Daddy’s Terrified Little Girl by Scott Wylder










I spend the rest of the evening thinking about Cora. I spend the next morning thinking about Cora. I spend the afternoon thinking about Cora and I am still thinking about her when I leave work and head to her apartment.

She is even more perfect than I imagined her to be. Aside from being stunningly beautiful, she is sweet, funny and smart, though she seems reluctant to show that side of herself. I decide I will have to help her learn to accept that part of herself and the thought of having a little girl to nurture and protect again is wonderful and powerful.

No, not just any little girl.


The thought of having Cora to protect is wonderful and powerful. She is more than just another little to me, more than just a replacement for Nancy. She is the little girl of my dreams, my forever little girl. She is the one I will care for and protect my entire life. I am sure of it.

I am equally sure that she needs a Daddy to protect and care for her as much as I need to protect and care for a little girl. She is smart and capable of doing whatever she wants to do, I know it. I can see it in her even if she can’t see it in herself. With me to guide her and discipline her along the way, she’ll find success wherever she chooses to find it.

The night before, she deflected my questions about her future. She responded well to the correction I gave her about not paying attention to me, so well in fact, that I was strongly tempted to correct her for avoiding the subject and insist she answer me honestly. In the end, I decided that was too far for the first date and allowed her to change the subject to me.

I was surprised how easy it was to be open with her about my life. I never hide my choices from anyone but I tell very few people what those choices mean to me in such intimate detail. With Cora, somehow, I know I don’t have to hide anything. I’m eager to show her she doesn’t need to hide anything either.

I arrive at her apartment and knock on the door. She answers in a lowcut black evening gown that accentuates her absolutely stunning features. I pride myself on having great strength of will, but I am only a man after all so I can’t stop myself from allowing my eyes to fall appreciatively on the generous amount of cleavage the dress reveals. She notices my stare and giggles.

“Do you like it?” she asks.

I smile at he, pleased at the way her eyes widen and lips part under my gaze. “I like it very much,” I say. “Shall we?”

I extend my arm to her and she giggles again.

“We shall.”

She takes my arm and I lead her to my truck. I take her to dinner, at a different restaurant this time, a sushi bar owned by my friend Henry. He’s part of the lifestyle too and his restaurant is known as a place where Daddies and little girls can feel comfortable behaving like themselves without worrying about how other people will see them. I want to see how Cora will react when she sees couples behaving like Daddies and little girls.

When we arrive at the restaurant, I can see immediately that I was right about her. She’s a natural little and the way she smiles wistfully at the other couples convinces me she wants a Daddy of her own. The way she follows up those wistful glances with stares in my direction convinces me I am the Daddy she wants.

She is less enthusiastic about the food. “Have you ever head sushi before?” I ask.

She shakes her head.

“It’s good to try new things,” I say. “Try this one.” I place a piece of my salmon roll on her plate.

She takes the piece and chews it cautiously. After a moment, her eyes light up. “Oh! That’s really good, d—Garrett!”

I smile. This is the third time she’s almost called me Daddy. After tonight, she won’t need to stop herself. “I’m glad you like it princess. Aren’t you glad you tried it?”

She blushes and nods. She looks so adorable it’s to my everlasting credit that I don’t just bend her over the table and take her right there.

“So, you’re friends with Sara.”

She nods.

“You know her husband Randy is my cousin.”

She nods again.

“You need to answer with words Cora.”

She blushes. “Yes, I know he’s your cousin.”

“Has Sara ever talked to you about the relationship she and Randy have?”

Her smile and the way her flush deepens answers my question before she can, but I wait for her to say, “Yes,” before I continue.

“What has she told you?”

“Well, she’s told me she calls Randy Daddy and she’s his little girl and whenever things just become too much, she can go into what she calls little space and Randy will take care of her and she can color and play and act like a little girl.”

“What else did she tell you?”

“Well, she said that Randy helps her achieve her dreams by giving her rules and guidelines she has to follow so she can become the person she really wants to be.”

“What do you think?” I ask.

She blushes and says, “It sounds really cool, actually. I think it’s awesome she has someone like Randy who loves her so much he’s willing to take care of her and protect her so completely.”

“Would you like someone like that in your life? Someone who can help you make good decisions and have the discipline to follow through on them?”

She blushes. “Are you asking if I want you to be my Daddy?”

“Do you?” I ask.

Her smile widens. “I would love that, Daddy.”

The drive back to her apartment is the longest of my entire life. I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I recall the excitement I felt when I started dating Nancy but it pales in comparison to the excitement I feel now.

We arrive at her apartment. After she lets us in, she excuses herself for a moment. When she returns, the black dress is gone. In fact, all of her clothing is gone. I am left stunned in front of a completely naked Cora.

“Do you like my outfit, Daddy?” she asks.

She could not possibly be more perfect if she tried.