Married to the Mob by C.M. Steele



“What the fuck do you mean you have a witness? Get rid of them,” I shout at Nero as if he’s not aware of how we operate.

“I thought we didn’t hurt innocents?” Nero never even bothers to ask questions; something has to be up.

He’s in the middle of a shitty subdivision in the southwest suburbs. The area has gone from an expensive neighborhood to a fucking cesspool in a matter of a decade. “Since when is there an innocent in that area?”

“She’s a sales rep from a solar company.” A she. Fuck, that’s even worse. If it was some asshole that I could tempt or scare into keeping quiet, that would be better, but an innocent woman is another story all together.

“Solar company?” I tap my pen on my desk, wondering who would go into that area to install solar panels. That shit better be insured because it’ll be plucked off of roofs and sold in a heartbeat to another company.

“Yeah, authentic and everything. She’s going door-to-door and shit, like it’s fucking safe,” he snarls as if he’s pissed about her type of employment. Is there more to this?

“Damn it. What’s really going on, Nero? I get you don’t want to hurt her, but we can’t do nothing.”

“We can’t hurt her,” he roars, making me laugh. Yep. My guy, my second-in-command, has the same problem I had: falling for a woman he couldn’t have. “Wait, Dom. I have a plan, but you’re not going to like it.”

“What is it?”

“I’m going to keep her hostage and change her mind.”

“What?” I play along, but I can read his tone of voice and know all I need to know.

“Let’s just say I can’t hurt her.”

“This is on you, Nero,” I remind him because I’m still the boss, and if this goes south, we could all be fucked.

“Domani, where are you?” Aria calls out, sounding fucking annoyed, which means I’m in trouble for something even though I haven’t done shit to earn her ire.

“I’ve got to go; the queen is summoning me.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.” Humor returns to his voice, and I end the call.

“Domani, there you are,” Aria huffs, coming into the room with our baby boy on her arm.

I’m up on my feet and around my desk in a flash. “What’s wrong?”

She grins from ear to ear and squeals, “He said his first word.” God, she’s beautiful. I live for that smile.

“What?” I ask my little man who is also my pride and joy. We had to wait a couple of months before Aria became pregnant with Luca. I anxiously waited every month, but the damn period came anyway. He was my Christmas present though. Aria surprised me Christmas morning with the news that I was going to be a papa.


“What did he say?”

“Papa.” My eyes fly open because I expected him to say “mama” or “baba” or something else. We spend a lot of time with him, but I’m dealing with business matters most of the day, both the legal and illegal side, so he doesn’t see me anywhere near as much as he does Aria.

“Say it again for your papa,” I coo, grabbing his chubby little fingers.

“Pa-pa. Pa-pa.” A little drool dribbles out of his mouth, so I pull out my handkerchief and wipe it away. One day he’ll rule all of this, but for now, he’s my little bambino, my pride and joy who needs me to care for him the way a father should.

“Good boy!” I take him from his beautiful mama and kiss his head, which is covered in jet black hair. He takes after both of us so much, although everyone says he’s gonna look just like me—but I don’t mind if he looks like his mama. Either way, the little man is going to be a heartbreaker.

“He’s learning quickly. According to the books, he’s ahead of schedule,” Aria cheers, clapping her hands softly. Luca grabs her hands and claps them for her. He’s an intelligent baby for sure.

“He’s going to be a smart little one like his uncle Niccolò.” Aria and I are above average, but my brother’s a genius and a nerd, so I wouldn’t mind at all if he took after him.

“Speaking of, Niccolò. He’s been taking some time off lately.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, your mom and I went to go get some coffee this morning at the one café in town that we love, and Niccolò was there.”

“Yes, well, the owner owes us a pretty penny. I have Nico checking out the financial stability of the place.”

“Si, but that’s not what he’s doing. He’s watching the girl behind the counter. I don’t know if it’s his first time being there or if he’s been going there, but he was watching her like the way you watch me.”

“What? He’s falling too?”

“I don’t know, but I think it’s possible. He’s got that Domani look that says, ‘Mine.’”

“You mean this one?”

“Mm-hmm,” she sighs as I press my lips to hers.

“That’s because us Bianchi men know what’s ours and claim it.”

"Whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going, buddy?" He's getting stronger and searching for independence every day. At eight months, he's already standing up against surfaces. It won’t be long until he’s walking.

“He’s ready to run, Domani. Aren’t you, Luca?”

