Beg For Me by Sierra Cartwright

Chapter Three

Elissa needed tea. Or really, anything infused with caffeine, hot or cold, was fine.

She dropped her forearm over her eyes.

Even though the bed was comfortable, she hadn’t managed to sleep for more than a few hours. The bright Colorado sun blasted the room, despite the fact that the blinds were closed. And the deadline to get designs over to her client was only a couple of days away, creating anxiety. Not that she needed more of that.

In flashes, memories of the previous night rushed through her mind, from the strange attraction at the pub, to the hardness of his body as he’d swept her from the ground and tossed her over his shoulder. Then…the kiss. Her lower lip still tingled from Jacob’s passion.

What was worse was how close she’d come to asking him to tie her up.

As long as she could remember, she’d wanted to experiment with BDSM, but she’d never had a partner willing to explore with her. Jacob, on the other hand, had read her accurately, and she had no doubt he was capable of giving her everything she desired.

Yet he was the one man she dared not play with. It would lead to nothing other than heartache.

The craziness of the situation would be over soon, maybe in a few days. She’d go back to her life. No way could she become attached either physically or emotionally to another former military man who operated in the shadows.

But still, no matter how hard she tried to shove aside thoughts of last night or the stupidity of finishing what had started in his bedroom, the stronger and more tantalizing they became.

Frustrated, she flipped onto her stomach.

Despite her efforts to control her runaway fantasies, she imagined he actually had kept her in his room and tied her to his massive bed.

First, he would strip off her clothes and trail his fingers across her needy body. Once she was aroused, he’d pick her up and place her on the mattress. Then he’d exert his masculine dominance, securing her with ropes while she writhed, captured, unable to escape his sexual determination.

She’d gasp when he played with her pussy, and she’d silently beg him to take her. And when he did, it would be as powerful as a storm.

The pictures flashing like strobe lights through her brain made her clit throb.

She needed to orgasm.

Maybe that would put a stop to the stampede of impossible, tempting thoughts. Surrendering, just for the moment, she reached a hand beneath her pelvis and pressed against her clit.

She moaned into the pillow.

Then all of a sudden she was lost…in a fever of arousal, grinding her hips, seeking release. Elissa slipped two fingers inside herself, wishing instead that it was Jacob’s massive cock filling her.

Faster and faster, she moved, thinking about the sight of him holding his belt, the leather tantalizing.

Within moments, she climaxed, screaming his name, praying he didn’t hear her.

For moments afterward, she lay there, her breaths disjointed as she labored to return to reality.

The climax had been as swift as it was powerful. But shockingly, she was still thinking about Jacob.

What’s wrong with me?

Elissa didn’t masturbate often, and when she did, she was generally satisfied for days, maybe even a week. This internal hunger for a specific man was new. And she didn’t like it. She wasn’t the type of woman to think about sex all the time. Or, rather, she hadn’t been until the cowboy uprooted her life.

Determinedly she punched her pillow into a different shape while telling herself to focus on something else. Like work. That was always her favorite refuge. She had to decide on the colors and fonts to communicate her client’s brand. He was a motivational speaker, and she wanted something engaging, a bit bold to reflect his personality, but it also needed to invite trust. Meeting planners had to be confident when booking him.

In the distance, a door closed.

Did that mean Jacob had left the house?

If so, maybe it was safe to get her tea so she could hurry back to the sanctuary of her room.

Seizing the opportunity, she turned over, then climbed out of bed.

After pulling on a pair of leggings but not changing out of his T-shirt, she headed downstairs only to freeze once she reached the kitchen.

Jacob was there, leaning against the countertop, a mug in hand. He wore a skimpy pair of swim trunks and nothing else. His short hair was wet and slicked back, while droplets of water clung to his broad chest.

As she watched, fascinated, unable to look away, one arrowed downward, stopping right above his waistband.

The man was a living Adonis.

Every muscle was chiseled, and he didn’t carry an ounce of fat anywhere. Numerous scars attested to his rough life, feeding her curiosity. As crazy as it was, she hungered to know everything about him.


She looked up and met his gaze, flushing when she realized she’d been caught staring at him.

As if they shared a secret, he smiled, making him even more lethal to her senses.

She would have dressed properly before coming down if she’d realized he was in the house. Self-conscious, hyperaware of his masculinity, she cleared her throat before pulling back her shoulders and pretending that this was a common experience.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No. I mean, not really. I heard a door close. I thought you’d left.”

