Garrett’s Destiny by Anna Blakely

Chapter 3

What the hell were you thinking?

The question had been rolling through Garrett’s mind ever since he’d woken up at the ass crack of dawn to head to the airport. But deep down, he knew the answer.

You were thinking you’re tired of a life filled with nothing but work, guns, and death.

It was true, even if he was having a hard time admitting it to himself.

When his team left Syria last week, Garrett had made a clear plan. Go home, lock himself away, and try to forget about that last job and the fact that it had almost been…well…his last everything.

But when his brother had called and discovered he had some free time, he’d insisted they take a vacation together. Garrett had surprised them both by accepting the offer.

They almost never had the same stretch of time off, so Coulter—or Colt, as Garrett had always called him— had taken advantage of the rare opportunity and purchased two tickets for a six-day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean.

Quality brother bonding time, he’d called it.

Though a part of him wanted to keep wallowing in the self-pity hole he’d just started digging for himself, a nagging feeling had led Garrett to agreeing to Colt’s generous and unexpected offer.

Probably the fact that he’d seen too many of his friends fall into that same hole over the years. Most of them never found their way out.

Garrett didn’t want to be like those other guys. He loved his job and his teammates, and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. But lately, he’d been feeling as though something was missing.

Like he needed something more.

To add to his frustration, he had this nagging feeling that if he didn’t find whatever it was soon, he never would.


That’s what he needed in his life. Strong, solid balance between work and pleasure.

Not an easy thing for guys like him to come by. Impossible, if most of the guys he’d served with in the Army—and those he worked with now—were to be believed.

But Garrett wasn’t sure he did believe that. Not anymore. Because though he’d seen many relationships crash and burn throughout his years as a door kicker, he’d also witnessed a few that stood the test of time.

So no, it wasn’t impossible. Hard, maybe. Really fucking hard. It took a special woman to put up with all the baggage black ops guys carried around. That was for damn sure.

Crazy schedules. All the secrecy that came with working classified missions. The time spent at home wondering when—or if—their loved ones would make it back in one piece.

But if he did somehow manage to find a woman willing to accept him for who and what he was? He’d hold onto her with both hands and never let go.

“Sorry,” a man apologized for bumping into him.

The contact forced Garrett back to the task at hand.

Leaving his melancholy thoughts behind, he began writing his name on a special luggage tag the cruise line required.

Another man brushed against him, making Garrett’s back teeth grind together. He may want more out of life, but he was fairly certain he wasn’t going to find it here.

Colt had shocked the hell out of him with the offer of the all-expense paid trip. The second he’d agreed, his brother had gone online and bought their tickets.

Tickets that included all the food they could eat for the next six days, as well as twenty adult beverages each. After that, their account would be billed for any additional drinks.

Good thing I have plenty of money in the bank. I have a feeling I’m going to need it.

He glanced over at Colt who was chatting it up with one of the couples who’d been on their shuttle. Unlike Garrett, who’s entire adult life had depended on carefully detailed planning, Colt was like a damn nomad.

The guy never stayed in one place for more than a few months at a time. A year, at the very most. And he never, ever took himself or anyone else too seriously.

Of course, having bypassed the military for the whole college experience—including sorority girls and fraternity parties—it was no wonder Colt’s outlook on life was so vastly different than his own.

Regular phone calls and the rare, in-person appearance…those were the staples of their sibling relationship.

Garrett knew his younger brother loved both him and their dad, and the feeling was mutual. But between Garrett’s day job and Tac-Ops’ other assignments, and Colt’s fly-by-night way of life, the two barely spent any time together anymore.

Something else Garrett wanted to change, hence his agreement to go on this trip.

“Isn’t she gorgeous?”

Turning, he found Colt ogling the cruise ship as if it were the most beautiful woman the man had ever laid eyes on.

“If you say so,” Garrett mumbled, barely giving the big boat a passing glance.

With a giant smile and a loud clap of his hands, his brother let out an excited whoop before pointing his phone at The Majestic—the largest and most elaborate ship in the Sunset Adventures cruise line.

Shaking his head, Garrett barely resisted rolling his eyes. Even at thirty, Colt had never quite grown up. At this point, Garrett was beginning to wonder if he ever would.