“He’s gonna be just like me. We’re in for it, for sure. I used to run up and down these halls until I cracked my head open—right here.” I point to a faint scar in my hairline.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t have any major accidents. I don’t think my heart could take it.” Luca stretches out his hands for Mama, tugging away from me. I hand him back so he doesn’t fall because he’s too damned stubborn like his daddy.

“So do you want to come out to the pool with us?”

“Yes, my queen. I could use some time with my little family. Besides, I believe you said you had a new bikini for me to see.”

“Maybe I should wait to wear it. I’ve gotten a little heavier lately.”

“Are we going to have this discussion again? I think you are sexy, even if you put on another hundred pounds.”

“Hardly, but I mean… well, I suppose if I don’t wear it now, I might never get a chance with you putting babies in me.”

“Babies? Amore, are you pregnant?”


“Yes. Hell, yes, Aria,” I growl, sliding my hand into her hair and pulling her close to me. Our boy pats my face, but I need to kiss my wife so I take him out of her arms and set him down in the play yard I have in my office. I might be a mob boss, but my kids mean the world to me—every single one we’re blessed with. Dragging Aria to me, I press her body to mine as I taste her soft lips. “Forget swimming; I need to get you alone.”

“Well, then, I guess it’s good that I asked your mom to watch Luca for the afternoon. All we have to do is drop him off in her wing.”

“I’m on it,” I growl, scooping up my little guy and hearing Aria’s laughter give way as I march out of my office to my parents’ part of the house. Although we share the majority of it, they do have a private bedroom for the grandkids to come. Luca’s the first of many on my side of the family. Gloria and Delaney have gone about it the good ol’ Irish Catholic way, and they’re on baby number four. We won’t be far behind if I get my way.

Right now, they’re in Ireland so that Delaney can handle matters over there because his brother ran their name to shit. I still regret killing Peter so quickly, but I can rejoice that he no longer walks the earth, and it will be the same for whoever tries to harm my family, because they mean everything to me.

“Wow, I thought you would have gotten here faster,” my mother teases.

“I was reveling in the fact that my little man said my name. Now here he is. You need anything, send me a text, but I think Aria could use some time to celebrate.”

“Enjoy. Say bye-bye to Papa and Mama.”

“Bye,” he coos. Aria spins around and I follow suit, giving my Luca another kiss. It takes us another ten minutes to pull away from him, even though we’re ready for an evening to ourselves.

“So, did you arrange this today?”

“Nope. I just mentioned that I was tired, and your mama demanded that I bring Luca for the night.”

“Are you tired?”

“My arms are tired, but I love holding him.”

“He’s gonna be too heavy for you to be carrying soon. When do you see the doctor?”

“Tomorrow, and then she can tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing,” she says, glaring at me with that attitude that’s going to get her fucked nice and hard.

“Are you getting smart with me, wife?”

“I’ve always had a smart mouth. I’ve just been a really good girl lately.” Her eyes dart upward as she purses her lips sweetly.

“Little liar.”

She presses her hand to her chest. “Who, me? I’m an angel.”

“You’re the devil’s angel, and I’ll take the good, the bad, and the dirty any time, amore. Now, get on your knees and make up for that mouth of yours.” She smiles up at me, knowing damned well that’s exactly what she wants. Aria gets horny as hell when pregnant, and thank fuck for that.

Kneeling, she takes my cock out and slips it into her warm mouth. “Fuck,” I hum. The way she takes her times, dragging her tongue under my shaft and back up, swallowing around my head almost breaks me. The slow pace intensifies my orgasm, and my wife knows it. She wants to drive me insane and then let me nut down her slender throat.

The vibrations coming from her cause me to groan and I press my fingers around her neck, squeezing just enough for her to spread her thighs and reach for her pussy which I’m sure is ready to coat our wood floors.

I tug on her hair and look down at my gorgeous wife. “Are you getting ready to cream?”

“Yes,” she purrs around my cock. As much as I want to come, I need to feel her walls clench around me as I cum. I reluctantly pull out. “No,” she says, pouting.

“I need to feel you. I’m going to fuck you long and hard while you take your pleasure, wife.” Scooping her up, I lay my queen on our bed, parting her thighs and kissing her reddened knees before sliding my tongue through her puffy pink slit.

“Fuck me, my king.” I do.

“Forever, my queen.” I slam into her heat, taking Aria hard over and over until she shakes, moans, and arches her back while her pussy spasms around my length which always sends me with her. If she wasn’t already carrying my baby, she’d be pregnant again.

I’ll never get enough of Aria.