“Spent a few minutes in the hot tub, then had a swim.”

She tucked wayward strands of hair behind her ears. Being in intimate quarters with a captor, especially after a sizzling kiss, was a new experience, and she had no idea how to act. She thought fast, struggling for some sort of normalcy. “I need to get some work done.” If that was even possible.

“Can I get you a cup of coffee first? It’s fresh.”

“Tempting. But I was thinking about tea this morning.” Besides, the stainless-steel carafe was on the counter next to him, and she didn’t want to get that close.

“There should be some in the pantry.”

The shelves were well stocked, including numerous boxes of tea, and she went straight for the Earl Grey. “Yesterday, you mentioned I have a new computer here?”

“Ready to set up anywhere you wish. You could share my office.”

“Uh…” She frantically thought. “The kitchen table would be fine.”

“There’s an apartment above the garage. Originally it was a stable and bunkhouse, but I had it converted. It has great light. There’s even a small kitchen and a desk. You might enjoy the space and feel like you have a little freedom.”

A small mercy. “You mean I don’t have to stay in the house with you all day?” Because she wasn’t sure she could survive that.

“Of course not. I want you to be comfortable.”

“As if.”

He inclined his head in acknowledgment. “As much as possible, then.” He took a drink. “You’ll find an internet connection throughout the property, so you can work almost anywhere. The hot tub and pool are at your disposal as well.”

“I didn’t see a swimsuit in the box.”

“You don’t need one.”

She notched up her chin. “I don’t skinny-dip.”


The atmosphere crackled around her, supercharged, like the moment right before lightning struck.

It was then that she noticed his trunks were dry. That meant either he’d changed—which was unlikely—or he’d put them on after he exited the pool. Had he been prowling around outside naked?

Heaven help me.There was no way she would ever get that image out of her mind.

“You can always wear a bra and panties, if your modesty matters.”

Not that he’d packed any underwear that covered much. He’d skipped briefs in favor of thongs and boy shorts.

“The housekeeper isn’t here today, and none of the ranch hands will head this direction without my prior approval. Hawkeye has a few agents stationed nearby, but your privacy will always be respected.” He refilled his mug. “For the moment, it’s just the two of us.”

Just the two of us.His words unnerved her. Was there anything more dangerous to her senses? “Thank you for the offer, but I’ll keep my clothes on.”

His quick grin disarmed her.

How many dimensions were there to this man?

“Can I get you some breakfast?”


“I want to make sure I meet all your basic needs.”

She blinked. Were they talking about food?

“Thought I’d treat you to my specialty. French toast stuffed with cream cheese and covered with strawberry topping.”

On cue, her stomach grumbled. “If you’re serious, yes. Please.” In the mornings, Elissa generally grabbed a bagel. It required no effort, and she could eat at her desk while reading her emails and catching up on the news. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Just worry about your tea. Not one of my specialties.”

Since she was helping out at the pub and had recently been spending her time serving others, having someone take care of her needs was the ultimate luxury.

While he whipped up some eggs and added sugar and vanilla along with a generous shake of cinnamon, she placed a cup of water in the microwave to heat up. She was careful not to bump into him, something that wasn’t easy. His movements were efficient, but he was so large that he dwarfed the space.

Once her beverage was ready, she carried the cup to the far side of the island and slid onto one of the stools. This far apart, with an expanse of marble separating them, she shouldn’t be aware of his every motion. Yet she knew exactly what he was doing, even without looking, as if her senses were supercharged.

He turned on two burners and straddled them with a griddle.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do? Set the table, maybe?”

“That would be great. I thought we might eat on the patio. It’s nice enough.”

He told her where to find everything, and she once again took care to skirt by him without touching. With everything gathered on a tray, she fled from the house and her dangerous desire for him.

Outside, she released a breath, not just because she was away from him, but also because of the endless vista and the warmth of the sun on her bare skin.

The sky was a stunning shade of bright blue, and only a few wispy clouds floated by. The flagstones beneath her bare feet were warmer than she expected for so early in the summer. Numerous lounge chairs were scattered in various groupings and accented by huge potted plants and trees. Off to one side was a stone firepit with wicker furniture in front of it.

After arranging plates and silverware on the metal table, she made another trip for their beverages, and a final one for the strawberry topping. Then, since he was still cooking, she walked toward the gazebo at the edge of the patio. The lightest hint of a breeze stirred the late-morning air.