Like now. While he stood in the hot, humid air filling out the ship’s required luggage tags with their names and stateroom information, Colt was standing off to the side in a ridiculously loud, yellow, and hot pink Hawaiian style shirt.

The guy was taking selfies like a social media queen and grinning like a kid at Christmas.

“You gonna help me with this or just stand there lookin’ like a damn idiot?”

Completely unaffected by the insult, Coulter’s smile grew impossibly bigger as he adjusted his baseball cap and grabbed a pen from the provided pile on a long folding table beside them. Yanking a tag from Garrett’s hand, he finally began pulling his weight.

“Dude, we are going to have so much fun this week.”

Garrett secured the tag he’d been working on and immediately began writing on another. “Not if we don’t get our luggage checked in with the crew and end up having to wear the clothes on our backs for the entire trip.”

“Nope.” Colt shook his head. With a raised brow and a pointed finger, his brother’s blue eyes which matched his exactly lasered into a stern look that would rivel their father’s. “I’ve put up with your grumpy ass all week. I don’t even know what happened to put you in such a pissy fucking mood, and at this point, I don’t even care. You are hereby notified that any and all grouchy ass comments or foul moods are strictly prohibited for the next six days.”

Shit.His brother was right. He had been grumpier than normal since coming back from that last job.

Almost dying could do that to you.

Not that Colt would know anything about that, thank God. The last thing Garrett ever wanted for his family or anyone he cared about was to be touched by the evils of his world.

That was a weight he was more than happy to bear alone.

Even if he wanted to share what had happened—which he didn’t—he couldn’t. Just like when he was with the Rangers, all Tac-Ops missions were classified.

Without responding to his brother’s scolding, Garrett finished attaching the tag to the bigger of his two bags and placed it into a large metal cage as they’d been instructed to do.

He ignored the slight soreness still present in his chest. It had been seven days exactly since he and his team had returned home, and as of this morning, the bruise had turned from a dark blue and red tint to a nasty greenish yellow.

Given its location, hiding it up to this point had been effortless. But that wasn’t going to last for long, and Garrett had yet to come up with a story to explain what had caused it.

Better figure that out before Colt drags your ass to the pool.

Given the multitude of activities available that didn’t require him to be shirtless, he planned to steer Colt in a different direction. At least for the first couple of days. By that time the bruise should be all but healed.

He hoped.

“There.” Colt tossed his pen back onto the rectangular table next to them. “Done.”

“They go in here.” Garrett dropped his second bag into the cage. Bending at the waist, he grabbed the strap connected to his carryon duffle and slid it over his shoulder.

“Why don’t you put that one in, too? That way you don’t have to mess with it once we’re on board.”

“I’d rather not,” he kept his answer vague. Colt would probably shit his pants if he knew there was a government-issued weapon secured snuggly inside.

Each member of Tac-Ops held special TSA and Customs’ clearance. Whether they were traveling in the air or on the sea—or in this case, both—all they had to do was show their White House issued ID, and they were good to go.

In both the airport and customs, Garrett had maneuvered things a bit to ensure he went through a separate line from Colt. Otherwise, his brother would’ve seen the ID which served as an all-access pass to carry both in the air and on the water. Then he would’ve started asking questions.

Questions Garrett couldn’t answer.

“Suit yourself.” Colt let the duffle bag conversation go. “Come on, bro. Looks like they’re starting to board.”

Seeing that his brother was right, Garrett fell in line beside him. Following the crowd, the two men made their way out of the platform’s covered portion and onto the wide, concrete walkway leading to the ship’s boarding area.

Really taking in the ship for the first time since arriving, he had to admit…it was bigger than he’d expected.


“Right?” Colt gave him a blatant, I told you so look. “You really need to get out of your own head and start appreciating the beauty of your surroundings. Like that pretty little thing right over there.”

At his brother’s low, appreciative whistle, Garrett followed the other man’s gaze to a woman walking up ahead.

A floppy, wide brimmed hat, like the ones he’d seen women wear to the beach, rested atop thick layers of long, dark brown locks that fell over her shoulders in waves. The gorgeous hair stopped in the middle of her back, and Garrett’s hands twitched with a sudden urge to run his fingers through it.

The dress’s loose fit hid what he instinctively knew to be luscious curves. His gaze dropped to the delicate bare ankles brushing against the ruffled hem. Fuck, even the woman’s feet, encased in a pair of strappy white sandals, turned him on.

