Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




“You’re getting around a bit better,” Mom says as I push myself out of the bedroom and into the dining room.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a bit better too,” I reply.

“What time is Serena due today? Oh, I’m making you scrambled eggs.”

“Can you make me some bacon with it?” I ask. “After all, bacon is the most important food group there is.” She turns her head and narrows her eyes at me from over her shoulder. “I take that as a no then.”

“You’ll get eggs and juice. I’m not making you bacon.”

“You’re not a very good host, are you?” I tease. “I’ll have to give you a negative review on the Airbnb website.”

She turns and sticks her finger up at me. “Well, if you don’t like it then you can cook for yourself. Oh no! That’s right, you can’t because you’re a damned invalid!” she mocks.

“You’re a nasty woman, Elise Morgan.”

“Yes, yes I am. I’m so nasty I’m here looking after you. Get over yourself.” She smiles. “I must admit, I’m glad to see that you’re not such a grumpy bastard today.”

Until Serena shows up. Thankfully I haven’t seen her since last Saturday when Mom hosted a belated sixteenth birthday party for my nephew-to-be. “I’m kinda determined to be up and walking around as quickly as I can. I need to return to work.”

There’s a knock on the door, and I instantly groan knowing Serena has arrived. Mom stops cooking and looks at the time on the microwave. “Serena isn’t due for another hour, is she?” She wipes her hands on the tea towel, then walks down the short hallway to the front door. “Oh, my favorite son!”

“Hey!” I protest.

“You’re my other favorite son,” she calls as she and Dean appear together.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I’ve come for breakfast, I’m hungry.” He rubs his stomach, then stretches.

“Joanne doesn’t feed you?” I ask.

“Yeah, but she had to leave for work early today. She was gone before I got home from work. I just dropped Thomas off at school, and I thought I’d drop by and see how my little brother is doing.” Dean drags out a chair, and sits as Mom continues making breakfast for the three of us.

“I’m doing okay.” I pointedly look down at the cast on my leg. “I can’t wait until I get this stupid thing off. Then, I’ll be ready to get back to work.”

Dean winces. “I’ve already told you, Alec. I’m not taking you back until the doctor and Serena give you the all-clear. I won’t have you endangering yourself or the rest of the crew because you’re sick of being here.”

I don’t want to endanger anyone either. “I just need to get back to work,” I sigh. “I don’t want to be the weak link on our crew, either.”

“Then do what Serena wants you to do, and put aside whatever you two have going on between you,” Dean says.

“Yes, well, keep it in your pants, Alec. You need to get yourself better first. But, let’s face it, your history with women is fairly poor,” Mom says as she brings over a plate piled with toast then walks back into the kitchen.

“It’s not that bad,” I try to defend myself.

“Yeah?” Mom asks in a high-pitched voice. “What’s your longest relationship been? Five, or six months?” I flinch. “Come on, son. You’re telling me you haven’t had a relationship longer than six months?” She returns to the dining table with three plates stacked in one hand, and a huge bowl of scrambled eggs in the other.

“I get bored.” I shrug. “They’re all the same.”

“Stop going after the same type of woman, then. That says more about you than about them,” Mom barks. Dean chuckles as he grabs two pieces of buttered toast and starts eating them. “And just because the perfect woman fell into your lap doesn’t mean you get to be an ass to your brother.” She smacks Dean on the back of the head.

Dean lowers his eyes, but with a wide smile murmurs, “Sorry.”

“Well, when I find her, I’ll be sure to not let her go. Okay?” I ask Mom, trying to pacify her.

“You’re an idiot, Alec.” She clicks her tongue and shakes her head. “Anyway, eat your breakfast before it goes cold.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” I say as I reach for the scrambled eggs that are slightly out of my reach. Dean sees me struggling, and he picks the bowl up goes to hand it to me, but pushes it further away. “Pass the eggs, Dean.”

“Which? These eggs?” He points to the bowl.

“Yeah, those eggs.”

“Sure.” He picks the bowl up, and scoops up a huge amount, and mounds it on top of more toast. He places the now half-empty bowl down just out of my reach. “These are so good, Mom.” He happily devours the food on his plate. I narrow my eyes at him. “Sorry, did you want some?”

“You’re being a dick, Dean,” Mom scolds.

I smirk and cross my arms. “Fine. Here.” He hands me the bowl, and I empty most of it onto my plate as Mom offers the toast.

“Thanks, Mom.” I smile.

“You’re such a mommy’s boy,” Dean teases.

“Nah, that’s Rhett,” I reply.

