Garrett’s Destiny by Anna Blakely

Chapter 4

Avery leaned on the door behind her and blew out a breath. She’d done it. She was on a cruise ship. By herself. And she didn’t totally hate it.

You should probably check your phone for a breaking news alert because hell has most definitely frozen over.

The internal thought made her smile. Not only did Avery not hate it here…she’d actually enjoyed her time up on the main deck.

The frozen Miami Vice concoction had been to die for. The sweet combination of coconuts and strawberries was one she already planned to consume again. As an added bonus, the alcohol had helped to ease her anxiety levels a bit.

Of course, the smokin’ hot man in the white shirt had raised her heartrate to alarming levels.

Even now, as flashes of Garrett Morgan’s gorgeous face filled her mind’s eye, Avery felt her insides tingle and flutter. The man was hands down the most gorgeous male specimen she’d ever laid eyes on.

Standing at least a foot taller than her five-three frame, the intriguing man had towered over her. Something she found both intimidating and sexy.

His light brown hair was shorter on the sides and back than it was on top. Streaks of natural highlights had glimmered in the sunlight, and Avery had found herself itching to touch it.

Even now, just thinking about the possibility made her cheeks feel hot and flushed.

Still leaning against her door, Avery pictured Garrett’s strong jaw and kissable lips. And then there was his voice.

Not once in all her twenty-eight years had she heard such a deep, sultry voice like the one coming from the man she’d just met.

When Garrett Morgan spoke, it was as if every word he uttered was specifically designed with the purpose of drawing her deep into his spell.

No, not you. Women. Plural.

Her subconscious was right. This was insane. She knew absolutely nothing about the man, other than his name. If that was even his real name.

For all she knew, Garrett was a total player. His brother clearly was. Not that it mattered now, anyway.

On the off-chance Garrett wasn’t just a hot guy looking to score, he’d probably avoid her like the plague, now that she’d rambled on and on about her dead neighbor’s flesh-eating cat.

See? This is exactly why I keep to myself as much as humanly possible.

A frustrated growl bubbled up inside her throat. “Since when do you care what some random guy thinks about you?”

Since now, apparently.

Giving herself a mental smack on the head, Avery pushed off the door and made her way further into her stateroom. Forcing thoughts of sexy strangers away, she made note of the tiny bathroom on her right and even tinier closet to her left.

Passing through the narrow entryway, she stepped into the bedroom area that made her smile.

There was a built-in dresser to her left which wasn’t huge but offered plenty of space for her things. The long mirror above it running the entire length, and at the mirror’s end was a small T.V. mounted high on the wall.

A loveseat and coffee table were directly across from the dresser, and in front of where she stood was the room’s queen-sized bed.

Her luggage had been placed between the bed and the table.

The room was small, less than two hundred square feet and basic in décor and function. But with the large window overlooking the water and a small, private balcony, it was perfect.

Avery’s smile grew as her eyes fell onto the bed. An elephant made from white towels stared up at her from the center of the mattress. It had gold, foil-wrapped chocolates for eyes, and was one of the cutest things she’d ever seen.

Pulling her phone from her purse, she snapped a quick picture. “Alex is going to love you,” she spoke to the inanimate object.

Turning in a slow circle, she proceeded to take several more snapshots before sending them all with a text to her sister. Alex responded immediately.

Avery: I’m not saying you were right, but it’s off to a good start.

Alex: Yay! And OMG, the elephant! I want!

Avery: I’ll see if I can buy one. Not sure what kind of service I’ll have, but I’ll try to text/call when I can.

Alex: Can’t wait for more pics. P. S…. did u find my note?

Avery: What note?

Alex: Front pocket of your purse. Read then do. Gotta run. Heading to the gallery for a prelim run-thru for the show. Love u and have fun!

Avery: Love you, too. And no dating while I’m gone!

Curious as towhat Alex was referring to, Avery set her phone on the bed before removing her hat and placing it on the coffee table behind her. Lifting her crossbody up over her head, she unzipped the front pocket and looked inside.

Sure enough, there was a small piece of paper folded neatly inside.

Pulling it out, Avery unfolded the note to find it wasn’t really a note at all. It was a list. One Alex had compiled with the heading ‘20 Things to Do on My Cruise’.