Her initial impression of the ranch hadn’t prepared her for the actual experience of breathing in fresh Rocky Mountain air. In the distance, a single mountain dominated the landscape. Because she lived in suburban Denver, she rarely glimpsed an unobstructed view of anything. The landscape beckoned, making her want to explore her surroundings.

Just as quickly as the idea occurred to her, she shoved it away. Being here was temporary, and she’d never have the opportunity to return.

Inside the house, dishes clattered, signaling that Jacob was wrapping up, and she wandered to the pool area. The water rippled and reflected sunlight, making her wish he actually had packed a swimsuit for her.

When she reached the hot tub, she was unable to resist temptation, and she crouched to dip her hand into the warmth.

“You sure you don’t want to get in?” he shouted from the back door.

And have him watch me walk around naked?“No.” Maybe.

Her heart fluttering again, she met him at the table and sat down across from him. In addition to the French toast, he’d brought out a bottle of pure maple syrup and a platter of bacon. He was a man after her heart.

The meal was prepared perfectly. The bread had exactly the right amount of batter, and it was golden brown. A hint of the filling peeked out around the edges. “Looks amazing.” She filled her plate, then took a bite and sighed. “Do you treat all your captives this well?”

“I prefer the term client. Or protectee.” He snapped his fingers. “Wait. As I said before, guest is even better. It makes a difference to your experience. Therefore, service matters, which you know all about since your family is in the hospitality industry. We’re hoping you’ll leave Hawkeye a good review online and recommend us to your friends and family.”

At his absurdity, she couldn’t help but grin.

“I’m hoping you’ll give us five stars for the Morning Star Suite here at the Starlight Mountain Ranch. I trust the bed is comfortable enough?”

Seduced by the meal, his smile, the surroundings, and his banter, she played along. “Definitely. Exceeded my expectations.” Which was true. “The fluffy robe is a nice touch. If I take it home, can you add the cost to my bill?”

“It’s complimentary with every five-day stay.”

How different would the experience be if she really were his guest here? Everything about the place was spectacular. Over the years, she’d paid a lot of money to relax and recharge at nearby lodges and spas, but she’d never had any of them to herself.

As they ate, he informed her the distant peak was named Saddle Mountain. Then he gave her the history of the ranch, including the struggles each generation had gone through to hold on to it.

“Ranching isn’t easy. And the world isn’t either. My great-grandparents lost their only son in a war. There are challenges with fluctuating beef prices, drought, fights over water rights. Weather. Always the weather. One thing my grandfather was interested in was cross-breeding. Our cattle can survive the harshest winters and terrain. Because of that, we sell them all over the country, including Montana and Wyoming.”

“I didn’t even know that was a thing.”

“It took us years to get it where it is now. Still a long way to go. But his foresight has been the thing that has helped us hold on to the property.”

She sipped from her now cool tea. “You love it here.”

Before answering, he looked into the distance. “I didn’t always.” He pushed his empty plate aside. “It took being gone to appreciate my roots.”

“Did you leave to work with Hawkeye?”

A red-tailed hawk screeched in the sky, then soared on a thermal.

“No. Much earlier than that. I joined the military right after college.”

“So that’s where the two of you met?”

“Yeah.” He faced her again. “In another lifetime.”

“Sometimes I think he never came back.”

Jacob inclined his head to one side, watching her carefully. “You’ve known him a long time.”

“No. I mean… As the calendar goes, yes. Years. But I don’t know him at all.” She shook her head. “For a little while, I thought maybe I did. Then one day he was gone. And I mean that literally. I saw him almost every day, and then…nothing.”

Jacob fixed her with his intense gaze. “You were hurt?”

“Of course.” A little lost. Bereft, but more than anything, confused. She’d become accustomed to Hawkeye coming into the pub late every afternoon. He’d spend hours there, staying until well after dark. They enjoyed deep conversation, and he’d taken her out for dinner on a couple of occasions. One moonless evening, after he’d walked her home, they shared a meaningful kiss on her front porch. She’d gone to bed wondering if their relationship would develop into something more substantial.

She never expected he’d leave without saying goodbye. Less than a week later, he called to say he was no longer in the state and had no plans to return. “I thought we were friends, but the truth was, he’d never let me in. He never mentioned his family or his life before the military. I know something happened in…” She paused, wondering if he’d fill in the details. “Peru or Ecuador, if I recall.”

“Close enough.”

So Jacob knew. Or he’d been there as well. “It was as if he’d been at the pub physically, but somewhere else mentally.”


