Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 2

Zane smiled to himself as his oldest brother, Shelby, pulled up in front of their parent’s house. It had been a long time since Shelby had been home for a Sunday dinner and Lord knows their mother had been driving them all crazy about it. Now that he was here, Zane hoped it would distract his mom from making wedding plans for him and Harlow.

“Well, look who it is!”

Shelby shook his head and slapped Zane on the back when he reached the top step where Zane was waiting, “Don’t you have a girlfriend to follow around or something?”

“Oh, watch out, big brother is mad that his coveted spot as mom’s favorite is in jeopardy,” Hudson called out from his spot on one of the old rocking chairs.

“Joy. The gang's all here,” Shelby groaned.

“Ma!” Zane and Hudson both yelled.

Their mother came bustling out of the house in a tizzy, “What is…” both boys smiled when she spotted Shelby and her entire face lit up. “Shelby Gene!”

“Well, look what the cat drug in,” their father’s deep voice boomed from behind their mother.

Hudson huffed out a snort. “He shows up, and suddenly they’ve forgotten all about us.”

Zane knew that Hudson was only joking, but Zane thought the same thing. How many times had he ceased to exist when Shelby was around? Sure, he would always be the baby and got away with way more than Shelby and Hudson ever did, but far too many times people looked past Zane and only saw Shelby.

Lynn shooed her middle son with her hands while Gene let out a hearty laugh. “It’s good to have all three of you back home at the same time.”

“And just think Ma, no one had to die to make it happen,” Zane added sarcastically.

Shelby laughed out loud and high-fived his youngest brother proudly, earning them both a smack on the back of the head from their mother. “Get inside and wash up. Supper is almost ready.”

Their dad, Gene, held open the screen door while they piled in the house one by one. opened the screen door and held it open while they all piled in the house, one by one.

“All jokes aside, it’s good to see you again, Brother,” Zane heard Hudson tell Shelby.

“Same here. It’s been too long,” Shelby agreed.

“Still single?”

“Figured I’d let Zane have his time in the spotlight for a while,” Shelby joked.

Zane did his best to hide his reaction to the long-running joke about the two of them settling down and getting married. It wasn’t like anyone really knew that Harlow wasn’t really his girlfriend, let alone how close to home the whole settling down and getting married hit.

“Shew, I hear you. Last week Ma invited Harlow’s sister over for dinner and tried to set me up.” Hudson went on.

Shelby chuckled, “She did not.”

“Yes, she did. And this asshole,” Zane jumped right in and pointed to Hudson, “ignored her the whole time. Of course, I got the wrath from all the women for that one while he got in his fancy pick-up truck and drove away.”

“Zane Archie Clark, I heard that!” their mother called out from the kitchen.

“See! I’m still getting in trouble because of you two.” Zane pouted, causing the older two to laugh even harder. He had perfected that pout over the years and learned pretty damn quick how to use it against his older brothers to get his way. He figured out that same point worked on his parents from time to time too.

“You do just fine causing your own trouble, Little Bro.” Shelby gave him a shove. “Now move out of the way, I need to piss and wash my hands.”

“Language!” Lynn scolded.

“Aw, Hon. Let it go. You know it’s a losing battle with those three.” Zane’s father said with a smile.

They had just started passing food around when Shelby spoke up, “Zane, you never did say where Harlow was this evening.”

“Her family hosted some sort of special wine tasting today. All hands on deck. She said she’ll be by in time for dessert. Momma made Harlow’s favorite.”

Shelby’s stomach growled and Zane snickered.

“Remember, no dessert unless you eat all your dinner first,” Lynn teased her grown children.

“I doubt that will be an issue here today.” Gene winked.

“You know, Shelby, your Daddy was telling me there’s a spot that opened at the department this week,” their mom looked over at Shelby with about as much subtleness as a freight train.

Of course, here we go. Shelby wasn’t home an hour, and his mom was already starting about Shelby coming home and working for Weintraube PD.

Zane dropped his fork and pushed himself back from the table. “Alright. You know what, I love you with all my heart but, I’m sitting right here. I get it. I’m the goddamn rookie…”

“Zane, watch your tone,” their father warned.

“I’m sorry. I am. I don’t mean any disrespect. I just get so tired of walking in Shelby or Hudson’s footsteps. I’m the one that’s here every Sunday and two or more times during the week. When I’m not here, I’m working my ass off to prove myself to a town that seems to think that Shelby’s the only goddamn cop in the state that is worthy. Make no mistake, I get that I won’t be taking over your job old man, I haven’t been around long enough. I accept that. But for just one minute, can y’all stop trying to force Shelby to come back home and look at what’s right in front of you.” Zane could feel his face turning red and his chest was heaving.

“I’m done. If you’ll excuse me,” he stood, dropping his napkin onto his plate and excusing himself from the table without another word. He stormed right out the front door and let the screen door slam shut behind him.

For once, Zane couldn’t bring himself to regret what he was feeling or what he said. Because it was the truth and he had been keeping his feelings tucked inside for way too long. His entire life he walked in Shelby and Hudson’s shadows. He was proud of both of his brothers, incredibly proud of them. And jealous at the same time. Jealous because they got to leave this small town and make something of themselves.

It was an opportunity Zane wanted for himself and almost had it with the FBI Field Agent spot. Now that dream seemed to hang in the balance too because of what he’d gotten himself into with Harlow. A situation that he only had himself to blame for.

The whole reason the two of them agreed to be friends with benefits and nothing more, was because Zane’s plans always included getting the hell out of her, and Harlow’s plans consisted of staying and one day running her family’s vineyard and winery. He was a damn fool for thinking he’d ever get away from here, or be more than Shelby’s kid brother.