Starting at the top and working her way down, Avery began reading each one aloud.

“Number one…Get on the damn ship.” Laughing, Avery grabbed a pen from her purse and crossed it off with a smile. “Number two… Try one of those fruity drinks with an umbrella in it.” Check again. And number three? “Talk to someone I don’t know.”

Not really a stretch since I don’t know anyone here, but okay.

Forcing herself not to think of Garrett in all his tall, dark, and handsomeness, Avery drew a line through that one, too.

With a quick glance at the other seventeen things her meddling sister had felt the need to pen, she wondered just how many would be crossed off by the end of the cruise.

Some were simple, such as the talking to someone she didn’t know thing and try something new to eat each day. But others made her wonder if Alex had been drunk when she’d compiled the list. Number twenty was a prime example.

“Kiss a hot guy?” Avery snorted. “Yeah, right.”

Leave it to Alex to come up with something so ridiculously impossible.

Refusing to think of the hot guy she’d already met, Avery folded the paper and put both it and the pen back into her purse then walked over to the sliding door. Unlocking it, she pulled it open and stepped onto the balcony.

Her hair flew across her face as the warm, salty air whipped around her. Tucking the wayward strands behind one ear, she moved closer to the chest-high railing.000

A hint of fuel filled her nostrils as she cautiously peaked over the edge. Not too far. Just enough to see the ocean’s water sloshing lazily against the ship’s hull.

She’d purposely chosen a room on the balcony level closest to the water. But it was still a long way down.

The low hum of a motor purred to life from somewhere far below. Glancing at her watch, she noted they still had an hour before the ship was scheduled to depart.

Must be getting things warmed up and ready to go.

Avery took a moment to gaze at the endless ocean to her left. Her heart beat a little harder as she wondered what the next few days would have in store.

Glancing back to the land on her right, she had to admit the view was less than desirable.

Shipping crates lined up in a row on a concrete slab. Two giant cranes she assumed were for loading supplies onto the ship.

Because her room was located on the starboard side, she couldn’t see the U.S. Customs building she and the other passengers had gone through prior to boarding, but she spotted several other industrial-type buildings that seemed to stretch on for miles.

But it was land, and to Avery, it was safe.

Take a good, long look, Aves. Once this sucker takes off, there’s no going back.

The realization sent her heart racing. Her chest tightened and breathing became more and more difficult.

Recognizing the telltale signs of an anxiety attack beginning to unfold, she went back inside and slid the door shut. With a sideways glance, she focused on her luggage which had been delivered prior to her coming into the room.

There’s still time. You could find one of the staff. Tell them there’s an emergency and you have to get off the ship so you can get back home.

They’d have to believe her, right? They’d have to let her off the ship.

For a second, Avery seriously considered grabbing her bags and getting the hell out of there.

But then what?

She’d be forced to go home and prove her sister right. Admit that she was every bit the boring, predictable woman Alex had accused her of being.

No. That was not how this was going to play out.

It was just a short trip. A dream vacation for most. And no matter how uncomfortable this coming week may be, Avery was determined to see it through to the end.

If she didn’t, if she walked away now, she had a gnawing feeling she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

Straightening her spine, she marched back over to where her purse lay. Yanking the list free once more, she flattened its seams and studied the contents closer. Not only was she not going home…she was going to do every damn thing on the list.

Even number twenty.

“Attention passengers.” A boisterous voice laced with a heavy Australian accent came over the speaker located in the room’s ceiling, making her jump. “This is Martin, your friendly cruise director. On behalf of Sunset Adventures, I’d like to welcome you all to the Majestic. The largest and most lavish passenger cruise ship on the sea. Your tropical adventure will begin in less than an hour, and for the next six days, you will enjoy the most incredible vacation you’ve ever experienced. However, before that can happen, all passengers must attend the mandatory safety meeting that begins in ten minutes. I repeat, all passengers are required to attend the mandatory safety meeting before the ship can depart the port.”

Avery remembered reading something about that, but she had no idea where said meeting would be taking place.

As if Martin could read her mind, he added, “All passengers have been divided up into separate meeting areas based on your room’s location. You will find your assigned area on today’s personalized itinerary located inside the welcome folder. This should be on the small table next to your bed.

