Married to the Mob by C.M. Steele

Chapter Ten


I walk her to our bedroom and leave. Watching how scared of me she was, I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself for making her hate me. She refused to even look my way the entire ride. I wanted to grab her by the chin and make her speak to me, but she’s suffered enough rough treatment for a lifetime. Still, my heart cracked, knowing I’m the one who caused this. Marching back upstairs and demanding that she listen to me plays through my head, but the best thing for me to do is calm down. Right now, I could kill a motherfucker, and although I’d never physically hurt her, I’m not in the mood to be civil.

For now, I’m going to direct my anger where it belongs and deal with the asshole that had the nerve to steal my wife. I only knew of Cormack’s brother from hushed whispers, and I had no idea how fucking nuts he really was.

I meet my men where they have Peter Delaney located.

I know Cormack isn’t involved because he adores his wife like I worship Aria, and he’s made it clear that he doesn’t care for his brother Peter at all because he knows he’s a piece of shit. It was a pure shock to see that Peter stole her from me. I can’t wash that image from my head of her relaxing like she was going on vacation. If I hadn’t seen Aria pop him on the head, I would have sworn she was content with being with him. I have to believe that she was playing it cool so he wouldn’t snap and kill her.

I’m just about to hop into my vehicle when Cormack steps out of the shadows. My gun is ready along with three of my men who take my left and right, and he raises up his hands in a motion of truce. I never had a problem with Cormack before, but I will not hesitate to kill him if he tries to stop me from handling his piece-of-shit brother. “I’m going with you,” he says. There’s no way in hell he came to tell me to grant him mercy.

I wave my men to stand down. “Delaney, I’m not going to spare his life. He stole my wife. You’re wasting your breath and my time.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to say it. I want him dead as much as you do. Blood or not, he’s crossed the line in more than ways than I can count. I should have done it years ago but keeping him from Gloria and our family has been my only goal. I believe he killed his wife and my father.”

“I’ll get you those answers, but after that he won’t be departing this building with a pulse.” Or body parts intact, if I have my way.

“I want to be the one to kill him.” I look at him and see that there’s a vehemence. “I failed Aria too. I had seen his attraction to her years ago, but I thought he’d moved on. The last time he mentioned her name it wasn’t sexual or with interest.”

“He played it cool, but Aria’s my wife and I should have made sure she was protected, and I let those fucks into my home.”

“How about we do this together?”

“That I can agree with.” We shake hands and he joins me in my vehicle. All my thoughts should be on what I’m going to do to the asshole tied up, but in reality, they’re on my wife. I want Aria to love me the way I love her, but I killed any chance of that. We make it to the warehouse that’s been abandoned for twenty years, or at least so authorities and realtors believe.

Nero waits for us at the entrance of my special little meeting place. “Is Aria okay?”

“She’s not physically hurt.” I don’t need to say anymore because the look on my face is enough.

“Understood.” A muffled shout comes from inside. “He’s still kicking and screaming, but I’m guessing his tone is going to change when he sees you two.”

“I’m going to go in first and have him talk. Then you can get your vengeance, Delaney. We’ll see how tough the fucker is now.” I open the door and breathe in the room that once smelled like cleaner to take in the beautiful stench of piss. I love it when I know my enemies understand their fate and wet themselves like little bitches.

“Peter Delaney, is it?” I take in this fool’s appearance. His already pale ass looks like a ghost. My guys bandaged him up enough so he wouldn’t bleed out. It’s only temporary, though, because he’s not going to live long.

“Don’t speak my name, you fucking wop.” I brush off the insult with a chuckle because this guy is either crazy or foolish. He’s on the wrong end of this situation.

“You called me a fucking wop. You’ve got some brass balls on you, Delaney. You send your minions into my home, put your filthy hands on my wife, and then attempt to take my place.”

“She was never meant for you.” His eyes darken with serious rage, and I realize he honestly thinks his words are going to scare me.

I laugh, because this fucking fool believes he deserves my Aria.

“I might not be good enough for her, but she was meant for me and not someone who kills off his own family. First your father, and then your own wife—how the fuck do you sleep at night?”

“Just fine. They had to go. Besides, it’s Aria who would give me the family I deserve. Siobhan was never good enough for me, and that baby wasn’t good enough to be a Delaney.” Wow, this fucker killed his pregnant wife.

