Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 9

“Can I get you anything?” Zane asked as they walked back into his cabin.

“I think I need a few minutes to myself. If that’s okay. I want to grab a shower and just try to decompress.”

“Of course. I’m going to grab a beer and sit out front for a bit.”

“Thank you. And thank you for standing up for me with my dad.”

Zane kissed her forehead. “Don’t think anything of it. You and me, okay? Well, the three of us, really,” he winked.

Harlow nodded, fighting back another surge of tears.

Doing his best to give her space, Zane grabbed a beer from his fridge and stepped onto the porch with his phone in his hand. While Harlow may want to be alone, Zane needed to talk - to Hudson to be exact.

His big brother answered on the first ring after Zane popped the top and took a long swing from the bottle of Bud Light.

“Baby brother. Told the parentals yet?”

“Christ. No one says parentals, Hud. You really got to stop trying to be cool.”

“Whatever, broski. Out with it.”

“I give up with you,” Zane sighed and pinched the top of his nose. “Yes, we told everyone. Finn flipped out and said something about another of Ma and Dad’s troublemakers sowing their wild oats and causing embarrassment. Care to explain that one?” Of course, in true typical little brother, and asshole, fashion I cut right to the chase and divert the attention away from myself.

Hudson hisses and I feel a twinge of regret for bringing it up. “I’m actually at work, so no. I don’t care to explain. It’s a long story that I’ve buried in the past and would like to keep it that way. There aren’t many folks there that know the whole story. Dad didn’t punch Finn, did he?”

“No. He was quick to defend me and Harlow. Ma and Mrs. Keller had some choice words for Finn and Mrs. Keller said he could get lost and tried to get us to stick around.”

“And Harlow? How’s she holding up? I’m sure her dad’s words stung.”

“Yeah. She’s back here with me right now. Asked for a few minutes to herself.”

“So, you decided to call and harass me. I see how it is, little brother.”

“Hey, Hudson?”


“Sorry for mentioning whatever happened,” Zane apologized. He may be an asshole sometimes, but he really was trying to do better.

“Don’t sweat it. It’s been a long time since I even thought about it. I still can’t believe Finn would bring it up. Though he’s always been a bit of an asshole and hated us all.”

“That’s the fucking truth. I think he only shows Dad an ounce of respect because he’s the Police Chief.”

“Maybe the only reason he didn’t try to strangle me today too.”

In the background, Zane heard Hudson’s radio crackle to life.

“Gotta go, Z. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Yeah, man. Talk soon.” Zane hung up still wondering what exactly happened that had Finn Keller hating on Hudson and his big brother shutting down.

He leaned back in the rocking chair on his front porch and kicked his feet up to finish his beer. The bottle was almost empty when Harlow finally came tiptoeing out onto the porch in a pair of his shorts and an oversized shirt. Her black curls were still damp and hanging freely past her shoulders.

“You okay?” he asked.

“A little better, I guess,” she held out her hand to pass Zane another beer. “Thought you might want one another.”

“Thank you,” he said and patted his lap.

Harlow reluctantly curled up with him on the rocker, wrapping her arms around his waist and tucking her head on his shoulder.

They sat together in silence, listening to birds chirping and frogs croaking for a while until she finally spoke up. “I really thought today would go differently. I don’t know why I expected more from my dad. I’m really sorry he tried to drag your whole family through the mud, too.”

“‘Low, I know he’s your dad so what happened today had to hurt you way more than it hurt me, but pretty girl, you do not have to ever apologize for his actions. He probably would have taken the news a little better if you were married, and of course if the father was anyone but me.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s not the 1930’s for Christ’s sake. You’ve always been good to me Zane, and he’s always had this grudge. I don’t get it,” she looked up at him. “Just in case you need a reminder, we do not need to run out and get married because I’m pregnant.”

Zane chuckled. “So you’ve said. You think your dad’s issue has something to do with whatever he hinted at that went down with Hudson? I know it sounds a little crazy but, there wasn’t ever anything between Hudson and Scarlett, was there?”

Harlow giggled and shook her head. “You know about as much as I do. I have no idea what he was talking about. I know Scarlett had a crush on Hudson at one time, but I don’t recall there ever being a thing between the two of them.”

“Oh God. My mom trying to hook them up a few weeks ago probably did not help matters then. Shit,” Zane shook his head. “Our families are kind of a mess.”

“Lettie wasn’t thrilled that Hudson was so cold, but I wouldn’t say she was brokenhearted. Pretty sure she’s moved past her petty childhood crush,” she paused. “I hope one day my dad will come around. At least we have my mom and your parents. And Scarlett even though she’s going through some weird mood swings right now.”

Zane nodded in agreement and kissed her forehead. “I realize I’m probably pushing my luck, but I wanted to start looking at some small houses or even a few apartments...with you. I feel like time is just going to fly by and before you know it, our baby will be here. Already kinda freaking out about how much baby stuff we’re going to have or need. I can’t see it fitting here.”

“Hmm. I’ve got to admit, you freaking out about all the baby stuff is kind of adorable.”

“Not adorable,” he growled. “I’m serious though. I’ve been saving up money for a while now, for when I was finally ready to buy a house one day. I’d rather go that route. But, if you’d rather us look at apartments to start, I’m willing to do that too.”

“Zane, we have time. We don’t even know about your job offer yet. Do you want to live closer to San Antonio?”

“That depends. I know you’ve always said you wanted to stay in Weintraube. Doesn’t give us a whole lot of options but, home is wherever you are.”

“After today, I’m not so certain about my place in the family business. For all I know, I may not even have a job anymore,” Harlow blew out a breath.

“I highly doubt that your mother is going to let your father fire you.”

“I don’t know. My dad is stubborn and has a mean streak. Sometimes my mom’s backbone isn’t as strong as you saw today. Sometimes it’s easier for her to give in and let him have his way, to keep the peace.”

“Pretty girl, I think your mom may surprise you,” he said as he brushed a stray curl behind her ear. “How about we stop worrying about the situation with your father for now and focus on something else?”

“Like moving out of Weintraube?”

The sound of a car driving up the long gravel driveway interrupted their conversation. Zane immediately recognized his parents’ car and laughed. “Ten bucks says my momma brought food and came to check on us.”

Harlow scurred off his lap. “Distract them for five minutes! I need to change my clothes.”

“‘Low, what you have on is fine, I promise.”

“Zane, I am not even wearing a bra or panties! They’re your parents.”

Zane’s eyes widened and his cock started to tent his pants. He shook his head. “Christ, I don’t think they’re going to notice.”

“I’m still changing,” she called out as the door to his cabin slammed shut behind her.