Turning her head, Avery saw her folder exactly where Martin said it would be. As the energetic cruise director continued informing passengers of various activities the ship had to offer on their first night at sea, she opened the folder and found where she was supposed to report.

Dining Room A.

“Shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

Nine and a half minutes later, Avery was nearly breathless as she rushed toward the crew member waiting at the door.

“Sorry I’m late. I got turned around.”

“No worries.” The woman gave her a polite smile. “Still happens to me on occasion.” Doubtful, but Avery appreciated the effort to make her feel less embarrassed. “Here you are.”

She was handed back her cruise card.

“Thank you.” Avery gave the woman a small smile.

Hoping to join the others without being noticed, she walked through the short entry located behind a curved, split staircase. Following another almost-late passenger who’d chosen to go right, Avery stepped into the most gorgeous, elaborate room she’d ever seen.

The far wall was made entirely of windows offering a stunning view of the North Atlantic. Countless round tables filled the main seating area, some piled with clean dishes and silverware that was snuggled inside pristine linen napkins.

Preparations for this evening’s dinner.

The place was packed with passengers, their conversing voices coming together to form a dull roar as they waited for the mandatory meeting to commence.

As she moved through the dense crowd in search of an open place to stand, Avery couldn’t help but be in awe of the gorgeous turquoise chandeliers running along the ceiling’s center, or the rose gold décor scattered throughout the entire space. And the split staircase leading to the second level…


“Pretty impressive, isn’t it?”

The male voice behind her made her jump. She turned, disappointment rushing through her when she found a man she’d never met before staring down at her.

“It is.” Avery nodded politely.

There are over four thousand passengers on this ship. Did you really expect it to be Garrett?

Though she hated admitting it, yes. She had.

“I’ve been on a lot of cruise ships, but I have to say, this one’s the best.”

Unsure of how she should respond to the man’s slightly slurred comment, Avery simply nodded and looked away.

“I’m Jack.” He held out a hand.

She stared at it a full two seconds before deciding to take it. With a tight smile forming on her pressed lips, she returned the gesture. “Avery.”

“Avery.” Interest filled the man’s dark eyes. “I like that.”

A strong, nauseating whiff of whisky filled her nostrils, which she assumed derived from the near-empty glass in the man’s free hand.

Another quick glance at Jack’s pupils revealed he’d drank more than his fair share.


Slipping her hand free, Avery remained silent as she fought the urge to wipe it clean. She wasn’t sure what it was, but something about this guy sent her Creep-O-Meter buzzing.

Jack opened his mouth to say something else, but thankfully the speakers chose that time to start blaring fun, upbeat music. Crew members wearing identical uniforms entered from every direction—down the stairs, through both doors, and around the sides toward the area where Avery was standing.

Singing along with the music, they showed off their dancing skills as they got into their assigned positions. As the music died down, a very attractive woman stood at the top of the stairs and addressed the crowd using a microphone.

“Hello, everyone!” She smiled down on them. “I’m Savannah, and I just have one question for you. Are you ready to have some fun?”

The room filled with cheers, Jack clapping his hands and nudging Avery’s shoulder. She gave him a tight smile, praying he’d decide to move on.

Of course, she couldn’t be that lucky.

As the woman on the stairs went over the safety rules and procedures—where the lifeboats were located, where to find the emergency evacuation route for each section of the ship, and so on—Jack would periodically lean down to comment on one thing or another.

The man clearly felt he knew everything there was to know about cruise ships.

By the time the meeting was coming to an end, Jack was seriously getting on her last nerve.

“Wanna go for a drink?” he asked the second they were released.

Not a chance. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

“Just one.” He pouted, giving her heavy-lidded, drunken puppy dog eyes. “Please?”

Avery turned to leave, her heartrate spiking when he followed her.

“Hey, wait up!” Jack hollered after her. “I wasn’t done talking to you.”

But I’m done talking to you.

Picking up the pace, Avery’s heart was in her throat as she closed in on the dining room’s exit.

“You know, you don’t have to be so rude.” He caught up with her. “I was just trying to be friendly. Pretty lady like yourself shouldn’t be alone. Hey!”

From the corner of her eye, Avery saw that Jack, or rather Jackass, was reaching for her.