Jesus. Had it really been so long since he’d spent time with a woman he was becoming obsessed with a pair of feet?

Quickly doing the mental math, Garrett begrudgingly admitted to himself that yes…it had been that long.

Christ, I need to get a life.

“Helloo… Earth to Garrett.”

A waving hand appeared in front of his face. Blinking at its back-and-forth motion, Garrett realized Colt had been talking to him.

“Sorry. What?” His focus shifted from the woman he’d been admiring to his brother.

“I asked what you wanted to do first. You know, once we’re on board.”

“Check out our rooms.” They each had their own. “Make sure all of our luggage makes it back to us like it’s supposed to.”

“Bro.” Colt’s face went deadpan. “You seriously need to relax.”

Garrett frowned. “I am relaxed.” Or…he was starting to be, at least.

“Right. Well, we have a limited amount of fun-in-the-sun time, and I for one am not wasting a second of it waiting for bags I know will be coming.”

The man had a point. “Fine. We’ll find our rooms so I can put this inside, and then we’ll head up to the main deck for the welcome party. Happy?”

Colt slid his Ray-Bans over his blue eyes and smiled. “Very.”

Forty minutes later, they’d finally made it through security and onto the ship without incident. The cruise line didn’t fuck around when it came to the safety of its passengers. Something he could appreciate.

As the pair made their way up to their ocean-level staterooms, Garrett found himself searching for the woman in the sundress. Which was ridiculous since he’d only seen her once, not to mention she was probably here with someone.

A husband. Fiancé. Boyfriend. Someone who could give a woman like that the life she deserved.

Jesus, man. You know nothing about her, and you’re making assumptions as to what she does or doesn’t deserve? The woman could be a hoity toity bitch for all you know.

But his gut said she wasn’t, which was yet another ridiculous assumption. Again, he’d seen her once. From behind.

Garrett gave the strap on his shoulder a tight squeeze then forced the muscles in his hand to relax. Damn it, Colt was right. He needed to let shit go and start enjoying their current situation.

Starting with the woman in the hat. She was just one of over four thousand passengers aboard the giant ship, and chances were he’d probably go the entire rest of the trip without ever seeing her again.

After finding their rooms—each next to the other’s—the two men headed up to the main deck for the welcome party. Once there, Garrett planned to grab one of those fruity drinks with an umbrella in it then spend the next six days chilling the fuck out.

Ten minutes later, he’d implemented the first part of the plan.

“This.” Colt stood with his elbows leaning on the tiki-style bar behind them. “This right here is what I’m talking about.”

With his flamingo shorts and brightly flowered shirt, the man looked like the stereotypical Caribbean cruise passenger.

From behind his dark lenses, Garrett bit his tongue to keep from razzing Colt about his attire and looked out over the crowd. For the first time since stepping foot on the ship, he drew in a deep breath and soaked in the scenery.

Songs he could only describe as tropical island music blared through the speakers. People dressed in everything from bikinis to Bermuda shorts—and everything in between—were spread out over the expansive wooden deck.

Some were talking. Several had already begun drinking. One group had even come together in the center, dancing to the uplifting beat of the steel drums.

A cooling breeze blew in from the Atlantic, making the humid Florida air more bearable. Still taking everything in, Garrett noted that everywhere he looked, he found smiles.

Not the small, polite kind. No, these were toothy grins accompanied by loud, boisterous laughs.

An odd feeling settled in his gut. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed like that.

“Yeah, okay.” He took a sip of his frozen strawberry and rum concoction. Something the bartender had called a Miami Vice.

“Okay, what?”

“You were right.”

“Of course, I was right.” Colt snorted.

Garrett felt his lips curve. “At least you’re modest about it.”

“Why hide the truth?” His brother chuckled.

A stretch of silence passed and then, “In case I haven’t said it. Thanks.”

His brother shrugged. “Consider this an early Christmas present.”

“Damn.” Garrett licked a drop of cold, sugary sweetness from his bottom lip. “All I’d planned to get you was a pair of socks and a new tie.”

With a barked laugh Colt said, “Skip the socks and tie, man. Just promise to enjoy yourself this week, and we’ll call it even.”