Jacob was slightly different. Just as strong. Rugged. Dangerous. But last night there’d been heat in his eyes. There’d been emotion in his voice when he commanded her to leave. It made him more complex, a little more human.

“He’s worried about you.” He steepled his index fingers. “Clearly you mean something to him.”

She hesitated before replying. “Are you fishing for information, Jacob?”

“And if I am? Wondering what you mean to each other?”

Elissa sucked in a shallow breath. Asking about her entanglements indicated either a natural curiosity or something more. Since they’d kissed, she was willing to bet he wanted to be sure her relationship with his friend wouldn’t come between them. Finally she exhaled. “To be honest, nothing other than friendship. When we met, I wondered if there might be something more.” She shook her head. “There wasn’t.”

Because he allowed the silence to engulf them, she was compelled to continue. “That’s why I’m frustrated by this whole thing. You know, the way you abducted me and—”

He winced, and she stopped talking.

“You’ve mentioned that once or twice.”

“All I’m trying to say is that Hawkeye shouldn’t be concerned for my well-being at all. No one really knew about us—not that there ever was an us.” She shrugged. “You have to admit I have a point, though. Right? He’s overreacting.” She expected to garner sympathy or at least understanding. Instead, Jacob’s features hardened, and shards of jade shot through his eyes.

“Hawkeye doesn’t take chances with people who matter to him.”

“God, Jacob. Have you listened to a single word I’ve said? I don’t matter to him, and I never did.”

“Someone may believe differently. And that’s the only thing that matters.”

With a clatter, she put her cup down. The conversation was going nowhere. Jacob was loyal to his friend rather than to her.

“I have my orders.”

Like a good military man, he would follow them. Why had she hoped for anything different?

After a long pause, he finally spoke. “How much do you know about what’s going on?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” She exhaled her frustration. “I’m struggling with all this drama. In my place, would you take it seriously?”

“He has a right-hand woman.” His tone was measured, as if deciding how much information to divulge.

“Are you talking about Ms. Inamorata?”

“So you do know her?”

Elissa desperately wanted to yank back her words. “You miss nothing.”

“My life, and those of others, has depended on it.”

“I swear to you, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Hawkeye.” It was important to her that Jacob understood completely.


Things were suddenly more complicated. They were having two different discussions. One about her relationship with his friend. Another where she was trying to convince Jacob to let her go back to her regular life. “About a year ago, Hawkeye was passing through Denver, and he stopped in the pub and ordered a whiskey, neat. I brought him the wrong brand. In the years since I’d seen him, he’d switched to something smoother and much more expensive. That’s when we caught up.”

Without responding, Jacob nodded.

Had her explanation satisfied him?

He tapped his fingers, as if contemplating how much to reveal. “Inamorata received a birthday card at her home, and there was white powder in it. Results have confirmed it was anthrax.”

A chill rocked through Elissa, and she wrapped her arms around herself to ward it off. “Is she… Someone tried to…” Oh no. Despite herself, the news unnerved her. “Is she okay?”

“Yes. She was immediately started on antibiotics as a precaution, and there are no ill effects. In fact, she was furious at herself for opening the envelope and refused to take any time off work.” He leveled a stare at her, and his eyes were icy enough to freeze her in place. “Whoever it is has already reached the upper levels of the company. We have no idea what kind of information he—or she—has access to.” He paused. “It could be someone who works for the company.”

For the first time, a tendril of doubt unfurled inside her. With determination, she tamped it down. No doubt the arrogant males surrounding her were overreacting. But were they?

“All of Hawkeye’s resources are focused on this.” His tone was as cold as it was detached.


“The sooner you accept reality and make yourself comfortable here, the easier this will be.” He leaned toward her and imprisoned her gaze. “You’re staying in protective custody until Hawkeye says otherwise. My decision is non-negotiable.”

Even though Jacob made polite conversation through the rest of breakfast, his harsh words continued to echo in her ears. How was she supposed to be comfortable out here in the middle of nowhere, alone with a stranger who’d kissed her and haunted her dreams?


Since he was looking at her quizzically, she shook her head to clear it.

“I asked if you were finished eating.”

“Yes. Thanks.” She nodded, then, when he pushed back his chair and stood, followed suit.

Together, they cleared the table, then straightened the kitchen.

“I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” He inclined his head before walking away.

Under normal circumstances, she might have enjoyed his polite, old-fashioned charms. But she already knew what lay beneath the polished exterior.

