the crutches, I stand and head to my room. I’ve been going stir-crazy surrounded by these four walls. But Mom’s right. I’ve been so frustrated with myself that I’m taking it out on everyone. “Where are we going?”

“A burger place over in Willow Heights,” Rhett calls then continues talking with Mom and Dean.

The only thing I can wear is sweatpants or shorts because of the cast on my leg. But I get ready, and crutch my way out to the dining table where Dean and Rhett are already standing, waiting for me. “I’ll drive,” I joke.

“Yeah right.” Dean huffs. “Can you get up in my truck or do you wanna go in Rhett’s car?”

“Your truck should be fine.”

“Bye, Mom.” Dean gives her a kiss while she dunks one of her cookies into the coffee.

“Bye.” Rhett gives her a kiss too.

“I’ll be back later.” I give her a kiss on the cheek, then follow my brothers out. Dean opens the door of his truck, and I heave myself up, carefully moving my leg in. Rhett jumps in the back.

“Bye, boys,” Mom calls before closing the door to the house.

“How is it living back at Mom’s?” Dean asks.

“I think I’m sending her crazy.”

“Why?” Dean asks.

“I’m struggling big time. I keep going over the fire and what I did wrong, and I’m frustrated with myself that I got into this situation.” I hit the top of my casted leg.

“We were in a fire, and the roof collapsed, sending the garage door crashing down on your foot. You’re lucky it’s only a broken ankle. Shit like this happens, Alec. You have to stop beating yourself up over it,” Dean recaps the incident that’s put me out of action.

“I’ve been doing this long enough to know when a ceiling is bowing, and when I hear the crackling, I know it’s going to cave.” I’m so damn frustrated with myself. This all could’ve been prevented if I listened, and I used my instincts.

“Let’s get out, and have some dinner and a few drinks, and forget about it for tonight,” Rhett says from the back seat.

I know they’re trying to snap me out of this self-pitying mood of mine. But I feel like I keep digging myself further and further into a hole.

“How’s it going with Serena?” Dean asks.

“I’m keeping my mouth shut, if that’s what you’re asking. She tells me what to do, and I do it. I know she’s only here to help, and I’ve made it hard on her. So, now I just do what she says.”

“Is she helping?”

“Yeah, she is. I take my frustrations out on her, because she’s an easy target. But holy shit, she’s a spitfire. She doesn’t let me get away with anything.”

“No more kissing?” Dean asks.

“Wait, what? You kissed her or she kissed you?” Rhett asks.

I thought he knew. “We kissed each other, and only once.”

“If you like her, you should ask her out,” Rhett advises, but he really has no idea what he’s talking about.

“Oh no. How’s this, Rhett? Alec doesn’t like her because according to him, she’s chubby and plain.”

“Please tell me you didn’t say that to her?”

“Nah, he said it to Ma, who ripped him a new asshole,” Dean proudly tells Rhett. “It was so funny; you should’ve been there.”

“Do you honestly care about what she weighs?” Rhett asks in a condescending tone.

“I’m over this,” I say even more frustrated. “I didn’t come out with you two so you can roast me for what I like in a woman.”

“But what you like is superficial. I mean, wouldn’t you rather have someone who’s loyal, and funny, and only has eyes for you?” Dean asks.

“I know I would,” Rhett answers.

I turn to look at Dean and feel like punching him in the arm, but decide not to, considering he’s driving. “Joanne’s hot, so you can’t talk.”

“Sometimes I have to remind myself that we’re actually related,” Rhett says from the backseat.

I flip him the bird. “What’s happening at work?”

“Not much. Usual stuff.” I turn to Rhett who’s playing on his phone, but shrugging too. “You know, just stuff.”

“Okay, we’re here. Do you need help getting out?” Dean asks when he parks his truck as close to the restaurant as possible.

“I’ll be fine.” I manage to get out of the truck, and slowly make my way up to the entrance where Dean and Rhett are already waiting because they’re faster than I am.