Hardly.“You’ve got yourself a deal. From here on out, it’s nothing but fun.”

Lifting his glass in the air, Colt turned the declaration into a toast. “To nothing but fun.”

Both men clinked their drinks together before drinking from their straws. Seconds later, Colt spotted a food cart with complimentary appetizers.

“Mini crab cakes?” He stood straight and started in that direction. “Hell yeah!”

“Grab some for me!” Garrett hollered after him. With a shake of his head, he smiled as he watched his brother interact with a couple of women he passed by.

Definitely going to be an interesting week.

The thought had no more entered his brain when two giggling women—or girls, rather—came up to the bar. One was blonde, the other brunette. And both were dressed in matching barely-there bikini tops and cut-off shorts that showed the entire bottom half of their asses.


Knowing they couldn’t be more than twenty-one, maybe twenty-two, Garrett kept his gaze glued on his brother who was standing near the end of a fairly long line.

“Hey, there.” One of the girls nudged his arm. “You look a little lone…ly.”

The ship hadn’t even started moving yet, and these two were already sloshed.

“Just waiting for my brother,” he spoke without looking at her.

“Brother?” The other’s ears perked up. “Well, that works out perfectly, then. One for me and one for my friend.”

The high-pitched laugh that escaped both girls’ throats made Garrett physically cringe. Doing his best to make his non-interest clear, he lied and said, “Thanks, but I don’t think our wives would appreciate that.”

Neither he nor Colt had ever been married. But these two didn’t need to know that.

The brunette slapped the blonde on the ass. “I told you a guy who looked like him would be taken.”

“How was I supposed to know?” The blonde whined. “He’s not wearing a ring.” She looked up at him. “Why aren’t you wearing a ring?”

“Didn’t want to lose it in the ocean.” The second lie rolled off his lips as if it were the God’s honest truth.

It was a skill he found useful in his line of work.

“Fine.” The young woman pouted. Words slurring, she added, “Tell your wife, she’s one lucky lady.”

“Oh, she knows.” He gave them a polite grin. “You two be safe out here.”

“Safe shmafe.” The brunette waved him off as if he was stupid. “We’re here to par-tay!”

Belting out identical, ear-piercing squeals, the two girls forgot all about him and disappeared into the crowd.

Behind him, the bartender—Shawn, according to his name tag—laughed. Garrett didn’t crack a smile.

All he could think of was how vulnerable those two young women were, and how easily someone could take advantage of that…or worse. He’d seen it happen far too often.

Forget the job and focus on the fun.

Doing his best to ignore the numerous potential dangers around him, the unspoken words became his mantra for the next several minutes while he waited for Colt to return.

There wasn’t any danger to him. Just a lot of unaware partygoers oblivious to the fact that they could fall prey to the same type of bastards he and his team had recently taken down.

These people are all just here to have a good time. You promised Colt you’d do the same. Now get your head out of your ass and follow the fuck through.

Realizing this whole fun and relaxation gig was going to be harder than expected, Garrett had just taken a step in his brother’s direction when a rolling breeze carried with it a new scent he didn’t recognize but was impossible to ignore.

A mixture of coconuts and vanilla. And something else he couldn’t quite put a name to.

The sweet scent compelled him to stop. Turning in search of the source, his lungs froze inside his chest when he saw her.

It was the woman in the hat. She’d just walked up beside him, and from this angle, he could finally see her face.

Perfect, bow-shaped lips with a natural rosy tint. An adorable button nose he could imagine himself pressing his lips against. And huge, milk-chocolate eyes he knew he could get lost in…if she let him.

Goddamn, she’s beautiful.

And like his, her left ring finger was bare.

“What’ll you have?” Shawn asked over the loud music.

“I…I don’t know.” Her soft voice was like a balm to his hardened soul. “What do you suggest?”

“Depends.” The man behind the bar eyed the line that had begun to form. “What do you like?”

“Um…” The woman scanned the various bottles of liquor lining the hut’s back wall. Glancing over to the three frozen drink machines constantly stirring their contents, she bit her bottom lip as she tried to decide.

“Do you want me to come back to you?” The bartender motioned to the people behind her.

“Oh, uh…”

Sensing the woman was overwhelmed by her choices, Garrett leaned a bit closer and asked, “You like strawberries?”

