Daddy’s Terrified Little Girl by Scott Wylder










I am not really worried about the breakup. I know my little girl and I know that she is not going to actually want to end the relationship. We'll get through this probably very quickly. However, I am determined to make sure she doesn't give up. I will make sure she never thinks of herself as anything less than the wonderful person she is.

The conversation may not be pleasant but it will not represent the end of our relationship and it will absolutely not end until she is fully committed to treating herself the way she deserves to be treated. This little girl is going to gain confidence and she's going to stop believing that everything she does will end in failure. By God, this little girl is going to believe this whether or not it kills me!

As I get into my car and begin driving toward the hotel, I realized that I don't actually fear breaking up with her at all. I'm not going to lose her. It is odd given that she just went through the process of breaking up with me. I don't have any fear because the confidence I do have is only because of my little girl. She has helped me to understand that I can be the Daddy I need to be for her and I know she will still be mine tomorrow.

As far as I am concerned, I owe it to Cora to ensure that she too has the kind of confidence that allows her to live a life that isn't filled with stress, worry, and doubt. She should feel good about herself and she is entitled to accomplish her dreams. I will never give up on her and I'll be damned if I let her give up on herself.

Confidently I reach the hotel and pull into the parking lot. I walk through the lobby and Georgia waves at me. I give her a wave back but don't speak. In short order I am at Cora’s door and I give it a rap with my knuckles.

I wait and I give it another rap.

“Go away, Garrett,” she says, “You need to stop wasting your time with me.”

“Open this door right now, little girl,” I say, “This instant.”

There is a long pause. Finally, I hear Cora’s voice. “Why in the world do you still call me that? You deserve a little girl who is worth having a Daddy like you.”

“Open the door, little girl.”

“You should just go away,” she says. I can tell she’s on the brink of tears.

“OK, little girl,” I say. I take a breath. “I’ll go away when I get an honest answer from you. Tell me what you’re so afraid of?”

There is a long pause comment it is very difficult not to say something but I have to let her work through this stuff in her head. So, despite the fact that I feel like speaking at a hundred miles an hour, I wait. I stare at the door and I wait.

“Disappointment,” she says.

“What do you mean?” I ask. “Talk to me, little girl.”

There was another long pause and then she said, “Disappointing you. Disappointing my friends. Disappointing my family. Disappointing my professors. Disappointing everyone.”

“Little girl,” I said. “The only person you should worry about disappointing is yourself. There's not another human being on earth who expects you to be perfect. I expect you to keep trying. You damn well can't quit whenever you're afraid. I don't love some perfect version of you. I love exactly who you are, and you are perfect to me. I don't care if you never get another A in your life.”

She didn’t answer right away but finally said, “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” I asked sternly.

This time, she answered immediately. “Okay, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” I said. “I want you to call your professor and get back in that program.”

I heard the slide lock on the door come lose and it opens slowly. She’s looking down at the carpet. “I haven’t withdrawn yet,” she says. “I just… I just started crying after I sent you the text.”

“Why did you lie to me?” I ask.

“Because you won’t want me if you’re not proud of me.”

“Are you going to invite me in?”

She nods, and I cross over the threshold and sit down on the couch. She closes the door slowly and then walks toward me even more slowly. “What made you think I wouldn’t be proud of you because of how you did on a test?”

“I worked so hard and I only got a B minus!” she said. “What if I work hard on the next test and I get a C? What if I work hard on the next test and I get an F?”

“Then you try again. Maybe next time you get a C plus. Maybe the next one you get and A minus. The point isn’t to succeed every time you try something, the point is to learn from your mistakes and get better.”

She sniffles and I have to resist a powerful urge to take her in my arms and tell her everything’s going to be okay. That’s not what she needs right now.

“What if I work hard and never get an A?”

“That won’t happen. You’re smart. A lot smarter than you think you are. If you keep working at it, I know you’ll ace this class. Your problem isn’t that you’re not smart enough. It’s that you give up. Any time anything gets hard you give up instead of facing your problems head on and overcoming them. From now on, you’re not to give up. You are to face problems, not run from them. Are we clear?”

She nods.

“Answer me with words, little girl!”

She looks at me, eyes wide. “Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s better. So, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to talk to my professor and review the test I messed up, then work really hard so I can pass the next test.”

“And what are you going to do the next time you have a problem?”

“I’m going to face it head on and not run from it.”

“That’s my little girl,” I say smiling. The smile she gives me in return is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she says.

“My pleasure, little girl.”

Her smile turns playful. “Speaking of that…”

She reaches for my belt but I stop her. She looks questioningly at me and I say, “First, you need to be punished. You gave up. You got into trouble and you ran from it instead of facing it. You need to be disciplined.”

Her eyes widen in an expression of mixed fear and lust. That expression is magnified a hundredfold when I grab her, bend her over my knee and pull her pants down in a single, rapid movement. I bring my hand up then bring it down hard on her bare ass. She yelps as a red welt begins to form on her rear. I bring my hand down hard a second time and she yelps again. After the third spank, she moans slightly and I feel my body respond almost immediately. I control myself as I continue to spank… four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…