“You should have stuck with the bride you had. Now you’ve signed your death warrant.”

“You’re going to kill me because you’re afraid that your wife truly does want me. You had to keep her hidden so she couldn’t find a man on her own.” It’s the same words that she tossed at me which strikes a nerve.

“Did your operative lie and tell her that? I protected her from an abduction, and I let my guard down, Delaney. That won’t happen again.” I punch the bastard in the face, causing his head to toss back.

“Pussy,” he spits out, blood dripping down his face.

“You are a fool, Peter,” Cormack says, coming out of the darkness and up to his brother. There’s a pain in his eyes that he quickly masks. “You murdered a great woman. I had no proof, but I knew you had a hand in your wife’s death. Why did you kill our father?”

“He was about to give it all to you, disown me and make you the head of the Delaney Family. He paid the price of betraying me.” Sick motherfucker. “If he’d done that I would have killed you both. You should be grateful I spared you. And this is what you to do me. Betray me for this wop. He stole Aria from me and you know it.”

“Aria has always been repulsed by you, and for good reason. Say your prayers for forgiveness.”

“Fuck off.”  Cormack pulls the trigger without giving him another thought. I take the gun from my brother-in-law. Cormack says a quick prayer and walks out of the building without a glance back.

I have everything I need, and he’s no longer a threat to Aria.

“Get rid of this scum,” I add to my men, giving the dead bastard one more glare before

“Go take care of your wife. You can fix it,” Nero says. I clap his shoulder and nod before leaving. Going to see Aria after everything between us will be difficult. Still, she’s my wife, and we’ll have to make it work out, even if it takes time. I’ve learned to be patient when it comes to waiting for her, so I’ll just have to try again until she understands that everything I had a part in was only for her own well-being.

As soon as I’m in my truck, I feel a sense of relief even though I should have been the one to take him out. Cormack had even more reasons which is fucking sick because I could never imagine killing my father. I look at him as he sits in silence. “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

“It was a long time coming. I just need to see Gloria now.”

“Let’s get our women.” The drive home goes by fast for me, but Cormack doesn’t say another word. I can’t even fathom what he’s going through right now. I could never hurt Niccolò let alone kill him. Then again, my brother isn’t a sick, twisted bastard.

I get home and climb the stairs, my body feeling sluggish. Ignoring the few guards in my house, I make my way to our bedroom door. Opening it slowly, I find the bed empty. I practically throw the door open, only to find my wife sleeping on the window seat, dressed in just her bathrobe. As I approach, I see the stains of the tears she shed from the weight of the last day.

Damn, it destroys me to see her like that. If it wasn’t for the tears, she’d look like a goddess sleeping there, similar to her painting where she waits for her lover.

Scooping her up in my arms, I carry her to our bed. Slowly she adjusts in my arms and sighs my name. “Domani.” She snuggles into my chest, and I feel for a brief moment that there’s a chance she’ll forgive me.

I regrettably set her down onto the mattress so that I can undress. She turns slightly, waking up just enough to notice I’m home. “You’re home. What time is it?” She sits up against the headboard, rubbing her eyes to wake completely up.

“It’s only been a couple of hours. Nearly two in the morning.”

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

“Don’t thank me for doing what shouldn’t have been necessary.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For everything I said. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. My father’s the one who kept me sheltered, even if it was to stop a war, but from what Peter said, it’s clear you two were only trying to protect me from being abducted.”

“Well, we didn’t do a good job because he got to you anyway.”

“Yes, but you were able to save me.”

“Just barely.”

“How were you able to find me?”

I rub my hand over the back of my neck. “Your ring. I made sure to attach a tracker in there.”

“Were you afraid I’d run away?”

“No. I was worried someone would steal you from me. You’re the most important person to me, my biggest weakness. From the first moment I made it known, I’d made you a target. Although when it came to that asshole, I thought he had no interest in you when questioned years ago.”

“You questioned people?”

“It was when the attempted abduction almost occurred. What they didn’t know is that I was so obsessed, I was stalking you every chance I got. You were on your way to school when I saw the bastard trying to swipe you up and my men apprehended him. He refused to tell us who hired him, but he had a southern accent, so our men went on the search. After that, no movement was made, so we concluded that he’d been working alone. We also uncovered that he was a serial killer, targeting young, beautiful women from sixteen to twenty.”