His fingers brushed against her arm as he started to grab her. Avery opened her mouth to yell for help when another large hand shot between them.

One attached to a taut, sinewy arm that made her heart race for a completely different reason.

“She’s not alone, asshole.” Garrett’s voice blanketed her with a sense of relief and safety. “She’s with me.”

Not really accurate, but Avery wasn’t about to correct him.

“Oh.” Jack looked up at Garrett and blinked. “I-I didn’t—”

“Understand the word ‘no’?”

A smile tugged at her lips. She rather enjoyed seeing Garrett put the guy in his place.

“No.” The idiot shook his head then frowned. “I-I mean, yes. I mean…I understood. I just—”

“Need to apologize.” Garrett growled. “Now.”

Warmth seeped through Avery’s veins as she realized why she felt such a pull toward a man she’d just met.

Garrett was the type of guy who’d stand up for a woman. Not because he wanted to get into her pants, but because it was the right thing to do.

How do you know he doesn’t want to get into your pants?

Avery nearly choked at the thought. She didn’t attract guys like him. Computer geeks or accountants…those were the types of guys who asked her out.

Not hot, muscular men with lethal smiles and a body made for sin.

“I’m sorry.” Jack’s forced apology broke through her thoughts.

Unsure of what she should say, she crossed her arms at her chest and gave the man a curt nod. “Apology accepted.”

Garrett leaned toward Jack with a final warning. “I see you near her again, you and I are going to have issues. We clear?”

“Yeah, man. Sure.” Jack’s head bobbled up and down quickly. “Whatever you say.”

“Glad we understand each other.” Garrett released Jack’s arm with a slight push and motioned for the door.

Rolling her lips inward to keep from smiling, Avery watched as the idiot tripped over his own feet and fell to the carpet, spilling his drink before jumping back up and taking off.

The crowd behind them—one she hadn’t even realized had formed—began clapping and whistling with approval. A couple of guys even taunted Jack as he disappeared around the corner.

“Thanks for that.” She lifted her gaze. A sharp intake of air became caught in her throat when she got her first look at his ocean blue eyes.


She already knew the man had a handsome face and mouthwatering body. But those eyes

He stared down at her. It was probably her imagination, but when their eyes met, Avery could’ve sworn she felt a type of charge traveling throughout her entire body.

A powerful, magnificent, electrical charge. And it felt a lot like…


This was it. This is what she’d always read about. What she’d always dreamed of finding.

She thought she’d felt it earlier but had blown it off as overzealous nerves and wishful thinking. But now, as Garrett’s gaze remained locked with hers, Avery couldn’t deny there was a connection.

One unlike any she’d ever felt before.

Clearing his throat, his low voice reached past her thoughts. “Hope I didn’t overstep. I saw that idiot start to get stupid with you and thought I could help.”

“I’m pretty sure he was already stupid long before he met me,” Avery teased.

Garrett’s wide shoulders shook with a deep chuckle. “Pretty sure you’re right. Anyway, I figured if he thought you were with someone else, then maybe he’d steer clear of you for the rest of the trip. Hope that was okay.”

“I appreciate you stepping in.” She was unable to tear her gaze away. “Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary.”

Lost in his seas of blue, Avery suddenly found herself wondering what it would be like to stare into those same eyes every day for the rest of her life.

Whoa, Aves. Slow it down a bit.

Her subconscious was right. She’d just met Garrett. Hell, she really didn’t know any more about him than she did Jackass Jack.

Except for reasons she didn’t understand, her instincts were telling her this was a man she could trust.

“There you are!” Garrett’s brother appeared beside them. “What the hell, G? One minute, you’re standing next to me, and then I looked up and poof. You were gone.”

Like Garrett, Colt had his sunglasses resting on the top of his head. With a clear view of his eyes, too, Avery noticed they were identical to Garrett’s in every way but one.

No lightning.

“It’s my fault.” She jumped to Garrett’s defense. “This guy was bothering me, and your brother stepped in to help.”

A throaty noise escaped the back of Garrett’s throat. “Some dickhead tries to manhandle you, that’s not your fault.”

“What the hell?” Colt’s playful expression hardened. To her, he asked, “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she assured both men. “The guy just got a little pushy when I turned him down. That’s all.”