“You know what? I don’t like either of you at the moment.” Mom points to me then Dean. “So yes, I do like Rhett better than the both of you.” Dean and I laugh as Mom squirts some ketchup on her eggs and toast. “How’s work?” She looks to Dean.

“It was so quiet last night. I think we ran drills for about two hours straight.”

“And how’s my grandson and daughter-in-law?” She instantly relaxes when she mentions Joanne and Thomas.

“They’re really amazing, I’m lucky to have them.” Dean smiles sheepishly.

“When are you getting married?” I ask as I shovel more breakfast into my mouth.

“We haven’t set a date yet. But, soon I think. Joanne’s been given this amazing opportunity, and if she goes ahead with it, I want us to be married before that starts.”

“What’s the opportunity?” Mom asks.

“Her boss, Hope, has bought some old buildings here in Mulberry Point and she wants to create a food court. Hope wants to put in a dessert bar and have Joanne run it. But Joanne’s doubting herself, and she’s not sure if she wants to do it.”

“I’ll help her!” Mom offers. “Tell her, I’m happy to leave my job and come work for her. I love baking. I’m not that good at it, but I’m good at...” She squints. “You know what, don’t worry, I’ll call her and talk to her about it.”

“What? No, you can’t do that.”

“And why not?” Mom asks Dean. “She’s my future daughter-in-law. And if she needs help, I’ll be there for her.”

“Mom, everything’s been a bit overwhelming for her. First her husband died in prison.”

“Pffft.” Mom flicks her hand. “That beast stopped being her husband the moment he laid a hand on her.”

“I said the same thing. But still, he was a part of her life. And now she’s engaged. Give her some breathing space.”

“Breathing space? Are you kidding me, Dean? This family doesn’t do breathing space. We do in-your-face-suffocating. Breathing space,” she says again with a scoff.

Dean turns and whispers, though still loud enough for Mom to hear, “Help me out.”

“Like you helped me out with the eggs? Nope.”

“Prick,” he mumbles. “So, you and Serena, huh?” He glances at Mom to see her reaction.

Now who’s the prick? “Honestly, it was a momentary lapse of judgement. She’s not my type.”

“Yeah. Your type lasts three-point-four seconds,” Mom says.

“Stop.” I hold my hand up to her. “Serena is a bit chubby, and she’s plain, and she’s annoying.”

“Wait a second.” Mom lifts her finger to me while Dean sucks in a deep breath. “I didn’t realize I brought up a man who looks at someone and judges them by their weight. You should be ashamed of yourself, Alec. Because let me tell you, I’m mortified those words even left your mouth.” She stands abruptly, taking my plate and heading to the sink.

“I’m not done,” I object while still holding my fork.

“Yes, you are. Because what you said about that woman’s weight is atrocious. I never knew you to be so shallow. Now it makes sense why you can’t keep a girlfriend, though. Because you choose them with your eyes, and not your heart.”

“Mom, I’m sor...”

She swings around in the kitchen holding up a finger to me. “Don’t even bother. And let me tell you, if you make her cry once more, you’ll have me to deal with.”

I look to Dean for support, but he shrugs and keeps on eating. “Thanks for the backup.”

“Not from me.” He shakes his head.

With Mom now giving me stink eye and the cold shoulder, I may as well wheel myself back to my room to get ready for Serena’s arrival. It’s not that Serena is fat, but she’s certainly not petite. I prefer my women slim, and able to wear sexy dresses that make my head turn. I like it when I show up to take them out, and they’re all dolled up with a beautiful, figure-hugging dress and lips so red that I can’t wait to slide my cock inside their mouth.

“You look like you’re about to rub one out,” I hear the annoying voice of Serena.

“Ugh.” I look over to her and roll my eyes. “Aren’t you early? You’re not supposed to be here for another half an hour.”

“Well, aren’t you lucky then? You get to see my beautiful face half an hour earlier.”

Beautiful face? Who is she kidding? She’s ordinary, and there’s no way in hell she’d be able to pull off red lipstick. Or a figure-hugging dress. “Let’s get this over and done with.”

“My sentiments exactly.” She places her bag on the floor, and comes to help me out of the wheelchair and onto the bed.

“I can do this on my own,” I snap, already annoyed by her.

Serena steps back and lifts her hands as she watches me use my upper arm strength to move from the wheelchair to the bed. “Look at you go,” she says without even cracking a smile.

“What’s your problem, Serena? If you don’t want to be here, leave. I’ll find someone else to do what you do. You’re not the only physiotherapist in Mulberry Point.”

