The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 5


3 days ago

Once Xavier thrusts me back into my bedroom, Adelina arrives. I am huddled into a ball on the bed, refusing to pick myself up when she enters. But then a guard follows her inside my bedroom, cruelly pulling me to my feet and forcing me into the bathroom where a bath is running.

Adelina follows suit, holding a box in her trembling fingers.

“What are you going to do to me?” I whisper. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

I wouldn’t put it past Xavier to turn my maid against me. After all, he doesn’t know how close we’ve gotten in the last few years.

“He wants... he wants me to dye your hair,” Adelina mutters once the guard leaves.


“Because he doesn’t want people to see it in its natural state. He says it will draw too much attention.”

I touch my mass of golden locks and feel the hot tears burning my eyes. But I will not cry. Xavier can try to take everything away from me, but he won’t break me, ever.

“It was dying it or cutting it all off,” Adelina whispers. “I barely convinced him to let me use the color instead.”

I nod numbly, watching as she prepares the dark dye for my hair. Everything is about to change. The last shred I had left of myself before all this happened was about to disappear.

Closing my eyes shut, I block out everything that’s happening, once again going to my safe place where nothing can hurt me.

Present time

“I’m going to take you out of the cage now.”

My heart beats into overdrive as the mysterious voice tells me his intentions. The door unlocks and I eagerly crawl forward, trying to feel where I’m going with my fingers. Fear takes over me as fingers wrap around my chin. There’s a tension in the room I hadn’t expected. I feel a strange sense of kinship with my abductor, and I’m convinced if I beg hard enough, he’ll feel sorry for me and perhaps even let me go.

Determined to escape this place and then Xavier, I kneel patiently in front of the figure I can’t make out. I feel his presence, heavy and intimidating in the middle of the room.

“Don’t think I don’t feel sorry for you,” he tells me in his dark voice. “But the fact of the matter remains. I was hired to do a job, and I can’t go easy on you, no matter how much you beg.”

My world shatters and my bottom lip wobbles as I struggle to grab him. He shakes me off and claps his hands. A moment later, I hear doors opening and several other pairs of footsteps echoing in the long, winding hallways of this hellhole.

“Who’s there?” I call out, instantly panicking. “Xavier?”

I don’t get an answer, merely the sound of a low chuckle and a snicker from somebody else. There must be at least three people in here, along with my captor, but when somebody clears their throat, I blindly look to the side where a fourth figure must be standing. My heart speeds up in anticipation, knowing this won’t end well. These men have been hired to break me, and I already know they won’t go easy on me.

“Please,” I beg. “Don’t hurt me anymore. I’ve been through so much.”

“Did you understand the rules?” the most authoritative voice, the one from before, asks.

I nod eagerly, muttering, “I won’t have an orgasm. Just let me go. Fucking please.”

“Not until you’re broken.”

The words filled with darkness echo in the room, making my heart skip a beat with fear.

“Who wants to go first?” the voice asks, making my blood run cold. Trepidation has my heart gripped in its icy chill, and I snap my head to the side when someone smoothes down my hair.

“Such a pretty little thing she is,” somebody mutters, an unfamiliar voice. “I’m going to have fun with this one.”

“No,” I manage. “Please. I’ll do anything you want. Don’t do this.”

“Of course you’ll do anything we want,” the first man, my captor, says.

I can feel the smile on his face even though I don’t see it. What kind of monster is amused by this situation?

“We never doubted that you’d obey us like the good girl you are. Now please, get my friend off. Let’s get this over with. And remember... don’t you dare come.”

I don’t have time to reply as a thick, girthy cock slaps me in the face a moment later. I open my mouth to express my protests, but instead of the scream that wants to rip itself from my lips, my throat fills with the man’s cock. I choke on it, coughing and sputtering as he begins rhythmically pounding his hips against my mouth.

I’m used to this. I’ve been abused this way before. But the momentary connection I felt with my captor makes it that much worse, and I shiver involuntarily as one of his cronies takes advantage of me.

Drops of saliva fall from my chin, dripping all over my exposed chest. I feel utterly humiliated, but I hold back my tears, refusing to show these men what kind of effect they’re having on me.

I notice my tongue has licked under the shaft of the man fucking my mouth.

“This one’s really fucking eager,” the man mutters, grabbing my hair and fisting it in his hand. “God, keep fucking going. Suck it. It will not milk itself.”

