Paparazzi by Erika Vanzin


The Thomas Simons case has developed some new twists and turns. Apparently, a stalker of the band created fake documents to get the attention of the drummer who had previously turned down her sexual advances. Just how dangerous this person is and whether she has tried to approach Thomas Simons on other occasions is unknown, but we are waiting for a press conference to shed more light on the matter. It is unclear whether the band has issued restraining orders against either the woman or the newspaper that published the news without verifying its sources.


Gossip Now!

What would you do to get the attention of your idol? Surely, Iris has created an unprecedented media sensation, attracting the attention not only of Thomas Simons—the object of her obsession—but also of the rest of the world. This blogger with a modest following managed to catalyze the collective hatred of the band’s fans and gain thousands of followers of her own in a matter of just a few hours. Was it just a bad publicity stunt to position herself as a new social media star?


@jailfreakingbirds You must die, ugly bitch! #IrisYouHaveToDie


@jailbirds_groupie You’re the most disgusting person I’ve ever met. I hope you die, ugly bitch. #IrisYouHaveToDie


@wannabe_rockstar She wrote a review of their new music without even listening to it. She wasn’t even in the room with us! This one’s completely crazy.