Her jaw tightens. Without a word she starts working on my good leg. She’s a bit rough but I’m not going to complain, or she’ll intensify what she’s doing. When she’s finished working on the front of my legs, she huffs and says, “Turn on your stomach.” It takes me a moment, but I get on my stomach and she attacks the back of my legs with a lot of force.

“Hey,” I finally say when she digs the palms of her hands into my calf.

“Remember you’re always welcome to find one of the plenty of other physiotherapists in Mulberry Point,” she swipes back with sass.

“Do you have any idea how annoying you are?”

“Do you have any idea how many people actually appreciate what I do for them?”

“Name one…your mama?” I say. She slaps the back of my leg. “Hey!” I protest as I crane my head to look at her. “What’s your problem?”

“My parents died, you inconsiderate dick. Now shut up and let me work on you so I can get out of here before I give in to my impulses and kill you.”

Shit. I didn’t know. I lower my head and close my eyes, deciding to not say anything about the immense pain she’s more than likely purposely inflicting on me. I should apologize. It’s the right thing to do. I’m such an idiot. “I’m sorry, Serena.”

She doesn’t reply at first. Instead, I know she accepts my apology because her actions become a bit gentler. When she’s finished with my legs, she steps away. “When you’re ready, get yourself back in your wheelchair,” she says. “Have you got weights here?”

“My brother does. Ask Mom.”

Serena walks out of the room, and I feel like a complete dick when I see how sad she looks. She comes back in carrying two dumbbells and hands them to me. “You need to keep your upper arm strength up. Start today with three sets of ten repetitions.”

“I can do more than that,” I say.

She closes her eyes for a moment, takes in a sharp breath, holds it, and lets it out. “Start today with three sets of ten repetitions. Tomorrow move it up to three sets of fifteen repetitions. Keep increasing the reps by five every day.”

She sits on the side of the bed, and waits for me to do what she’s asked. She blankly watches as I do the first set. “Serena, I’m sorry about what I said.” She gives me a tight smile and a small nod. She’s still hurting and I feel like a complete dick for saying what I did. “Can we talk about it?”

“You’re doing good. I’ll be back tomorrow to bring you crutches, so we can get you more mobile. I worked on your leg muscles quite a bit, so you’ll be sore tonight. But tomorrow, we’ll start on more lower body strength exercises to keep you as toned as possible so you can return to work quicker.” She doesn’t even make eye contact with me.

“Serena,” I say as she picks up her bag. “Please.” I feel like I’m begging.

I finish with the reps, and she comes over to take the weights from me. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” her voice is dull and flat.

“Serena,” I call as she walks out. No use in trying. She’s in no hurry to return. I hear her and Mom briefly talking, although I can’t exactly make out what they’re saying. The front door closes moments later, and Mom comes into the room. I look at her, waiting for her to say something. “I can explain.”

Mom narrows her eyes at me. “What did you do, Alec?” She places a hand to her hip.

Serena didn’t say anything to her. I just dug my own grave with Mom. “We were...” I point toward the door. “She was...” I throw my hands up. “I said something stupid.”

“If it’s about her weight, so help me God, Alec…”

“No, it wasn’t about her weight. We were saying stupid shit to each other and I said something about her mom, and she told me her parents are dead.”

Mom smacks the palm of her hand to her forehead. “You’re really good at pissing people off lately, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what it is about her. She gets under my skin and claws her way into my head. She’s so damned annoying, and she doesn’t just do her work. There’s always a side of sass, and...and...and...”

Mom smirks and gives me a nod. “Oh. I see.” She scoffs and heads out of the room.

“What do you see?” I call after her.

“You’re such a blind idiot.”

“What? I’m not blind. What?” I yell a little louder, frustrated that Mom’s talking in riddles.

She pops her head back into the room. “You like her,” she says with certainty.

“No, I don’t.”

“You do. But your head is up your ass, and of course you’re too self-centered to see it. Maybe when you grow up you’ll see how perfect she is for you.”

I want to say something, but everything I’m thinking in my head makes me sound like I am self-centered, and my head is up my ass. Instead, I turn and look out the window trying to ignore Mom and her stupid words of wisdom. Wisdom, my ass. More like clueless words because she has no idea what she’s talking about.

“Yeah, I thought so.” Mom walks away, and I’m left thinking about Serena and what I said to her. Well, I’m an ass for saying what I did about her mom, that’s for sure. But as far as liking her, no way. She’s so not my type. Not at all. Not only is she chubby, but she’s super sensitive too. It’s not my problem that she takes everything to heart. Not my problem at all. She needs to grow some balls and deal with it.

Then why do I feel like shit?