Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 7

Zane finished up his last call for a stolen bike, which he recovered and returned to its rightful owner then headed back to the station per his dad’s request. His old man didn’t sound so happy about whatever it was that he wanted to talk to Zane about so he could only imagine the shit storm that was about to unfold.

His dad’s office door was wide open, and he was waiting, not so patiently when he walked through the door.

“Pops, you wanted to see me.”

“Sit down,” his father nearly barked. Gene Clark always held a firm hand when it came to his cops and when it came to Zane, so he barely flinched at the tone in his voice.

He plopped down in the chair across from his father’s desk and waited. He learned a long time ago it was best not to say a word until his father cracked first and Zane knew exactly what he was or wasn’t in trouble for.

Gene tapped a pen on his desk letting the silence linger between them long enough to make Zane more than a little uncomfortable.

“Tell me something, Zane Archie. When did you plan on telling me that you applied for another job?”

Zane swallowed hard. Oh fuck. “When it was something to discuss.” He did his best to play it cool.

“And when would that have been? Before or after they ran background checks on everyone you know?”

"I'm going to go with after at this point."

"You always were a smartass. Zane, why the hell didn't you come to me, son?"

"I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't want to face the disappointment if it didn't pan out."

"What the hell makes you think we would be disappointed in you? We've always been proud of you and your brothers."

"Dad, I feel like we've had this conversation before, and it's never ended well."

"Son, your mother just wants the best for all of you. I know she gets a little carried away sometimes with trying to get Shelby and Hudson to come back, but she means well."

"It's not just her. I've lived my whole life in their shadows and I've always felt like I didn't quite measure up. I thought this was my chance to prove to you, to mom, to this town; that I could make something of myself. Doesn't matter now though."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Based off the phone call I just had with this Cruz Livingston guy, you're damn well on your way."

"Plans change. I don't think I'll be taking the job if they offer it."

Zane had no plans of walking into his dad's office today and telling him about Harlow and the baby on the way but his father was already hurt that he kept his job hunt a secret. He could tell by the way his dad tried to play hardball that he was hiding the pain of knowing that Zane didn't come to him first.

"Out with it, Zane. Quit bullshitting and tell me why the hell you're not going to take a goddamn job with the FBI after all this."

"It's Harlow."

"Oh, for Christ sake. You act like you're moving to DC. San Antonio is what, an hour or so away? That's nothing. She can move there, or you can commute."

"Harlow's not moving. And you and I both know that San Antonio isn't a great place to raise a family. She needs to be here. She wants to be here, running the vineyard. That's her dream."

"I had no idea you two had plans to settle down but, can both chase your dreams and make it work. Look at me and your mother."

"Dad, I put this uniform every day and take a risk. But I'm safe. It's not exactly like we're dealing with hardened criminals. Chances are, I'm coming home every day. I strap on that FBI badge, God willing, and now I've got an even bigger target on my back. Something happens to me and Harlow's left raising a child on her own."

"Wait. Back up." His father pinched the bridge of his nose. "I think I missed something. What else are you telling me?"

"Harlow's pregnant. I'm going to be a dad."

Gene Clark leaned back in his chair and grunted. "Well, I'll be damned. And you seem to think that having a baby means you can't do your job."

"Not that kind of job."

"You talked to Harlow about this? What's her thoughts?"

"I haven't talked to Harlow. The baby thing, it's new. We haven't even told anyone yet. She wanted to wait. And I just didn't think it was the right time. Besides, I already made up my mind. The timing is all off, I can't take the job."

"Guessing you also haven't called and talked to Agent Livingston about it either."

"I hadn't completely made my mind up."

"Well, then. A word of advice? Talk to Harlow then call your contact with the FBI if you're really going to turn down the job."

"I'll take that under advisement."

"You do that, son."

As much as Zane could stir up an argument, he wasn’t really one for confrontation and even as an adult, his dad still intimidated him. "If that's everything, I should get back out there."

Gene waved a hand, "Go on then."

Zane stood. "And Dad? Don't tell anyone about the baby. Please. Not even mom."

"My lips are sealed but another bit of advice? Don't wait around forever to tell your mother, or Harlow's parents. And, Zane, don't forget I'm here. My door is always open, as your boss and as your father."

He nodded one more time before exiting his father's office.

It was all too much. Harlow. A baby. The job with the FBI. There were guys out there that would give anything to have what Zane had in front of him right now. But could a guy like him really have it all? His dad thought so. Deep down he had a feeling his brothers did too.

So maybe they all had a point and maybe it was time to talk to Harlow about everything.

Zane pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and tapped out a text.

Zane: Coming over tonight? Was thinking maybe we could talk about...stuff.

Harlow: Sounds a little ominous, should I be worried?

Zane: Never, Pretty Girl. Just got some good news I want your advice on.

There, that wasn't far from the truth. With a little luck, she wouldn't be too upset that he never mentioned the interview to begin with.

Christ. He really had a way of making a mess out of things, that was for sure.

For now, he really did need to get back to work and keep his mind off whatever the night would bring.

* * *

Harlow scurried into Zane's cabin and dropped her bag at the door.