“Oh my goodness, so if you hadn’t been following me…”

“I don’t know if he would have been successful, but that was a chance your family and I didn’t really want to take. I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you—give you a choice.”

“Don’t be. When I think about it, I’m glad you both did what you did. I would have lived in fear, looking over my shoulder if you’d told me the truth. Knowing that he was a serial killer makes it worse, but Peter said that he tried to abduct me and he missed his opportunity.”

“Maybe you had two animals on you, but he hadn’t made his move before we stopped the other one. For years, I know I blamed myself for putting a target on your back, but I knew if I didn’t make my moves, then I’d be going to war with the other families. Your father promised I could marry you if I promised to not make contact with you until you were of legal age, so I did.”

“For real?”

“Amore, I’m a criminal, just like him. Laws don’t mean much to me, but respect does. Your father wanted me to prove my loyalty to you without trying to influence your choice.”

“Wow, so you’ve been in love with me for years?”

“Yes, amore. I’ve loved you from the first moment you crossed my path.”

“There’s something I must confess. I’ve been thinking about you even longer. I was thirteen when I got my first look at you. You were with your cousin. I wasn’t sure where you were going, but our vehicle and yours were at a light. You couldn’t see me behind the tints, but I saw you. I’d been looking for images of you for years on the internet. Then, when you were in the meeting two years ago, I felt a change. It wasn’t just a crush anymore. I hoped that you wouldn’t marry by the time I’d grown up.”

“You have, amore?”

“Yes. I love you very much. Why do you think I didn’t put up much of a fight? I wanted to be your wife, but I loved the gruff, sexy way you reminded me I was yours.”

“Wife, don’t tease me right now. You’ve had a rough day, and I’m too worked up. I’ll end up fucking you to the mattress all night long.”

“I need you, Domani. I need a reminder that we’re meant to be together.” I’m on her, giving her purchase as I claim her mouth in a fierce kiss that I’ve been waiting for all day. I pull off just enough to let her breathe, skimming my lips along her face, creeping down her neck and back up.

“Domani,” she sighs. The sound hits my soul, deeply calling to every part of me. I slip my fingers into her hair, tugging her head back so that I can lick her neck.

“Who do you belong to, Aria?”

“You. You are the only person I’ve ever wanted.”

“Good.” I tug on her tie, opening her robe. Her nipples stiffen as I graze the soft cotton across her pebbled skin. My eyes linger over her body—perfect, gorgeous, and all just for me. “These are all mine,” I breathe out, sliding my tongue over her sexy breasts, sucking on her plump curves. Soon they’ll be full of milk to feed our sons. She shivers as I swipe along her hard nipples. I bite down lightly so I can hear her moans. Every sound is breathy, need shooting from her lips. I slide one hand over her soft skin and along her silky curls, only stopping when my fingers find their target. Pumping one finger into her soaked core, I love how wet she is. “Do you want to come for me? Only me?”

“Always you. Only you.” I pull my fingers from her cunt and slip them into my mouth without taking my eyes from her. “You taste so good, but I have to be in you or I’ll lose my mind.”

“Take me. I need to feel you deep inside. Please Domani.”

“You never have to beg.” I stand and strip out of my clothes as fast as humanly possible and then position myself at her entrance. With another deep kiss, I slam inside of her tight hole, claiming my wife all over again. She’s gonna need—better yet, I’m gonna need—to be reminded daily that she belongs to me.

Running my hands up and down her soft, smooth skin, I bend my head breathe in the smell of my wife, loving the way her body begins to heat up. “You’re mine, Aria. You have always been mine.”

“I have and will always be yours,” she says, tugging her hands through my hair and bringing my face to hers for a deep, soul penetrating kiss. I lift one leg up, wrapping it around my waist as I turn her slightly on an angle, driving into her intensifying my thrusts with every whimper and moan.

“Fuck, Dom, I’m coming,” she screams out and I let go as well, jetting my load into her womb.

I flip us around so that she’s resting on top of me. Brushing her hair out of her face, I kiss her lips and say, “I love you so much, Aria.”

“My love for you has been years in the making, Domani.” She tells me about the day they headed to the wedding. Had I known, I would have gone with her and then fucking killed Peter a long time ago with my bare hands.

We roll around as I piston in and out of her, fucking all night long, coming repeatedly until we’re unable to move.