“God you’re inconsiderate, Alec. Always holding us back,” Rhett teases.

When I get over to them, I push past as Dean holds the door open for me. “See, I’m a perfect gentleman for my date.”

Rhett laughs loudly, and I can’t help but smirk. Who needs enemies when you have brothers like mine.

“Dani?” Rhett says in a surprisingly high pitch.

“Rhett?” She’s just as shocked to see him as he is to see her. “What are you doing here?”

“I didn’t know you work here too. I thought you worked over at Elle’s Café in Hope River.”

“I work both here and there. But what are you doing here?” She looks at me, and her eyes quickly move to my cast, and my crutches.

“Getting some burgers.”

“You’re eating in?” she asks, hesitantly.

“Yeah,” Rhett replies. Why is Rhett’s voice a different pitch to normal?

Dani keeps staring at Rhett for a moment too long, before quickly blinking and turning away. Wait, have these two hooked up? She reaches for three menus, and as she walks away, she peeks over her shoulder at Rhett. I straggle behind Dean and Rhett, but I certainly see the look she gives him. Dani seats us toward the back and closest to the kitchen, places the menus on the table then glances down as she nervously tucks some hair behind her ear. “Um,” she says with a voice crack. I can’t help but notice how Rhett can’t take his eyes off of her. “Your server will be with you in a moment.”

“Thanks, Dani.” Rhett smiles widely.

She leaves, but looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Have you two hooked up?” I ask as I reach for a menu.

“Who?” Dean asks, completely oblivious to what just happened.

“What?” Rhett dismisses me with a flick of his hand. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” He drags the last menu over and focuses on that rather than answering my question.

It dawns on me quickly. “If you had sex with her in my bed, I’m gonna kill you. I told you already, no sex in my bed.”

“But your kitchen table is okay?”

“I’m gonna kick your ass,” I warn.

“What? With your one gimpy leg?”

“Hello, and welcome to The Narrow Table, I’m your... Are you shitting me?” I look up to see Serena standing in front of us, ready to take our order.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I’m working, Alec.” She looks over to Rhett and gives him a tight smile, then smiles at Dean. She softly shakes her head then pulls in a long, slow breath. “Welcome to The Narrow Table, I’m your server, Serena. Are you ready to order?” her voice quivers.

Dean looks up and smiles at Serena. “We all having burgers?” he asks, looking at the two of us. Both Rhett and I nod. “Can we have three burgers, and three sides of fries please. I’ll have a water.”

“Soda please,” Rhett says.

She looks to me, waiting for my reply. “I’ll have a soda too.”

She taps away on the tablet, then reaches for the menus. She’s worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, and refusing to look at me. She walks away without saying another word.

I find myself tapping my fingers on the table. “Why would she be working here?” I ask aloud.

“Who knows. Maybe she likes it,” Dean answers.

“Or maybe she has to,” Rhett says.

I look over at him, questioning. “What do you mean?” Rhett shrugs. “Physiotherapists earn pretty good money, don’t they?” I ask.

“I don’t know, but you’d assume so,” Rhett says. “Who knows why she’s working here. Maybe she’s saving for something and this is the only way she can get what she wants. I don’t know. You can always ask her.”

“The fact she’s working two jobs says a lot about the person she is. It’s a very admirable trait,” Dean says as he nods his head. “Good for her. Working hard for what she wants. At least you know she doesn’t sit around expecting anything to be handed to her.”

“How do you know that, Dean? So what, she has two jobs. A lot of people do,” I say. But it does leave me questioning why she’d need to work two jobs considering I’m fairly certain physiotherapists earn a good salary. Tipping my head back and crossing my arms in front of my chest, I try to think of every possible reason why she’d have this job, too.

“Your drinks.” Serena carries over a serving tray with the two sodas and a water. She places them in front of us and barely lifts her gaze. She’s deliberately avoiding me. “I’ll be back soon with your food.” She can’t get away from us quickly enough.

“Brother, what have you done to her?” Rhett asks.

