Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 8

Thirteen weeks. Harlow was already thirteen weeks pregnant. It had been six weeks since they found out they were having a baby. Six weeks since he got the call about the prospective job with the FBI. And still - the only discussion they had about their future was the one where they decided Zane would take the job if the offer ever came. But he supposed they were going to have to do a lot more talking about what was next since they planned to tell their parents about the baby this weekend.

After, her thirteen-week check-up and the all clear from the doctor.

“Dad, you can go ahead in this room,” the nurse pointed into the exam room. “We’re just going to get Mom’s weight and a urine sample then she’ll be right in.”

He nodded and took a seat next to the exam table, drumming his thighs nervously with his fingers. Harlow joined him shortly after and they waited together in silence for the doctor to come into the room.

Doctor Rickmend had been delivering babies for at least twenty-five years and had delivered both Zane and Harlow. When it came to prenatal care, options were limited unless they went into one of the larger cities but they both trusted Doctor Rickmend and his staff.

The doctor took his time reviewing Harlow’s chart and asking her all the normal pregnancy check-up questions before he asked if they wanted to hear the baby’s heartbeat.

“Yes,” they said in unison.

“Why don’t we take a look at the little bean too since we’ve got my trusty sonogram machine here?” Doctor Rickmend wheeled the machine closer to the exam table and had Harlow lift her shirt so he could apply ultrasound gel to her abdomen. He flicked on the monitor then ran the ultrasound wand over her stomach as a grainy picture came to view on the screen.

The doctor pressed a little harder then adjusted a button on the machine when a steady thumping sound echoed into the room. “And there we have a perfect little heartbeat.”

On instinct, Zane reached for Harlow’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

“And here’s baby,” Doctor Rickmend turned the screen in their direction, showing them a clear picture of their baby.

Zane gasped and fought back the tears. “‘Low, that’s our baby,” his voice cracked.

Somehow seeing their baby on the screen made it even more real.

Harlow nodded back and squeezed his hand tighter.

“Baby looks good. Measuring right on track. Any questions for me, Mom or Dad?”

They both shook their heads.

“Alright then. I’ll write a refill for your prenatal vitamins, and I’ve got some blood work I’d like you to have done before your next appointment. As long as nothing comes up, I’d like to see you back in a month.”

“Sounds like a plan. Thank you, Doctor Rickmend.”

* * *

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Zane teased as Harlow brushed her hands over her dress.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

"You sure your dad isn't going to kill me?"

"Nope." Harlow said with a smirk.

Zane grumbled.

"But, having both sides of our family here may be your saving grace."

Both of their moms were already fluttering around the large kitchen at the Keller's house when they walked in. Scarlett was sitting on a stool at the counter sipping a glass of red wine and enjoying the entertaining banter between the two women.

"Looook who's here!" Scarlett said in a sing song voice while wiggling her fingers in a wave.

"Just how much wine have you had already?" Harlow teased.

Zane pulled the eldest Keller daughter in for a hug. "Hey, Lettie. How have you been?"

"Just peachy. You know. Sitting here listening to Mom and Mrs. Lynn making wedding plans," she winked.

"Very funny," he mumbled.

Both moms stopped what they were doing to hug Zane and Harlow, taking time to not so secretly check for a wedding ring on Harlow's finger.

Lynn patted Zane's cheek, "My baby boy. You sure you don't want to tell us what this is all about before dinner?"

"Play nice, Ma, or we will make you wait until dessert," he joked.

"You'll do no such thing. But you will go out back with your father and keep him from putting his foot in his mouth."

Of course, he'd get stuck making sure his dad didn't ruffle Mr. Keller's feathers. Where the women got along great, there was always some type of tension between the two men and while Finn Keller knew about Harlow and Zane, he had no problem making it known that his daughter could do better.

"Harlow, why don't we get you a glass of wine and you can sit here and catch up with Scarlett while Lynn and I finish dinner," Mrs. Keller offered.

"As much as I would love to…" Harlow started.

"I think some sunshine and fresh air is in order!" Scarlett jumped in. "We'll just grab Harlow a glass of wine and see ourselves out for a bit!"

Harlow mouthed a silent 'thank you'. As her sister poured a second glass before looping an arm through Harlow's and practically drug her outside.

"You can pour some of that into mine," Scarlett whispered as they settled into two seats on the back porch, far enough away from the guys that they could talk freely.

"I owe you one."

"Meh. You know I love a good red. That's payment enough for me," she giggled.

"Mom cut you off, didn't she?"

"I may have had three glasses already."


"Keep your voice down! I had a bad date last night that I'm trying to drown the memory of."

"Want to talk about it?"

"That's a no. That is the last thing I want to do," she took another sip of wine. "But I am looking forward to your little announcement."