I feel all their eyes on me and it feels even more humiliating since I can barely see a thing with the blindfold on. I want to bite this man’s cock, but I’m too afraid of what their punishment for my misbehavior might be. Besides, if I go along with their abuse, maybe I’ll be free sooner. I need to earn their sympathy and convince them of what a monster Xavier is. And to do that, I have to endure the worst.

Mercifully, it doesn’t take the man before me long to release his seed in my mouth. I feel the thick, salty liquid dripping from the corners of my mouth. The man wipes it up and forces me to suck it off his fingers. I don’t bite him then either, even though I’m really tempted to sink my teeth into his knuckles. He’s an accomplice, they all are - but their leader is my number one enemy right now. Not just because he’s forcing me to do this, but because of the connection I know we both felt. The one he has since eradicated by standing by as his comrades take advantage of me.

“Good job, toy,” the leader tells me in his darkly confident voice. “Are you ready for more?”

Before I get the chance to react, somebody else shoves the man whose cock I just sucked out of the way. Someone else stands before me, this time gripping my head with both hands. I swallow the remains of the other man’s load and brace for what I know is going to be a brutal skull-fucking.

Fear mixes with determination in my veins while the other man shoves his throbbing cock inside my mouth. Once again, the urge to bite down takes over, but I force myself to obey.

This man is silent, merely grunting as he gives me the most brutal throat fuck of my life. I force myself not to gag on his cock, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me struggle with his impressive length.

Another load of cum explodes in my mouth, but this time I can’t swallow. I’m so desperate for oxygen I gasp the moment he pulls out, long strings of his load dripping down my chest and I’m assuming, all over the floor.

“Bad girl,” the leader clicks his tongue. “I’ll let it slide this time that you didn’t swallow, but you better try extra hard with the next fucking cock. Otherwise, I’ll have to force you to lick up the load off the ground, and that won’t be so nice once it dries down, will it?”

I whimper, shaking my head. If only I weren’t wearing the blindfold - I could beg so much better with my eyes.

It makes me wonder with horror if I’ll be blindfolded the whole time they keep me here. The terrifying thought sends goosebumps erupting all over my skin. Maybe these men don’t want me seeing them, ever.

Why does that thought fill me with such fear?

One, because I’m afraid they’re going to kill me if I ever get to see their faces.

Two, because I badly want to see the first man that came in here to torture me.

A flush creeps into my cheeks and this time, I’m grateful for the blindfold covering up my traitorous blushing.

I can’t help it.

Something in me calls out to something in him, and I know I didn’t imagine the connection we had in the beginning. But now he’s gone back on it, hurting me like I mean nothing at all.

My lips tighten into a line as another man steps before me. He’s gentler than the two before, caressing my cheek with his thumb before invitingly placing his cockhead against my lips. I don’t react though, refusing to give him what he wants.

This earns me a light slap on the cheek, and he mutters, “Suck.”

Tentatively, my tongue peeks out between my lips and I lick him, filling my mouth with his taste.

“I didn’t say lick,” the man growls at me. “I said fucking suck.”

With those words, he pushes deeper into my mouth, filling me to the brim with his taste and girth. I swallow back a cry and allow him to use me, because I know if I don’t, their punishment will be swift and merciless. Unfortunately, during my time with my husband, I’ve learned retribution comes fast when I disobey his friends. And I’m not risking bruises, broken bones or worse, for the sake of my long-gone dignity.

Embarrassingly, I realize I’m getting turned on by the torture these men are putting me through. My clit is throbbing for attention and I have to stop myself from reaching between my legs and rubbing it.

Only now am I realizing how mean the no orgasm rule is. At least before I could get something out of the cruel torture I was subjected to. But not here. Here, I’ll have to endure this without the reprieve of an orgasm.

“Get to fucking work, fast,” the leader tells me. “We don’t have all day. Finish him.”

Am I imagining it, or is there a hint of jealousy in his voice?

A self-satisfied smirk fights its way onto my face, but is quickly wiped away as the man pumps his powerful hips against my mouth. I struggle against him, choking on his cock, but he pays it no mind. He jams it all the way down my throat. This one doesn’t even give me a choice of whether I want to swallow his seed. He comes down my throat, spilling his load inside me without me even being forced to taste it.

I decide it’s a small mercy.

As he pulls his still throbbing and hard cock from inside my throat, I gasp for air and wipe away the traces of them all from my lips.

Before I can catch my breath, I feel water being sprayed on me. I shriek as the cold droplets contact my skin, shaking beneath the force I’m being sprayed with. My body trembles as I listen to the other men walk out of the room, leaving me alone with who I’m assuming is my captor. It must be the man from before. Seems like he’s running everything in this place and all the others follow his orders.