“What? I haven’t done anything.”

“Except be a jerk to her. She’s probably terrified you’re going to start something here,” Dean says.

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“From everything you and Mom have told us, you take enjoyment in making Serena’s life miserable when she’s with you,” Rhett says and lifts his brows.

“Yeah, but that’s when we’re together, I wouldn’t do anything to cause her to lose her job. I’m not that much of a jerk.”

Suddenly, we hear someone drop something in the kitchen, then a male’s voice yell something inaudible. Dean, Rhett, and I all look toward the kitchen. The three of us straighten our backs, and are prepared to go in there if something’s happening. Less than a moment later, Serena leaves the kitchen holding two plates and balancing another two on her forearms. She catches me watching her, and I notice her eyes are red like she’s been crying. “Something happened,” I say, instantly trying to stand so I can get to Serena and see what’s going on.

“Yeah, I noticed that too,” Rhett says, his voice hard.

She walks back toward the kitchen, and I call her toward us. Serena’s shoulders slump, and she quickly wipes at her eyes. Her face and neck are flushed and she’s rubbing her lips together. “Everything okay in there?” I ask as I pointedly look over to the kitchen.

“Yep,” her voice squeaks unusually high. “Your burgers shouldn’t be too long.” Serena gives us a strained smile, then walks back into the kitchen.

“Something’s going on,” I say. “And she’s not saying anything.”

“She might be having a bad day; you don’t know. Leave it alone, Alec,” Dean says.

Nah, I have to know why she’s like this. Is it because I’m here? I don’t want her to lose this job because of me. And I don’t want to put her in a bad mood for the rest of her shift either. I’ll talk to her when she comes back to the house. Now’s not the time to talk to her. Not here, and not with my brothers hanging around and listening.

“So, when’s the wedding?” Rhett asks Dean. For a split second, I thought he was talking to me.

“Don’t know yet. Soon, I think.”

“I’m your best man, right?” Rhett asks. “I’m the better looking one.”

“Here we go. I knew this was going to happen,” Dean says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

“Hey, if you want the dork, then go for it. I’m not gonna stop you,” I say as I point to Rhett.

“It might be easier to elope then have you two in the wedding party.”

“Mom would kill you,” Rhett says. “And I wouldn’t even try to stop her.”

“I know.” Dean throws his head back and groans.

“Here are your burgers,” Serena says placing three plates down in front of us. “I’ll be back in a second.” She walks away, still not looking at me, but quickly returns carrying three baskets with fries. “Would you like anything else?” she asks as she looks down at the table.

“I’m good, thank you,” I reply and try to catch her gaze so I can smile. But she doesn’t lift her head. She doesn’t even wait for Dean and Rhett’s reply. She just leaves.

“Man, something’s going on,” Dean says then shoves half the burger in his mouth in one go.

“Dude, slow down. No one’s going to steal your food,” Rhett teases.

“It’s good,” Dean replies while chewing, and shoving fries into his mouth.

“If you choke, I’m not saving you,” Rhett says. “And he’s gimpy, so he can’t save you.” Dean starts chuckling while chewing. “And she’s irritated by him, so she ain’t helping either.” He points toward Serena, then me. “So, don’t choke.”

Dean chews his food, then swallows. “You’re an ass.”

I can’t help but be worried about what’s happening with Serena. Dean and Rhett talk and try to include me in their conversation. Luckily, I can reply with head nods, and aha’s when needed. But my mind is on Serena for so many reasons. Why is she working here to begin with?

At the end of the meal, Dean sits back and rubs his stomach. “You have to lose that or it’s gonna get bigger,” I say.

“Says the guy who’s grown a second ass,” he snaps back. “And don’t even pull the sympathy card on us. It won’t work.”

“Way to deflect.” I catch Serena walking out the front of the restaurant. Where did she go? She didn’t have her bag over her shoulder, which means she’s not leaving. Is she okay? “You ready to go?” I ask.