"K, I'm here, and I brought dinner. Mom cooked ham, potatoes and corn tonight. There was plenty left over so I figured you might enjoy a plate."

Fresh from the shower Zane draped his towel over his shoulders and pulled on a pair of gym shorts before crossing the open space to wrap an arm around her waist and kiss her temple. "You're too good for me."

"Whatever," she giggled as he brushed his stubble against her cheek and nuzzled against her neck. "I'm dying to know what it is we need to talk about."

Zane grunted and pulled back. "About that."

Concern grew across Harlow's face. "You said it was good news."

"It is...sort of. Just...with the baby on the way, we've got a lot to figure out, too."

"Well, yeah. But we don't need to figure it out all at once." Harlow reassured him while running her hands over his chest. "We have time."

Zane wrapped his hands around hers and held them still. "For some things, yes. But remember when I went to Shelby’s for a few days?"

"Oh. Yeahhh," her voice trailed off.

"I wasn't exactly there to visit with Shelby." There was no going back now, Zane decided to just rip the band aid off. "I had a job interview. With the FBI."

Harlow's eyes widened. "What?! Oh my God! Zane, why the hell didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged. "I didn't want to say anything until I knew something."

"You are so weird sometimes. You should have told me!"

"I'm telling you now."

"Yeah, well. Tell me everything. I want to know all about it. How did it go?" The excitement in her voice eased Zane’s worry over how she’d take the news. At least she wasn’t pissed, yet.

"The day before we found out you were pregnant, they called me to say I was on their short list for an opening. Apparently, they've been doing background checks and stuff too. My dad got a call today from the guy who got my foot in the door."

"Ooo. That sounds really promising. So, what's all that mean?"

"If I get the job, I'll be working as a Field Agent. Doing a lot of stuff, I probably won't ever be able to talk to you, or anyone, about. It's a lot more dangerous than a small-town beat cop."

"I see," her face fell.

"And that's where you and the baby come in," he placed a protective hand over her stomach. “I told you earlier that I wanted your thoughts on the, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

“I’m not really sure what to think. It’s not like we’ve ever really talked about our future, and now between the baby and this opportunity for you - we have to talk about it and make some decisions. We can’t afford not to.”

Zane dropped his head.

And that’s his fault. He’s the reason they never talked about their future. The reason why things have always been as noncommittal as possible. He supposed it was well past time that he pulled his head out of his ass and made some kind of commitment to their future, especially because he fucking loved the hell out of Harlow even if he tried to convince himself on many occasions that he didn’t. Truth be told, he had likely been in love with the girl since they started school or as much in love as a five-year-old could possibly be back then.

“You’re right. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I don’t want to make a decision about this job - if I get the job - without your input.”

“Zane,” Harlow sighed. “You’re saying that now, but in a way - you already made that decision. Without me.”

She was right. He did decide to go for the job without any input from her. But he didn’t have the balls to tell her that it was because he didn’t want to let her down either.

“I did. I know. And that was a dickhead move on my part. Baby or not, I should have talked to you about it from the beginning.”

“Maybe. But it’s not like I didn’t know the score before now.”


“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter. When they call to offer you the job, and they will - I wholeheartedly believe that, you should take it.”

Zane searched her gaze for a hint at anything but all he saw was certainty. Harlow meant what she said.

“So, if I take the job, where does that leave us? We still need to find a place with a room for the baby.”

“No, we don’t have to. It’s not like San Antonio is that far away. That is where you’ll be working, right? I could bring the baby to visit on your days off, or you could come back here to visit.”

“Harlow, what the hell are you talking about? I’m not looking to just visit with my…” he cleared his throat, “...our kid. I want to come home to you, to our child, every day. Why on earth would you think I’d want anything else?”

“Oh, I don’t know Zane. Maybe because you’ve never once talked about living together before.” Harlow rolled her eyes. Wasn’t it obvious to him?

This time Zane cupped her face in his hands and smirked. “‘Low, when was the last time you spent a night in your parent’s house? Huh? Last time I checked you were here more often than not, and I damn sure don’t want it any other way.”

“You don’t mean that,” she sniffled as her eyes filled with tears.

“The hell I don’t, Harlow. I should have told you so, a long time ago.”

“But you said, this was just to keep our mothers off our backs,” she hiccupped. “You said you weren’t looking to settle down anytime soon. You wanted to keep having fun, no strings attached.”

“That’s just because I’m a fucked-up asshole with commitment issues.”

With that, Harlow laughed. “And do tell, what’s changed?”

“You, Harlow. You’ve changed me. From the moment I saw you and that jet-black curly hair bopping your way into our Kindergarten class.”

This was the moment she’d been waiting for and yet she couldn’t convince herself that it was real. How long had she waited for Zane to give her some glimmer of hope, of a future together?

“Fucking hormones,” she sobbed, throwing herself into his chest. “I love you, Zane Clark. I love you and hate you all the same.”

Zane chuckled and tilted her head back up to meet his gaze, “Harlow Keller, I love you.” Three little words that he thought he’d never be able to say out loud, flowed from his lips as naturally as his next breath. “And I waited way too Goddamn long to tell you that.”

Harlow flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. Zane Clark loved her. Maybe fairy tales really did come true.