Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 4

Zane was sitting on the front porch of the cottage he rented from his parents, with his feet propped up on the railing and a cold beer in his hand when Shelby showed up a solid fifteen minutes later.

“If you came over here to lecture me, you can leave,” Zane couldn't help but snap at Shelby.

“What in the hell do you think I’ve got to lecture you about?” Shelby asked, taking a seat in the empty rocking chair next to Zane’s.

“Everything? Going off on Mom and Dad like that. Being a total shit head.”

“Sounds like you got it all figured out. I don’t have to say a word then.”

Zane snorted. “I’m surprised Daddy isn’t over here fixin’ to whoop my ass for talking to either of them like that.”

He might be grown but he knew that didn't mean he was too old for an asswhoopin' especially when it came to disrespecting their mother.

“He's a lot more perceptive and understanding than you give him credit for."

“You sure about that? He sure as hell wasn’t understanding when I was three minutes late for work last week. Wasn’t even my fault. Got cornered by Mrs. Smith at the coffee shop and couldn’t get away. What the hell was I supposed to do? Ignore one of Marble Falls’ oldest citizens? She needed help with something with her car, so I helped her. Walked into the station 2 minutes and 47 seconds late only to have my ass chewed out by our father and the goddamn Chief of Police - in front of the whole damn precinct.” That little proverbial lashing only added to Zane's growing discontentment that had taken root over the last year or so.

His brother let out a low whistle. “Damn. You sure he wasn’t upset about something else? That doesn’t sound like Pops.”

“Does it matter?” Zane asked. “And I heard Ma on the phone the other night talking to you. Telling you that he’s thinking about retiring. The whole damn town keeps asking if you’ll be coming back and making a bid for the job. They ask Dad, they ask me.”

Shelby started to interrupt but Zane held up a hand, already knowing what his oldest brother would probably have to say. “Before you say it, Shelby, I know I’m not qualified. I don’t want the damn job right now anyway. But it would sure as shit be nice not to hear your name every time it’s brought up. No offense.”

“None taken," Shelby replied then fell silent for a beat while he rocked in the rocking chair beside him. “Zane, you know I don’t want Pops’ job. Hell, I’m not even sure that I’m qualified for that kind of position or that I could handle the stress of it.”

“Yeah, I do know. I’m not sure if that is what irritates me more. Not the fact that you don’t want it, but the fact that people around here keep trying to force something down your throat. For years I wondered why you and Hudson left town. Bro, I get it now."

Good Lord did Zane get it. Shelby was the Golden Boy who could do no wrong. The kid that everyone wanted to come back home and be a hero. And Hudson, well Zane wasn't exactly sure why Hudson never stuck around long when he came to visit but Zane had caught a few whispers over the years about the how Meier’s hated him and ran him out of town.

“If they’re not still trying to get you to come home and take over, they’re forcing me and Harlow into some damn arranged marriage just to make everyone else happy.”

“I thought things were good with you and Harlow. Ma said…”

“Yeah, Ma said I was going to ask her to marry me. Do you know why Mom said that? Because Mom hears what she wants to hear. Harlow wants me to propose. She also wants a house with a white picket fence and 2 point 5 kids.”

Christ all Harlow dreams would come true if Zane proposed and stayed right here in their hometown forever. And he was the asshole because he'd marry the girl in a heartbeat if only she'd agree to move out of this place. Wasn't that the pisser of it all?

He fucking loved Harlow and had for a long time. But they both fucking settled for some bullshit deal with each other because if he was being honest, they were both stubborn and set in their ways.

“The American Dream,” Shelby seemed to sigh in understanding. “And what do you want, Baby Brother?”

“I want a little space—some freedom to enjoy being young. My job demands that I’m responsible both on and off the clock. Being able to let go a little without having to worry about a wife and kids would be nice.”

A little too fucking late for that now though.

“You know why I’m still here in this damn small town?” Zane asked.

“Knowing you, it’s because you don’t want to break Momma’s heart.”

“Bingo, Big Brother. I feel obligated and stuck.”

“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I swear,” Hudson's voice startled both of them. “I did hear that last part of the conversation though and a word of advice, Little Bro? If staying makes you miserable, that’s only going to break Momma’s heart more.”

“Easy for the two of you to say. You’re not here every day to see our parents aging in front of your eyes.”

Shelby chuckled at his expense. “Zane. They’re in their fifties for crying out loud. Gramps and Nana are in their eighties and still doing well. Chances are, Mom and Dad are going to live to be older and grayer too.”

“You don’t know that. Dad’s heart has been bothering him lately. That’s really why he’s considering retiring. Neither one of them wanted to tell you two because they didn’t want you coming back home because of that.”

His brothers stared at him in shock for a split second before Hudson scowled. “And you decided not to tell us before now?”

“When would have been a good time, Hud? Every time I talk to you, you’re busy. You come home once a month and stay for a few hours, and then you’re gone again. It’s not like I actually get more than five minutes of your time when you’re here.” Zane looked over at Shelby. “And you’re never around at all. I wasn’t about to drop that kind of news over the phone.”

“Anything else you need to tell us while you’ve got our undivided attention?” Shelby asked.

Zane pinched the bridge of his nose then ran his hand over his face. He might as well get it all out in the open now with these two. He would probably end up needing their support in the end anyway. “Harlow’s pregnant.”

“What did you just say?” they both asked in unison, two sets of eyes staring back at him in shock.

“You heard me. And no, I ain’t joking.” He swallowed the last of his beer then walked inside to toss the bottle. He came back out with a bottle of water for each of them.

“Mom and Dad know?” Hudson asked.

“I found out this morning. Still early so she wants to wait until she can see her doctor before we tell our parents. Told ya, there was no leaving town for this guy,” he pointed to himself.

“Dude, I don’t even know what to say right now. Any one of the things we’ve talked about is enough, but all that on your plate?”

“Get a good therapist,” Hudson interjected. “I tried to tell you this a while ago.”

“I don’t need a damn shrink to tell me I’m crazy,” Zane said with a laugh, hoping to lighten the mood. “If we’re done being all mushy now, I guess I should head back over to the house and apologize.”

“They’re waiting on ya.” Hudson said with a pat on Zane's back.

“I wish I could stay, but I’ve got to hit the road. Picked up an extra four on the front end of my shift in the morning.” Shelby playfully punched both of his brothers in the shoulder. “Give me a ten-minute head start to say goodbye to Ma and Dad?”

“Yeah, whatever. You know I don’t hate you, right?”

Shelby put an arm around him and pulled him in to rub the top of his head like he did when Zane was a little kid. “Yeah, Zane. I know you don’t hate me.”