"Ha. Ha. I'm hoping Dad doesn't kill Zane."

"Nah. He won't. He's probably not going to be happy that there isn't a ring on your finger though."

"You're nearly as bad as them. I don't need Zane to propose just because…" her voice trailed off.

“Just because he knocked you up and is running off to play hero in a few months.”

“Shut up,” Harlow growled at her sister. “And you might want to switch to water before you say something even stupider.”

“Ooo, those hormones sure are making you testy,” Scarlett stuck out her tongue at Harlow. “Has he cleared a place for a crib yet?”

“Okay, seriously Scarlett. I don’t know what your deal is but knock it off. One minute you’ve got my back, the next minute you’re pissy about Zane. I think that’s enough.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Mrs. Keller fluttered out the back door with a tray of food in her hand.

The men quickly jumped in to help carry the rest of the food outside while Harlow sent up a silent thank you to the powers that be for saving her from any further confrontation with her sister.

Once the table was completely set, Harlow took a seat right next to Zane who rested a comforting hand on her thigh under the table. They passed the food around and everyone filled their plates while they made small talk but the minute the last of the food had been served, Harlow’s mother tapped her glass and spoke up.

“I do think we have all been patient enough. So, out with it, you two. What’s the big news?”

Zane looked at Harlow like a deer in the headlights which elicited a childish giggle from her lips.

“Well, I guess we should tell them,” she winked back at Zane who was surely turning green.

“You mean, me? I should tell them?” he laughed nervously, and Harlow nudged his arm. “Right. So. This probably isn’t exactly the news you all wanted to hear, but we hope that you’ll be excited and support us, nonetheless.”

“We’re having a baby!” Harlow squealed, stealing the words from Zane.

Both of their mothers gasped and covered their mouths as tears filled their eyes. Zane’s father sat back with a proud smile on his face while Finn Keller seemed to snarl at Zane from the head of the table.

Lynn and Mila jumped from their seats and rushed over to excitedly hug Harlow and Zane.

“Congrats baby sis,” Scarlett smiled and tipped her glass of wine in the air.

“I expect you’ll be making an honest woman of her now, Zane. Tell me there is a ring already on her finger and you’ll be tying the knot before she puts our family to shame," Finn finally spoke up.

Gene Clark nearly choked on his water. "Christ, Finn. Neither of them is shaming anyone."

"I recall you claiming the same thing when one of your other troublemaking boys sowed his wild oats. Look how that turned out."

Zane scratched his head. One of his brothers? There was no way. He would know if Shelby or Hudson had a child. Right?

"Finn Keller! How dare you!" Mila chided. "That is beyond uncalled for."

Tears fell from his mother's eyes. She looked as if she had just been slapped.

"This has nothing to do with Hudson. You have no idea what he went through or what really happened. Zane and Harlow have been together forever. And just like Hudson, I have no doubt our son will take care of his child. Forcing them into marriage isn't going to magically change anything,” his father declared.

"What's he talking about?" Zane asked.

"It's not our story to tell, son." Gene answered.

"And, we're not running off to get married just because I'm pregnant. If I'm such an embarrassment to this family, then I guess I'll go ahead and separate myself so you won't have to worry about it," Harlow spoke with a shaky voice, fighting back tears of her own.

"Absolutely not!" Mila shouted. "My sweet child, you are not an embarrassment to this family. I don't care what your father says, you will always have a place here and we will support you any way that we can."

Zane kept a protective arm around Harlow. "Maybe we should go. Give everyone a chance to absorb the news and settle down."

"I think that's a good idea," Gene stood and nodded at his son. "Our door is always open to both of you, no matter what the future holds."

"Nonsense. The only one who needs to leave is my arrogant, and rude, husband. Everyone else can stay. You all came here to have dinner and celebrate with us, so that's exactly what we're going to do."

Zane hugged Mila softly. "I appreciate that, but this is his home too. We'll go," he looked to Harlow for confirmation.

"Zane's right. It's probably best if we head out. I'll call you later, Momma."

Mila swiped at the tears on her cheeks but nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry about your father. I for one am excited to meet my first grandbaby."

"It's okay, Mrs. Keller. Maybe we can go to lunch next time I'm off?"

"That would be lovely, Zane. Thank you," she kissed his cheek.

Zane and Harlow didn't stick around to make sure his parents left. Instead, Zane guided her back to his car where she fell apart the minute he opened the passenger side door for her.

"I'm so sorry, 'Low. I knew he was going to be pissed but I had no idea he'd react like that," he leaned into the car and cupped her cheek. "I'm so damn sorry."

"Just get me away from here. Please," she hiccupped through a sob.

"Let's go," he gave her a gentle kiss. Unsure of what else to say, he reminded her, “I love you."

She said it back with a sad smile.