Her eyes lifted to his, and Christ if he didn’t feel her gaze to the depths of his soul. One second, he was fine, and the next…he couldn’t fucking breathe.

Hell, if she’d asked his name, he wouldn’t have been able to tell her. All Garrett knew was that he was staring at the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen.

For one, crazy moment in time, he considered asking her if she’d like to go back to his room with him.

“I do.”

Garrett blinked. Fuck, had he said those words out loud?

Strawberries, asshole.You asked if she liked strawberries.

“Oh, right.” He cleared his throat. “This is called a Miami Vice. It’s a mixture of rum, pinã colada, and strawberry margarita. It’s really good.”

Another second passed before the woman nodded. “Okay. I’ll try one of those.” She started to remove the plastic card held by the lanyard around her neck, but Garrett stopped her.

“Just put it on mine.” He quickly removed his own cruise ID and handed it to the bartender.

Each passenger had been given an ID card connected to their individual cruise accounts. Every time they ate or drank, their cards were scanned. Since their food and non-alcoholic drinks were included with their initial tickets, the scans were simply to keep track of selection data for the cruise line.

But they could also transfer money from their bank accounts to their cards for purchases made in the gift shops and at the ship’s many bars.

It was smart, really. Doing it this way knocked down the need for passengers to carry around a bunch of cash or their debit and credit cards. This in turn helped ward off criminal activity such as petty theft and robbery.

“That wasn’t necessary but thank you.” The woman smiled up at him.

He’d buy her as many drinks as she wanted if it meant getting to know her better.

Garrett returned her smile with one of his own. “You’re welcome.”

“Here ya go.” Shawn handed him back the card and the woman her drink.

Slipping the lanyard back over his neck, he watched as the beauty beside him took her first sip. Those mesmerizing eyes grew wide, and her entire face lit up with excitement.

“You’re right.” She took another sip and closed her eyes, moaning as she licked her lips. “That’s really good.”

Ah, fuck.Garrett’s dick began to swell behind his zipper. Thank God he was wearing baggy shorts and an untucked shirt.

Wait. Had she said something? If she had, he’d missed it. Probably because he was too busy watching the tip of her tongue peak out and run along her full, bottom lip to notice.

“Thanks again.” The woman started to walk off.

Say something, dumbass. Say. Something.

“Garrett Morgan,” he blurted his name.

His real name, not Falcon. That was only used by his teammates either behind closed doors or on a mission.

He wasn’t even sure why he’d given her his name at all, really. It wasn’t like she’d remember it after she walked away.

Another strong breeze blew past as she turned back around. Moving quickly, she shot a hand to the top of her head, barely managing to keep her hat from flying off with the wind.

“Should I know who that is?”

With anyone else, he would’ve taken the question as a sarcastic quip. But the confusion on her pretty face struck him as genuine.

“Me.” His lips twitched as he held out a hand. “I’m Garrett Morgan.”

The warmth from her sweet smile heated him from the inside out. “Avery Webb. And I’d shake your hand, but…” Her eyes motioned upward toward her hat.

“Of course.” He lowered his arm. “Wouldn’t want you losing that.”

Actually, I’d rather enjoy you losing a lot more than that hat.

“I’m not so sure.” Her cute as fuck nose scrunched up. “It was my sister’s idea. In fact, this whole trip was her idea.”

“Really?” That sure sounded familiar. “My brother talked me into coming.” Garrett pointed to Colt who was getting cozy with the woman standing behind him in line. “He’s the one flirting his a…uh…butt off.”

“I can see the resemblance.” Avery’s smile grew a tiny bit more. “That’s quite an outfit he’s wearing.”

Unable to tell if she truly liked it or was poking fun, Garrett was glad he’d chosen a white linen button-up with short sleeves and khaki shorts. Simple. Classy. And cooling in the sun’s blaring heat.

Although he had a feeling it could be snowing, and he’d still feel warm and toasty as long as Avery Webb was near.

“I don’t want to keep you from your sister,” he lied.

“You’re not. She didn’t come with me.”

“She talked you into taking a cruise and then ditched you?” Seemed like a shitty thing to do to anyone, especially a sister.

“No.” Avery shook her head. “She was never coming.”

“Oh.” Garrett made it sound like he understood completely, though he was confused as hell.