“Your shout, right?” Rhett slaps his hand on my back.

“Hey, I’m the sick one here.”

“Yeah, sick in the head.” Dean leans over and pushes on my head.

I take my wallet out of my sweatpants, and open it. I throw three twenty-dollar bills on the table, and try to get out to the front so I can see where Serena is. Maybe I can talk to her to see if she’s okay.

“Sixty bucks? For three burgers and three fires? Are you kidding me? What are you, made of money?” Dean says as we walk out the front of the restaurant.

I’m searching for her, but I can’t move fast enough to see where she is. “I tip well,” I say.

“No, you don’t. You’re an ass,” Rhett says.

“Whatever.” I catch sight of Serena at the side of the building. She’s talking to a guy who’s taller than her. She’s looking up at him and shaking her head. Dean and Rhett head for Dean’s truck, but I’m standing watching Serena’s body language. She shakes her head again, then steps back. She buries her face in her hands, before throwing them into the air and poking the guy in the shoulder. The guy steps forward and raises his hand. Fuck no. Not on my watch. As fast as I can, I get over to her. “Serena,” I call.

She looks over to me, and her eyes widen as she turns and places her hands on her head. “Great!”

“What’s going on?” I ask as I get closer. Dean and Rhett reach Serena only a second before I do. I stand in front of Serena, creating a barrier between her and this guy. He’s way too skinny, and he stinks. “Are you okay?” I ask without turning away from the guy.

“What are you doing here, Alec? Just go.” She tries to push me out of the way.

“What? No. Who are you?” I confront the guy while Rhett and Dean stand in position to go after him if he tries anything on Serena or me.

“Who the fuck are you?” he spits as he looks me up and down.

Judging by his clothes, and the number of sores all over his face and arms, I’d say he’s a junkie who was probably trying to shake Serena down. “I suggest you take off, buddy,” I say in a low tone.

“Hey. I don’t need your help.” Serena stands in front of me and points. “He’s my brother,” she says with a clenched jaw.

I do a double take, trying to see the resemblance. But I can’t. “Are you sure?” I ask dumbfounded.

“Jordan,” she sighs as she blocks my line of sight from him. “If you wait five minutes, I’ll go inside and get you some food.”

“Nah, I’m not hungry, I just need some money for cigarettes.” He notices my crutches and narrows his eyes at me, then he sees Dean and Rhett standing protectively near Serena. “Fuck it.” He throws his hands up and turns to walk away. “Thanks for the help, sis,” he splutters sarcastically before breaking into a run to take off.

Serena lowers her head and runs her hand through her hair.

“We’ll be back at the car,” Dean whispers. He gives Rhett a small whistle and flicks his head to the side. They both walk away, but keep turning back to make sure her brother doesn’t return and try something.

“Why did you do that?” she says as she turns to face me.

“He was about to hit you.”

“He wouldn’t have hit me. He was frustrated that I wouldn’t give him money.”

“He raised his hand over his head. He was about to hit you,” I say again.

“Whatever. Look, I need this job, I’ve gotta get back in.” She walks away, and I struggle to keep up with her. “Can you go, please?”


She turns abruptly and holds her finger up at me. “You don’t get to come here and lecture me about my brother. You have no idea about anything.”

“Then tell me.”

She screws her face up, and sighs. Serena then straightens and pulls her shoulders back. “I’ll see you at your next appointment. I hope you all enjoyed your burgers this evening.” She smiles, then pivots and walks back into the restaurant.

What the fuck just happened?

The moment I’m in Dean’s truck, I sit back, close my eyes, and rub at the tension across my forehead. “Before either of you ask, no I had no idea she had a brother who’s a junkie.”

“Better find out what’s going on there, Alec. Because her brother is only one hit away from becoming violent with her. And that shit doesn’t fly with me,” Dean says.

“Or me,” Rhett echoes.

“Don’t you worry, I’m gonna get to the bottom of this.” I just have to figure out how to broach the subject so she doesn’t clam up.

What the hell is going on?