“You may take your blindfold off,” he tells me in his deep voice.

My fingers tremble as I reach for the fabric covering my eyes. With shaky hands, I untie it and take it off, keeping my eyes trained on the ground. I can’t bring myself to look at the man who did this to me just yet.

Instead, I notice the black water pooling on the floor beneath my feet. My hands fly up to my hair, now drenched in ice cold liquid. They come away black.

Thank fuck. The color Adelina used must’ve been one that washes out. It’s a small mercy, but I’m so very grateful for it I find tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. It feels so damn good to have a small part of me back.

I stare at my hands folded on my naked lap, still too afraid to risk a look at the man who did this to me.

I feel utterly humiliated and degraded, so I suppose he’ll be happy with himself for breaking me.

But I vow to myself never to show how much his actions are impacting me. I made the same promise with my husband - not to show my pain and hurting, because it would only give him the sick satisfaction he doesn’t deserve.

I know I was sent here to be broken completely. That’s what my husband wants, after all - a pliable toy to bend any which way he wants.

But I will not give in to him or anybody else.

They can take things from me, they can force my body to do things I don’t want it to do, and they can hurt me. But they’ll never have my true submission.

While my body may break easily, my mind does not.

And right there, sitting in the puddle of black water feeling like I’ll never be myself again, I swear to myself I won’t let this man succeed in what my husband hired him to do.

“Look at me.”

The words I was afraid of take me by surprise and I shut my eyes tightly, wishing all of this would go away. But it’s been so long since I was happy, I can’t even imagine the alternative to the scenario I’m currently embroiled in.

Nana is gone and so are my parents. The stone cottage and the golden, sun-drenched wheat fields where I used to live with my grandmother are fading from my memory slowly but surely.

I have nowhere left to run, no one left to take care of me. No one but the boy I was once supposed to marry, a boy whose death I’ve been grieving for years.


My eyes snap to the man standing before me, narrowing in confusion.

I see him for the very first time - or is it the first time?

Something about the beast in front of me is familiar. His tall stature reminds me of just how much smaller I am than him.

His shoulders are broad, his body ripped to shreds. He’s muscular, huge and dangerous looking. His dark hair is cropped fairly close to his head, with a hint of stubble on his stubborn chin and a jaw that now sets into place as he watches me staring at him. His skin is strangely devoid of the tattoos I’ve seen on most of the men that work for Xavier. But there are scars covering his body instead. So, so many scars.

It’s none of those things that hold my attention, however.

My eyes zero in on his. His gaze is darkened by a mixture of desire and something else I can’t place. The white of his eyes is stark, but the irises are so dark they look almost as black as his pupils. They remind me of charcoal.

Charcoal eyes.

My breath catches in my throat as I stare at the boy I used to hope would save me.

It’s him, it has to be. I would recognize him anywhere, but not with the blindfold on. His voice is too different, but his eyes are the same, and even though the boyish charm is gone from his face, I see glimpses of the boy he used to be in his hardened, cruel expression.

“Heath?” I whisper, my strained voice breaking over the simple word. “No, please.”

He seems crestfallen as he takes a step forward. He rips his shirt off and gently places it over my shoulders. In an instant, the stiff fabric is soaked with water.

“Is it really you?” he asks, his voice softer than it was before. “I can’t believe it... You married Xavier?”

I can’t stop staring at him, still unable to put a coherent sentence together.

I raise a trembling hand and gently touch it to his face, remembering what it felt like to share my first kiss with him.

It’s him. I can feel it in every heartbeat, feel it in every spark that jumps between us as I trace my fingertips over his sculpted face.

“How could you?” he demands.

“You think I had a choice?”

I withdraw my shaky hand and exhale the breath I’ve been holding for what feels like years.

“He forced me, Heath. He killed my grandmother. He set our house, everything we owned, on fire. He took everything away from me. And now he’s sent me here. Just another cruel way for him to torture me.”

Heath shakes his head vehemently.

“He doesn’t know I’m the one doing this,” he mutters. “It’s a secret... He never could have found out.”

“And yet here I am,” I throw out bitterly.

I try to pick myself up, but my feet won’t hold me and I stumble into Heath’s arms. I push him away.

“Get off me. You’re a monster just like him. I thought you were different.”

He doesn’t answer, his jaw setting into a line as he watches me struggling to get away from him.

“I’m not my uncle,” he says in a quiet but determined voice.

“Then help me,” I hiss. “Help me get the fuck away from him.”

He looks right into my eyes, his gaze apologetic but unforgiving as he says, “I can’t.”