Daddy’s Terrified Little Girl by Scott Wylder










I can’t believe this is happening. Garrett Hanson is taking me to dinner.

I’m so excited I feel like I might explode. I feel like I might burst into a million pieces and scatter myself all over the place. I’m excited and nervous. I nearly convinced myself a man like Garrett wouldn’t want anything to do with a girl like me and those worries still exist. Who’s to say that once Garrett gets to know me, he won’t decide he deserves a better girl than me?

I am nervous but my nervousness pales in comparison to my excitement as I ride next to the man. I am in the passenger seat of a truck that looks bigger than my apartment. Like Garrett, the truck is strong, sturdy and ruggedly handsome. It’s not quite as comfortable a ride as my little sedan but the roughness of the suspension somehow adds to the feeling of being under the control of this powerful man.

We arrive at the restaurant and are quickly seated. The menu arrives and I begin to scan it but Garrett stops me.

“I’ll order for you,” he says. “If that’s okay.”

“That’s okay,” I say, blushing. I’ve never had a man order food for me before.

He smiles and I feel my heart literally flutter in my chest. He’s so gorgeous. It’s unfair!

The server arrives and Garrett orders drinks: rye whiskey, neat, for him and a cherry spritzer for me. I smile sweetly at him and say, “Thank you, D—Garrett.”

He smiles at me and I am pleased and excited to see a trace of hunger in his eyes as he looks at me.

We begin to talk but I have no idea what the heck we’re talking about because I’m too busy focusing on Garrett to listen to him. With each passing second he seems more perfect. In close quarters I can see my first impression of his body was correct.

He has the hard, lean muscles of a man accustomed to hard work and his demeanor matches the ruggedness of his body. In addition, he possesses a confidence and assuredness that I envy and that turns me on almost as much as his body. I can imagine him telling me exactly what he wants and I can also imagine me doing everything possible to comply with his every direction.

His voice, like his body and his demeanor, is confident and strong. It also possesses a rich, melodic quality and though I don’t pay attention to the words he says I am mesmerized by the sexiness of the voice that utters them.

“Cora!” The sudden sharp utterance of my name shocks me from my distraction. Garrett’s expression has become stern and that, combined with the power the man exudes from every pore simultaneously frightens me and turns me on.

“You weren’t paying attention to me, were you?” he asks sternly.

I blush and shake my head.

“Answer with words, little girl.”

I gasp sharply and my blush deepens. Little girl! He called me his little girl! Okay, he didn’t exactly call me his little girl but he called me little girl and that was something. I realize my reaction was clearly visible and for a terrifying moment, I’m certain he’s misunderstood and thinks I’m offended. Then I remember I haven’t answered his question and quickly say, “No. I’m sorry.”

“All right,” he said. “We’ll forget about it, but make sure you pay attention from now on.”

“Yes, D—Garrett.” That’s the second time I’ve almost called him Daddy. I am insanely tempted to, especially after he called me little girl but I can’t quite bring myself to do it yet.

He smiles and I feel my heart flutter again. “I was asking you to tell me about yourself,” he says.

“Oh.” I blush. “No one’s ever asked me about myself before. I don’t even know where to begin.”

“There’s no recipe, Cora. Just start talking.”

That feels a little better but at the same time, my fear that he’ll dump me as soon as he gets to know me returns and I am anxious when I finally say, “Umm, there’s not that much to say. I’m Sara’s best friend since grade school and I moved here a few months ago. I’m working at the hotel while I get my feet settled.”

“And then?”

“Then what?”

He smiles again. “When you get your feet settled. What then?”

“Ohh, umm…” I blush again. “I guess I’ll figure that out,” I say.

He doesn’t say anything for a moment and I am grateful when the server arrives to take our order. He orders a tri-tip steak with a baked potato and side salad for himself and a lobster tail over seasoned noodles for me.

“Thank you, Garrett!” I say, smiling sweetly. “That looks delicious!” I exaggerate my enthusiasm slightly, hoping to distract him from talking about me anymore.

I don’t know if it works or if he just allows me to get away with it but he smiles and says, “You’re welcome Cora,” and allows the conversation to drop.

I decide to satisfy my own curiosity. “Okay,” I say. “Your turn.” He furrows his brow and I laugh. “Your turn to tell me about yourself, silly.”

He laughs, a deep melodic sound that’s every bit as entrancing as the rest of him. Then he says, “All right. What do you want to know?”

That’s not really a fair question since I want to know everything about him. I start with the most exciting part, at least to me. “So, Randy tells me you were a mountain man in Alaska?”

He laughs again. “I guess that’s one way to put it,” he said.

“How would you put it?”

He thinks a moment, then says, “I guess mountain man isn’t a bad way to put it after all. I wanted to live as close to nature as possible. I wanted to get away from the constant barrage of convenience that the modern world provides. I moved to Alaska with nothing but a backpack and a survival knife. No cell phone, no tv, no computer. Well, I had a satellite phone but I never used it. It was there so in case of an emergency so Randy could get a hold of me.”

I giggle. “The constant barrage of convenience, so poetic. There’s more to you than your rough, wilderness-ready exterior, Mr. Mountain Man.”

He blushes and I decide I really like teasing him. “It felt poetic at the time. I lived in harmony with nature, not as a conqueror or visitor, but as part of it. There’s something about living off the land that’s so freeing and cleansing. It might seem strange to most people but I believe we are at our most human when we’re in tune with the world around us.”

He smiles at me and says, “I’m glad to be home though. I missed my friends and family and while these mountains might not be quite as untamed as the Alaskan wilderness, I think they’re every bit as beautiful.”

Listening to him talk I fall harder and harder with every passing moment. I just can’t believe how perfect he is! Underneath that rough, rugged, rock-hard body is a gentle, kind soul and poetic spirit. Then again, I recall the command in his voice when he corrected me for not paying attention and decide that there’s some roughness in his spirit as well. I decide I must know more.

So, when he drops me off at my apartment after dinner, I tell him I had a wonderful time and hope like heck he’ll ask to see me again.

“Would you like to do it again?” He asks.

I swallow hard. “Can we do it tomorrow?”

He smiles his breathtaking smile and says, “Count on it.” Then he leans forward and kisses me.

The kiss is brief and relatively chaste but I am nearly overwhelmed by the sensation of his lips on mine. My breath catches in my throat and my heartbeat quickens. When he pulls away and says good night, then turns and leaves, I stand for several long moments, breathing heavily, my face flushed, before I close the door.