Once the sound of his footsteps had vanished and silence shrouded her, she walked to the window and stared into the distance. Just yesterday, there hadn’t been enough time to get everything done that she needed to. And now, the upcoming hours seemed to loom like an unpleasant specter.

Even more restless and uncertain than she had been before breakfast, she headed upstairs, quietly passing his office on the way to her bedroom.

She closed the door and then dialed her dad’s phone number.

As the call connected, she paced the confines of her temporary bedroom. When she’d first arrived, the space seemed large and luxurious. Now it was claustrophobic, the walls closing in on her.

“Elissa, love!”

At the welcome sound of his voice, an emotional lifeline like it had always been, she collapsed her shoulders against the wall.

“I know you’ve been texting, and Hawkeye’s been keeping us posted, but it’s good to hear from you.”

She fought for normalcy in order to reassure him. “How are things in Ireland?”

“We’re at the airport.”

“What? The airport?”

“Hawkeye chartered a plane for us. Can you imagine? We’re waiting for our flight now.”

The news shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. “There’s no need to cut your trip short.” They needed the break. Deserved it. “This will all be over soon.” It had to be.

“It’s all arranged. Hawkeye’s having us picked up when we arrive at the Denver airport and assigning us a security agent.”

A chill shot up her spine. “What?”

“It’s out of an abundance of caution.”

She exhaled a worried sigh. This was all too much. And if Hawkeye were truly that concerned, wouldn’t her parents be safer if they were out of the country? “Dad. Seriously. Stay there.”

“Lovey, we insisted on it. Your mother wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise.”

How had her entire life been so completely turned upside down?

“They’re fetching us to board the plane. We love you, Liss.”

They each said a quick goodbye, promised to talk again soon, and then she was left staring at a blank screen on her phone.

Still as restless as she had been, she dialed Joseph, who was covering for her.

“I’m already at the pub so Mary can update me on new procedures. Wanted to spend a couple of hours with her while I reorient.”

“Good idea.”

“Everything’s under control, and yes, I promise I’ll call if I need you.”

Talking to him made her feel as if she were doing something useful, even though she hadn’t been needed at all. Others seemed to be handling all the pieces of her life, which meant she had the time she needed to work on her graphic arts project.

After showering then dressing in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, she searched out Jacob. She knocked on the door where she’d previously found him, and when there was no answer, she called out his name and reached for the handle.

A red light on the wall next to the door blinked, and she noticed a small touchpad there. When she placed a fingertip against it, a buzzer blasted, the sharpness ricocheting around her and making her jump back.

More surprises.

She went downstairs and, when she didn’t find him, continued toward his wing of the house. “Jacob?”

“Back here!”

Near his bedroom, one of the doors stood ajar.

Still, before crossing the threshold, she knocked.


When she did, he turned his chair toward her. His smile was inviting, sending another little tingle through her.

“I… Uh.” She tucked hair behind her ear. “I didn’t realize you had two offices.”

“The other is more for cameras. In an emergency, it doubles as a panic room.”

“Hence the door on it?”

“Actually you’ll find that type of lock in several places in the house. Anywhere I might require privacy.”

“The room you don’t want me to see?” Why had she blurted that out? “Unless you were joking about having one.”

“No. I assure you I wasn’t.”

Fear collided with excitement and turned her tummy upside down.

“And yes, it’s protected…with biometrics. Do you want to see it?”

“Absolutely not.” Yes. Desperately.

His grin was quick, evil. “So there’s something else I can do for you?”

He twitterpated her so much she had to shake her head to remember why she’d sought him out. “I need to do some work. So if the offer of using the garage apartment is still open, I’d like to take you up on it.” Having separate spaces was more important now than it had been an hour ago. After his teasing invitation, she’d never be able to think as long as they were under the same roof.

“I’ll walk you over.”

She hurried back to the living room ahead of him so their bodies didn’t come into close proximity. And then she followed him out the sliding glass patio door and across to the former barn.

The upstairs space blew her away. It wasn’t a tiny office—it was more like an artist’s studio, with wide-open spaces and massive windows that allowed plenty of sunlight. The honey-colored wood floors were divine. There was a comfortable-looking couch, a daybed, and an anti-gravity gaming chair behind an L-shaped desk that offered her more workspace than she’d ever enjoyed before. “This is as big as my apartment.”

“You’re pleased?”

“It’s spectacular. Really. The views…” The windows were massive, and he’d been right about the natural light that filtered in.

“There’s an attached deck, through that door. Make yourself comfortable while I bring over the computer.”