Jack hadn’t even touched her, and these guys looked like they were ready to draw blood.

The muscles in Garrett’s strong jaw bulged, but he gave Colt a nod as if to say the situation had been handled. It must’ve been enough because the tension in Colt’s shoulders eased almost instantly.

“I was going to head up to the casino. See if I can get lucky. You coming?”

“Actually, I’m getting a little hungry. Thought about grabbing a couple slices of pizza at the twenty-four-hour place.” Avery was surprised when Garrett’s gaze slid to hers. “Feel like grabbing a bite?”

Her stomach was feeling a bit empty. And it might not hurt to be seen sharing a meal with Garrett. Just in case Jack was still lingering around somewhere.

Nice excuse, Aves. You keep telling yourself that’s why you’re about to say—

“Sure. Pizza sounds good.”

“Suit yourself, big brother.” Colt slapped Garrett on the shoulder. “I’ll come find you later to show you all my winnings.”

With his eyes still on Avery’s, Garrett’s lips curled into another half-grin. “He’ll come find me later when he loses all his money and needs more.”

“Not true.” The other man shook his head and started to leave. From over his shoulder, he gave them a quick wave and a loud, “Have fun you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Something tells me that list is pretty short.”

Garrett laughed. “Try non-existent. Come on.” He rested his hand on her lower back and led her out of the dining hall. “I know a shortcut to the pizza.”

Heat from his palm seared her skin through her thin dress. Normally, Avery wasn’t a fan of people randomly touching her, but nothing about Garrett felt random.

In fact, as crazy as it seemed, she felt almost comfortable around him. Safe. As if they’d known each other for much longer than an hour.

Thirty minutes later, Avery found herself sitting with Garrett, finishing their pizza, and talking. He’d chosen a small table on the upper level of the main deck.

Looking out over the water, Avery took in the incredible view through the glass wall that kept passengers from falling over the edge.

She made the mistake of leaning closer to the glass and looking down. She nearly fell out of her chair trying to sit back up.

“You should’ve told me you were afraid of heights,” Garrett rumbled. “I would’ve chosen a table down below.”

“It’s okay,” Avery lied. Her heart still felt like it was trying to claw its way out of her chest. “I’m trying new things this week.”

Instead of smiling, his brows turned inward, causing the skin between them to bunch. “You can do that without scaring yourself half to death.”

“I know.” She sighed. “But this trip is about breaking out of my shell. Figured the sooner I get started, the easier it’ll become.”

I hope.

“Is that the reason your sister dared you to take this cruise?”

With a nod, Avery confirmed his suspicions. “She thinks I need more excitement in my life. And she’s right. I do need to get out more. But I work from home most days, and I guess it’s just easier to stay home.”

“What do you do?” He took another bite of his pizza.

“I design financial and accounting software for large businesses.”

“Wow.” Garrett’s dark brows arched in surprise as he swallowed. “That’s impressive.”

It was also nice to hear a man acknowledge it. “Most guys I date think it’s nerdy or boring.” As if realizing what she’d just said, Avery rushed to correct herself. “Not that we’re dating. Of course, we’re not dating. We just met. I didn’t mean to imply that we’re—”

“I know.” He gave her the kind of lazy smile that made her body tingle and her mind think of unspeakable things.

“Sorry. I’m usually pretty quiet. Until I get nervous, and then I tend to ramble.”

“I noticed.”

“Sorry.” She repeated herself then cringed.

“Never apologize for being who you are, sweetheart.”


Avery’s heart did some sort of fluttering thing. No man had ever called her that. Not even her dad. He’d always called her Avey Baby. But never sweetheart.

“So, where are you from?” he continued with the routine getting-to-know-you line of questioning.

“I grew up in a small town in North Carolina.”

“Really?” This seemed to interest Garrett. “Where?”

“Nowhere you’ve ever heard of.” Avery snorted. “Trust me.”

“Try me.”

“Okay.” She sat her water bottle down. “I grew up in Lillington. It’s—”

“About forty minutes north of Fayetteville, in Harnett County. There’s a trail near there. I can’t remember the name, but it’s in Raven Rock State Park.”

Holy shit.