What’s confusing? Her sister talked her into taking a vacation, and she did. With someone else.

“Well, I’m sure whoever you’re with is missing you.” He sure as hell would be.

“I’m…by myself.” She glanced away as if she were embarrassed.

Garrett blinked. No way he’d heard her right. This gorgeous woman was on this huge ass ship…alone?

“It was a dare.” The blurted admission caused Avery’s skin to become flushed. “A really stupid dare that I never should’ve agreed to.”

“So why did you?”

“I don’t know. No, that’s a lie. I do know.”

She began talking a bit faster, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was the alcohol or her nerves. Probably both.

“I wasn’t going to come,” Avery continued, “But my sister and I have always had this thing where we used to dare each other to do stuff. Nothing bad or illegal. Just crazy stuff we wouldn’t normally do. And we’re both too stubborn to back down, so I accepted the challenge. But then I changed my mind, and then later when I got home, I found out this lady in my building….Joan… She died, and her cat ate her face, and I didn’t…I didn’t want to end up like that.”

Garrett had no idea what she was rambling on about, and he didn’t care.

When she’d first approached the tiki bar, she’d been quiet. Reserved. But now that she was loosening up a bit, it was like a dam had burst free.

She was going on and on about her sister, and cats, and a dead woman. Shit, did she say the cat had eaten her neighbor?

It didn’t even matter. Garrett was standing there, staring while Avery held her drink with one hand and that damn hat with the other, and all he could think was…

She’s fucking amazing.

“Fucking amazing!” Colt’s voice parroted his thoughts.

“What?” Garrett tore his gaze from Avery just in time to see his brother approaching with a plate piled full of food.

“These crab cakes. They’re so freakin’ good.”

Crab cakes. Right.

“I see you’ve made a friend while I was gone.” Colt gave him a sly look before shoving the overfilled plate in his direction. When Garrett took it, his brother switched his drink into his left hand and held out his right. “Coulter Morgan. My friends call me Colt.”

“Avery Webb.” Noticing the wind had died down, Avery let go of her hat and took Colt’s hand.

Garrett’s chest tightened with an unexpected rush of jealousy. The reaction was crazy. It was just a handshake, for shit’s sake. But still…

I want to be the one to touch her.

“Webb, huh?” Colt’s voice took on what Garrett referred to as his get-a-woman-into-bed tone. “Guess I’ll have to watch myself around you. Wouldn’t want to get caught up in your…web.” With a wink and a grin, the idiot then said, “Get it? ’Cause your last name’s Webb?”

“Yeah, Colt.” Garrett slapped his brother on the shoulder and squeezed. “Pretty sure she gets it.”

“Easy, man!” Colt narrowly avoided spilling his drink.

Garrett shot Avery an apologetic look. “Sorry about him. I swear, he’s harmless.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Her lips curved in the same, almost timid smile she’d worn before.

The one that made him want to strip away all her inhibitions and make her deepest, darkest desires come true.

“But those crab cakes do look pretty tasty. I think I’ll go get some for myself.”

Garrett wanted to offer theirs up to her, but something told him he needed to go slow with her.

“Maybe I’ll see you around this week.” He did his best to sound casual.

Her growing smile gave him hope. “Maybe. It was nice to meet you both.”

“Nice meeting you.” Colt’s words were barely audible due to his crab-filled mouth.

Garrett shook his head but smiled. “It was nice to meet you, too, Avery.”

With a slight tip of her head, Avery turned away and headed for the food cart line. Garrett’s gaze followed her the entire way.

“Wow.” Colt swallowed another bite. “She’s totally—”

“Off limits.”

His brother arched a brow. “You callin’ dibs?”

“She’s a human being, asshole.” Garrett reached for a crab cake. “I’m not calling fucking dibs. I’m just saying you’ve got an entire ship full of women to choose from.”

“So basically…I need to choose someone else?”


Colt chuckled then began to cough as some of the bite he’d just taken went down the wrong pipe. It would’ve been funny as hell if Garrett wasn’t still completely enthralled with the angel in the floppy hat.

It made no sense for him to warn his brother away from her. Hell, he’d just met the woman. In no way, shape, or form did he have the right to call dibs or anything else where she was concerned.

But if he did, Garrett knew…

Avery Webb would be mine.