After he left, she took his advice and explored her temporary work area. There was a small powder room and a tiny kitchenette, complete with a small refrigerator that was stocked with water bottles and splits of champagne. This apartment couldn’t be any more perfect for her.

Then she walked out onto the small deck. It was only big enough for a bistro set and a single Adirondack chair, but it overlooked the meadow and Saddle Mountain. It was a perfect place to escape with a cup of tea or an evening sip of bubbly.

Jacob returned with the box containing a sleek, space-agey titanium-encased tower. It was not just functional, but a work of art with the company’s famous curved lines.

Awed, she trailed her fingers down the side. “I’ve never seen anything this beautiful.”

“Not sure I have either. I’m told it’s next year’s Elite Pro model. And it’s been upgraded with an additional twenty thousand dollars’ worth of graphics cards.”

“I’m…” Speechless. This was the stuff of dreams. She couldn’t afford the base model, let alone the upgraded pro one. “Wow.”

“Apparently Bonds said that you’d appreciate something this…” He cleared his throat.

Elissa waited.


Heat seared her cheeks. The mysterious Julien Bonds knew far too much about her. “He said that? Or are you making it up?”

“I assure you—sensuous is not a word I would have associated with a computer.” He tucked the unit beneath the desk. “The monitor is significantly bigger.”

“Do you need help?”

“You can hold the doors.”

A few minutes later, in the apartment, he opened the box. Even though he was a big, muscular man, the thing was massive.

“Bonds included these.” He handed her two smaller packages with her name on them, then read the enclosed note aloud. “Gadgets he thought you’d enjoy.”

“This is like Christmas.” Only better. She opened the first gift. “Oh my God. Drool-worthy.”

“What is it?”

“Pen tablet.”

“That means something to you?”

“I can draw free hand on the pad, and the image will appear on the screen. It’s a much better quality than the one I already have.”

“And the other thing?”

She tore open the gift and blinked. “It’s an editing console, which means I don’t need a mouse or keyboard to manipulate images.” With her right hand, she showed him the wheels and buttons. “For example, this one is for contrast. No clicking on anything separate.”

“Time saver?”

“Huge.” It was impossible to believe that Julien Bonds had put all of this together for her.

Jacob placed the monitor stand on the desk. “Want to give me a hand with the screen?”

He sliced through the cardboard with a pocketknife, and then she jiggled the foam packaging loose.

Once she caught a glimpse of the frameless monitor, she gasped. “I’ve only seen things like this in museum displays and when I’ve watched videos of the big electronics show.” It took both of them to secure it in place. “I’m just flabbergasted.” The screen was at least fifty-five inches. “It weighs a ton.”

“Sixty pounds or thereabouts.”

Within minutes, he had the entire thing put together and connected to the internet.

The Bonds logo winked into view in the middle of the see-through glass, and the crispness took her breath away. “This is unbelievable.”

“The tag says it displays over a billion colors.”

“That shouldn’t even be possible.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t believe I get to work on this.” But she was afraid she’d never want to give it up when she returned to her real life. Even monthly payments on this would be equal to a car. “I’ll leave you to enjoy your new toy.” After pointing out where panic buttons were located, Jacob programmed his phone number into her new cell phone. “As I stated earlier, there are agents on the property. I have one stationed at the gate, and two on perimeter patrol. However, you’re not likely to see them. Anything else?”

“I think this more than covers it. I couldn’t be happier. I mean, you know…”

“Given the situation?”

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful.”

“Being at a safe house is always an adjustment.”

And that was exactly what this was. “Thank you. Not for bringing me here, but for—”

He held up a hand. “Let’s leave it at thank you. And you’re welcome.” With a curt, dismissive nod, he excused himself.

She paced to the window and watched him until he closed the patio door behind him.

For the first half hour, she played with the computer, learning her way around before opening her design program, then clicking on the icon for her client’s collateral.

After making a few adjustments, she let her mind wander.

The new machine—combined with the surroundings—should have been enough to inspire her for weeks. Yet she couldn’t concentrate.

Elissa grabbed a bottle of water from the tiny refrigerator. A loud whinny captured her attention, and she paced to the window. Seconds later, Jacob rode into view on horseback, tall in the saddle, wearing a cowboy hat. Even though he was far away, there was no mistaking the rope attached to the saddle.

Again, unbidden, his soft threat from the night before teased the edges of her memory.