Avery felt her jaw drop. “You’re talking about the Loop Trail.”

Garrett snapped his fingers. “That’s it! It takes you to the Overlook on the—”

“Cape Fear River,” Avery finished for him. “My sister and I used to go there all the time when we were younger.” They still did whenever they got the chance. “But…Lillington’s a tiny blip on the map. Last I checked, the population was only up to something like thirty-five hundred people. How on earth do you know where that is?”

Grinning, Garrett dropped a massive bomb. One with the potential to change everything. “I live two and a half hours west of there. In Charlotte.”

Avery’s jaw dropped for the second time, her disbelieving gaze locking with his. “You’re joking, right?”

He has to be joking.

“Nope.” Garrett shook his head. “The company I work for is based out of Charlotte. I’ve lived there going on five years, now.”

“You really live in Charlotte? Charlotte, North Carolina?” Avery couldn’t wrap her mind around that fact.

“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Why? You got something against the Queen City?”

“Only the traffic,” she scoffed. Then she dropped a bomb of her own. “Garrett, I’ve lived in Charlotte for the past seven years.”

“You’re shitting me.” He sat up a little straighter. “Seriously?”

“I swear.”

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Humor and something else she couldn’t quite place shone from his eyes. “Okay, so I know you said you work from home. Do you live downtown, or…”

“I have an apartment in Camden Grandview,” she shared. “It’s on Morehead.”

“I know exactly where that is.” Recognition flickered across Garrett’s face. “I work two minutes from there.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I swear!” Garrett threw up a hand as if to take an oath. “The company I work for has an office on south Tyron. It’s in the TAC Center, across the street from—”

“Duke Energy.” Avery nodded. “Duke switched over to my accounting program last fall. I spent a week there, helping their IT people set it up and then training their accounting department on how to run it.” Disbelief had her shaking her head. “This is crazy, right? I mean, what are the chances?”

Garrett sat back in his chair and chuckled. “I’d say slim to none.”

Several seconds of silence passed as they both processed the interesting turn of events. They lived in the same city, had worked across the street from each other for a week. And it had taken them both flying to Florida and boarding a cruise ship to the Eastern Caribbean to meet.

Suddenly wanting to know everything about this man, Avery took a sip of water and switched the conversation back to him.

“You said you work in the TAC Center. What is it you do there?”


She nearly choked. Coughing, she managed to ask, “You sell insurance?”

His lips formed a slight smirk. “Something wrong with that?”

“Of course not.” She coughed again. “You just don’t strike me as the insurance type.”

“No?” Humor flashed behind his gorgeous eyes “And what do I strike you as?”

Hot. Sexy. An alpha male badass who makes me want to reach across this table and—

“Wait a minute.” She cut her simmering thought short. “You said you work in the TAC Center, right? And you sell insurance? You don’t by chance work for Travel Assurance, do you?”

Surprise flickered across his face. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

“They use my program, too.” Avery laughed. “I was just there last week updating all the systems. We could’ve walked right past each other.”

Granted, Travel Assurance took up multiple floors of the expensive high-rise. But still.

“One, if I’d walked past you, I would’ve remembered it.” He shot her a panty-dropping smile. “And two, I was off last week. The first of my two-week vacation.”

“Oh.” Avery nodded. “Still, I can’t believe how close we’ve been to each other this whole time.”

“Me, neither.”

The low humming she’d heard earlier grew exponentially louder and the ship gave a slight lurch forward as it prepared to leave.

Inappropriate thoughts interrupted; Avery’s head spun toward the rippling water. Drawing in a deep breath, she was still trying to keep her bludgeoning nerves at bay when a warm, strong hand covered hers.

“You’re going to be fine.” Garrett’s deep voice rolled through her like a calming wave. “I promise.”

Glancing down at their joined hands, Avery felt a sense of peace that made her want to believe him.

“Come on.” He pulled his hand away, the move leaving a much bigger void than it should have. “You’ll see that we’re perfectly safe. I’ll even buy you another drink to celebrate our departure.”

With a wink that made her lower belly tighten with lust, Garrett stood and began clearing the table.

“Fine.” Avery rose to her feet. “But only because I really liked that drink. And if I go overboard and get eaten by a shark, just know…I’m coming back to haunt you.”