Daddy’s Terrified Little Girl by Scott Wylder










How far my little girl has come! She makes progress every day. I think back to our first night, that incredible night she first cried, “Daddy!” and the first night I got her to speak honestly with me. She’d been so reluctant to admit she wanted to be an architect and so reluctant to admit the reason she never tried was because, “It gets too hard for me, Daddy. I’m not good enough to do it.”

I corrected her, of course. “Little girl, you are never to say you’re not good enough ever again.”

She said it a few minutes later and received a red ass, smarting from the five spanks she received.

Since then, she never says she’s not good enough although she doesn’t yet completely believe. I told her then and I tell her for now, she will have to trust my confidence in her until she can get some of her own.

That night, shifting back and forth in the chair because of the pain from the spanking, she applied for school. In two years, she will have her bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Actually, in one year and nine months she will have it, and the last month of work she’s put into her schoolwork make me very proud of her.

It’s good to have a little.

It’s very good.

As though she’s aware of my thoughts, she steps out of the doors of the hotel lobby looking like the perfect little girl. She wears a tight pink tee shirt with a big yellow flower on the front. It’s tucked into tiny denim shorts and I follow the sight of her perfect little legs down to her white knee-high pink socks with yellow strips at the top. She wears bright yellow shoes as well. Her fingernails are pink. She wears pink lipstick, and her hair is a tight, high ponytail, secured by a pink scrunchie.

Everything is new.

I know she dresses up like that for me, although she also loves how it makes her feel. I step out of the car and say, “Ready for ice cream, little girl?”

She giggles, half-skips and half-runs over to me and throws her arms around me. “Daddy!”

I chuckle and say, “You didn’t answer my question.”

She backs up and does a comical salute. “Ready, Sir!”

I lift her into the truck and she slides along the bench seat to the passenger side. “Put your seatbelt on, little girl,” I say as I climb up. She obeys with a smile and I head out of the parking lot. As we drive to the ice cream parlor, I think again about how good it is to have a little and then think about how there is more to it.

It’s not good to have a little.

It’s good to have Cora for a little girl.  What I feel for her is so much more than I felt for anyone before her. She fulfils all of my needs. She fulfils all of my fantasies. She… She fulfils me. “How is school going, little girl?” I ask.

She smiles brightly and says, “I am working so hard, Daddy! I finished two assignments yesterday and I’m way ahead on the structural engineering paper.”

“Good girl,” I say. “Seems to me you’re… what am I trying to say? You’re… um…”

She giggles. We go through this every time. “I’m able to do this, Daddy,” she giggles.

“Yes!” I say. “That’s it. It seems to me you’re able to do this Daddy.” I shrug and say, “I mean, we’ll have to go back to the hotel but…”

She giggles again and says, “Silly Daddy.”

I laugh and we pull into the ice cream parlor parking lot. “Park in the back, Daddy,” she says. “By the creek!”

We’ve walked along the creek so I don’t think much about it and I park against the trees and turn off the car. I start to open my car door and she puts a hand on my arm. “I’m sorry Daddy but you can’t come to the hotel with me tonight. I promised to do a playdate with Georgia and Sarah.”

“No problem, little girl,” I say. “We have our whole lives.”

She nods and presses her lips together in her cute little way. She says softly. “We have right now, too, Daddy.”

I raise an eyebrow and I’m about to ask her what she means but then her hand slips under my arm and a moment later she has my jeans open and my cock out. As her lips close over the head, I gasp and look around in near panic. It seems strange to me that I’ve never had a blowjob in a car. Somehow it just never happened, even as other high school friends typically lost their virginity that way. I always had a bed.

It adds to the experience and as she moves, I find myself in the completely new situation of looking around and worrying about whether or not somebody is going to see us and know exactly what’s going on in the cab of my truck. She’s utterly amazing, of course, and I am almost paralyzed for the first time in my life. She continues to move her head and I find myself quickly approaching what I know is going to be an amazing orgasm.

I don’t know how she manages to moan and giggle triumphantly at the same time when I cum but she does. She also goes deep and sucks hard, making me gasp and almost struggle. That earns more giggling and the fact that she’s giggling around my shaft has to be the most wonderful thing I have ever even imagined. She keeps her mouth down on me for quite a while before finally lifting herself up and kissing the tip.

“Sometimes, little girls get to be in charge,” she says with a giggle.

“Maybe under very limited circumstances,” I say, and she gives me another one of her breathtaking giggles. “Now let’s go get your ice cream, princess. There’s something I need to tell you.”

Inside, while she enjoys a banana split and I drink coffee, I tell her all about Nancy. I tell her about how I wasn't the right daddy for Nancy and Nancy wasn't the right little girl for me. I tell her how when the relationship ended I thought I would never find a little girl again or, if I did, that little girl wouldn't be right for me either. Now, though, almost three years later, I've not only found the perfect little girl for me but I found the love of my life.

I tell her that she makes me a better person just as much as she might think I make her better. I tell her I can't live without her and I tell her I will never stop taking care of her and protecting her as long as she will allow it. “I am yours forever, little princess,” I say. “I am yours forever and I’ll be your forever. I love you. I love you more than I love myself and more than I ever knew it was possible to love somebody.

She cries a little bit, good tears. I reach for her and she takes my hand and brings it to her face, pressing her cheek against my palm and then kissing my fingertips.

Best of all, she says the most perfect words anybody could ever say to me. She says, “I love you, too, Daddy.”