Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 3

Harlow boxed up three bottles of their most popular wine then slid the package across the counter to the customer standing in front of her dressed in a fancy and likely overpriced designer suit. “That’ll be $182.84,” she said with a smile.

The gentleman flashed her a charming smile and handed over his credit card. “I appreciate all of your help. I’m sure my girlfriend will love it.”

“It’s my pleasure. I hope you both enjoy them,” she replied.

With his receipt signed, he smiled at her again and gave her a wink. “Thanks again, Harlow. Hopefully, I’ll see you around.”

Harlow did her best not to blush as he walked away. Mr. Tall Dark and Oh So Handsome showed up at least an hour ago and wandered around aimlessly for several minutes until Harlow stepped in and offered to help him out. Whoever he was, he was quite the charmer, flirting his way through most of their interaction. The flirting and attention was flattering, but it also made Harlow uneasy because he mentioned more than once that he had a girlfriend. Why flirt so hard with a stranger if you’re attached?

“And who was that?” her sister, Scarlett came bouncing up beside her and hip checked her. “Did you see the way he filled out that suit?”

Harlow rolled her eyes at her older sister and shook her head. “Didn’t notice.”

“Liar!” Scarlett teased. “Seriously, did you see the way he smiled at you and that wink?”

“Lettie, really. Were you spying on me or what?”

“I was merely surveying our customers and happened to notice how he interacted with you.”

“Yeah, well, he has a girlfriend, and allow me to remind you that I'm with Zane.” As much as one could be with someone who she was pretending to be in a relationship with to keep their parents off their backs, who also happened to get her knocked up too.

“Oh, little sister. There are so many more fish in the sea.” Scarlett mused.

Harlow’s defenses rose, “Since when do you have an issue with Zane?”

“I don’t. I’m just saying, you’re young. Why tie yourself down to just one person right now? You’ve been playing around with Zane for how long now? He’s clearly not ready to settle down, so why should you? Explore all your options, have a little fun”

Right. Fun. That’s what got her into this situation. Besides, what if she was happy being tied down to just one person? She didn’t need to look elsewhere. She just needed to figure out what the two of them were going to do now that they had a baby one the way. Her options revolved around where they’d raise their child. Zane’s place was a little small for all the things a baby would need. And there was no way in hell that he was going to agree to moving into her parents’ house. Of course, there was also the matter of her father who may damn well want to kill Zane when he finally heard the news.

“Harlow? You, okay girlie? You’re looking a little pale.”

Figures, just thinking about the baby growing inside her was enough for her morning – or all day – sickness to rear its head.

“Fine,” Harlow gritted her teeth. “I’ll be right back.” With that she darted into the backroom, heading for the employee restroom where she emptied her stomach.

A few more dry heaves, some water to wash out her mouth, a few sips of ginger ale, and a handful of crackers seemed to calm things down before anyone, other than Scarlett, noticed she was missing.

“Everything good?” Scarlett questioned her with a quirked brow.

“Yup.” Harlow popped another cracker in her mouth. “I think I might be coming down with a stomach bug.”

“Stomach bug?” her sister whispered. “Like the nine-month kind?”


“What? No.” It was too late; Harlow could feel the color draining from her face no matter how hard she tried to school her features.

Scarlett gave her that look. The look that said she knew she wasn’t telling the truth.

Why was it that Scarlett seemed to know her like the back of her hand?

“Harlow…” Scarlett’s voice trailed off.

“Lettie,” Harlow played it off and took a swig of her ginger ale.

“You are,” her sister’s eyes lit up. “Aren’t you!”

Harlow put a hand over Scarlett’s mouth and whispered, “Keep your voice down. Good Lord.”

“Oh my gosh, I’m going to be an Auntie,” Scarlett squealed under her breath.

“Shut. Up!” Harlow shook her head. “I mean it.”

Saved by the last vineyard tour making their way into the store, Harlow hurried away to help the customers, leaving Scarlett to take over the register.

“We’re not done talking, baby sis!” Scarlett called after her.

With a little luck, she could sneak out while her sister was closing up for the night and counting the drawer; buying herself just a little more time before she had to face the music.

A group of fifteen chatty women wandered around, picking up some of the wines featured on their vineyard tour and asking a dozen more questions that Harlow was more than happy to answer. She’d answer a thousand questions about wine if it meant she didn’t have to answer any more of Scarlett’s questions about what her sister thought she knew.