He continued on, and soon two other men galloped toward him. When they were close, each rider pulled up and formed a semicircle. Because she wanted a better view, she went out onto the deck.

The impromptu meeting lasted for at least ten minutes, and she watched every moment, shamelessly drinking in the masculine and commanding sight of him. If only they’d met under other circumstances…

At an easy canter, the party loped away, toward the open valley. Without looking back toward her, Jacob lifted a hand in a silent acknowledgment.

He’d been aware of her the whole time?

She uncapped her bottle. Of course he knew exactly where she was. No doubt he had some sort of cell phone app that was streaming images of every part of the property.

When they disappeared over a hill, she went back inside, leaving the door open.

This time, when she sat back down at her desk, she was inspired, but not to work on the project that was due at the end of the week. Instead, she accessed one of her private folders, containing the images that Julien Bonds had called kinky shit.

He might be right. No doubt plenty of people would agree.

To her, though, it was more, a pure and honest expression of sensual pleasure.

In college, she’d taken all the art classes that were offered. As part of her final grade, she’d had to display her work at a small avant-garde gallery in Denver. Her drawing of a nude caught the eye of a Dominant who had then commissioned her to paint a portrait of his submissive.

When she’d arrived at their house for the initial interview, the Dom had outlined his expectations. It needed to capture emotion. While most of Lydia’s body was to be bare, scarlet silk should cover her most private areas. He wanted to see just a hint of her nipples through the fabric—as if she were a precious gift to be unwrapped only by him.

And then he’d brought out heavy, thick silver chains.

Elissa had gasped at the sight. Until that moment, she’d known nothing about BDSM, and seeing the way Lydia glanced up at her Dominant with a soft smile rocked Elissa, expanding her view of the world.

Then, he’d nodded, and Lydia sank to her knees.

Belatedly Elissa grabbed her phone and snapped a dozen pictures of the sub, capturing her expression of adoring, blissful surrender.

During the weeks they worked together, Elissa received an education about Dominance, submission, what BDSM was, and what it wasn’t.

The dynamic intrigued her enough to accept their invitation to attend an open house at a downtown Denver club and to eventually scene with a couple different Dominants.

Later, she’d entered that ill-fated relationship with Robby. It had taken months and endless conversations with other submissives to help Elissa realize that his need to manipulate her had nothing to do with actual Dominance.

For a while after that, she would only scene with one of the club’s owners. Once she regained her bearings and learned to trust her newfound intuition, she moved on to other partners.

Because of her father’s illness and the sheer number of hours she worked, Elissa hadn’t been to the club since last summer. She’d missed it terribly—not just the connection with another person, but the sublime transcendence that occurred when she surrendered to an honorable Dominant.

Shoving aside the restlessness churning inside her, she opened one of her completed files and critically studied the image.

According to Hawkeye, Julien had suggested she show some of her work. She hated to disagree with a renowned genius, but clearly she didn’t have enough talent. These images wouldn’t be good enough even if she painted them as actual portraits—maybe because each subject reflected some part of her own personality.

Dismissing Julien’s opinion as kind and nothing more, she minimized the image and opened one she’d been playing with for days.

In it, the submissive was kneeling back on her heels in front of a standing Dominant. Her head was bowed, and her dark hair fell over her face, shading her features. The backs of her hands rested lightly on her thighs. She wore a short gossamer gown, and a small collar circled her neck.

The man held a delicate chain, and he looked at his submissive with absolute adoration.

Elissa wrinkled her nose as she zoomed in on the Dom’s features. Her intent was to show that he didn’t need anything substantial to secure the woman’s compliance. Their relationship was based on love and trust, respect, as well as consent.

The image wasn’t quite what she wanted. Something was still missing.

Using the highly responsive mouse, she darkened the background to add a little more intensity. Then, still not satisfied, she changed the first layer entirely, making it dark gray so the submissive’s gown appeared more ethereal.


But still not exactly what she was striving for.

Something about the man’s facial features wasn’t quite right. Maybe he needed to be a little more intense. With a few deft strokes, his jawline became more angular. Then she selected a deeper shade of green for his eyes.

Each alteration brought him into sharper relief, pleasing her.

Continuing on, she gave his abs slightly more definition before adding a small scar to his torso. She didn’t want him to be perfect—she wanted him to be real, with flaws that made him human and gave him the capacity to care.

Then, satisfied, she enlarged the entire image to fill her screen.

In stunned fascination, she blinked.

The changes made her Dom resemble Jacob. What in the hell?


Screaming, heart pounding from sudden panic, she jumped.

“Didn’t mean to frighten you.”

Slowly, she spun her chair to face the door.


Late-afternoon sunshine silhouetting him, he stood in the entryway, holding an insulated tumbler that served as a wineglass. “I knocked. Dinner’s close to being ready, and I thought you might want to unwind a bit first.”

“I…” Somehow, she’d lost track of the hours. “That’s thoughtful.”

He stepped across the threshold and closed the door behind him.

Obviously he’d showered after his ride. The scent of summer wrapped around him, and his dark hair was still damp. He’d changed into a navy T-shirt and blue jeans. And it was everything she could do to pretend she wasn’t turned on by him.

“Mind if I have a look at what you’re working on?”

Horrified, she turned back to her computer to hide the image. But since the computer was slightly different from hers, the key she pushed didn’t make the screen go blank.

He moved in behind her and looked at the screen over her shoulder. “That’s…”

What?Had he noticed the Dom’s resemblance to him? Or maybe the connection was only clear to her. She held her breath as she waited for him to speak.

“Is this what Bonds was talking about? The art he thinks should be in a gallery?”

Embarrassment raked through her, and she gave up on the lie that they were for a client. “This one is a rough draft.” It shouldn’t matter what the hell he thought, yet his opinion was important to her.

“It’s stunning. And if you have others that are equally as good, I’m really impressed.”

His warm approval sent shivers dancing up her spine.

“I’d like to have a look at all of them.” His voice was soft with invitation.

She wasn’t sure that was a good idea. Showing him would expose her in a way she’d never been before, making her vulnerable.

He waited in respectful silence.

Then, with a soft sigh, decision made, she opened another folder and selected the slideshow setting.

Each of her images appeared onscreen for a few seconds before vanishing.

When the final one faded and she clicked the mouse to exit, he took a step back, and she swiveled to face him.

“Bonds is right. They’re spectacular.”

She’d given Jacob her trust, and he’d honored it.

“You should consider it.”

Her hand trembled as she accepted the chardonnay. “I have line drawings of course. But painting actual portraits? It’s time-consuming, and that’s something that’s in short supply right now. Maybe after my parents get back from Ireland.” And life returned to normal. Whatever that was. “And I’m not sure any gallery would actually display them.”

“Why not?”

She scowled at him. Was he dense? “In case you haven’t noticed, they’re more than a little risqué.”

“And tasteful. There’s nothing overtly sexual. In fact, they’re more intimate than anything.”

Her mouth fell open a little at his observation. That was exactly what she’d been hoping to convey, but that he’d gotten it made her heart soar.

“That makes them perfect for collectors and lifestyle connoisseurs. I’m sure there are online options for sales as well.”

“Honestly, I’d never considered it.”

“If Bonds believes there’s an opportunity, there is. Or he’ll create one.”

“I appreciate your feedback.” She took a long, fortifying sip to cover her nerves and embarrassment.

“Are they inspired by real-life events?”

She choked on her wine. Of course he was curious. But wanting to avoid this type of prying question was one of the reasons she’d never shared her art. “Let’s just say I have an active imagination.”

“Do you now?” He tipped his head to the side—seeing through her half answer?

He didn’t pursue his line of questions, which should have relieved her. Instead, disappointment churned through her. For the first time in over a year, she wanted to be pushed.

Jacob appealed to her on so many levels, and every feminine instinct hummed with awareness. She longed to be in his arms, once again crumbling beneath the demand of his kisses.

“Is everything okay?”

“Fine.” She shook her head to vanquish her absurd thoughts. “Yes. Of course. Why?”

“Do you have any experience?”

“Uhm…” He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he did. Could he? “With?”


Her pulse skittered to a stop before racing on frantically. Maybe she wasn’t ready for this after all.

As if he had all the time and patience in the world, he widened his stance, then folded his arms across his chest and regarded her.

His actions were so perfectly Dominant that instinctive arousal crashed through her.

The silence dragged while she squirmed.

As she’d guessed, this man knew exactly who she was, what her needs were. If she wanted, she could change the subject or refuse to answer. Or she could take a chance and see where things went. With a nervous sigh, she told him the truth. “Yes. I have some experience.”

“And are you planning to ask me to give you what you want?”

Her tummy plunged into a terrifying freefall. “I’m…” Heaven save her from this man and the way he so perfectly read her. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“No? I think maybe you’re deflecting, Elissa. And when you’re ready, it’s safe to tell me the truth about who you are.”