The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 3


“Pst. Wake up. Please, wake up.”

I groan, stirring awake from a nightmare that’s got all my muscles cramped up to run.

Too bad that can never happen in real life. I’ll never be able to outrun Xavier.

As the reality of my life sinks in, I try to pull the duvet over my head, but Adelina forces the fabric down, silently slipping a pill into the palm of my hand and offering me a glass of water.

“Please, hurry. We don’t have a lot of time today.”

I know how important this is, so I push myself up on my elbows and quickly swallow the birth control pill. Thank God for Adelina. Without her, I’d be even more fucked than I already am.

“There’s something else,” she whispers, nervously glancing over her shoulder.

“What is it?”

I rub my eyes, stretching. Nothing she’ll tell me will come as a surprise. I’m already used to Xavier’s cruelty that seems to grow more and more messed up with each passing day.

“There are rumors in the house,” she goes on. “Rumors that Signore Gunn will send you to somebody if you disobey again.”

“Send me to who?”

“A man.”

She swallows thickly.

“They call him The Wife Breaker.”

I let out a bitter laugh.

“That sounds silly. And Xavier would never let me leave his side.”

Adelina shakes her head.

“Please, signora, believe me. I’m telling you this so you won’t misbehave again. We’ve all heard stories of this man and they... they aren’t good. I think he’s worse than your husband.”

“Not possible.”

I push my feet off the bed and wince at the pain that rocks my body. Jimenez and Xavier must have bruised me badly yesterday, not that it’s anything new. I’m used to my husband doing anything and everything in his power to hurt me as much as he can, and I’m not surprised he’s left a mark this time. After all, it’s happened before.

“Please listen to me. Please don’t disobey. It’ll end badly for you and-”

The door to my bedroom flies open and Xavier appears in the doorframe. Adelina goes deathly silent and begins tidying up the room. But my husband walks straight up to her, grabbing her arm and forcing her to look at him.

“Leave,” he barks at her, and she throws me a secretive apologetic look before nodding and walking out of the room.

I ignore the scene before me, sitting down in front of the large mirror in my bedroom and brushing through my tangled blonde hair. Xavier walks up behind me, sending shivers down my spine as his hand lands on my right shoulder. Our eyes meet in the mirror, mine wide and hiding too many secrets to count, and his swimming with desire.

“Have you forgotten your manners yet again, Rain?”

My mouth thins into a line, and I look down, shaking my head.

“Then why haven’t you greeted me properly, little girl?”

I don’t look at him. My motions are robotic as I pick myself up from the chair and drop to my knees in front of him. I bow, allowing my forehead to touch the hardwood before pressing a kiss to his leather boots. I want to fucking scream like every time he makes me do this. But Adelina’s words ring in my ears, reminding me of the threat Xavier made.

But then again, going anywhere else would be better than here.

Maybe The Wife Breaker is a blessing in disguise.

“Good girl,” Xavier mutters, as I get back up and start brushing my hair again. “Let me.”

Without saying a word, I hand him the hairbrush, and he combs my hair. He’s rough, going through the tangles with a force that makes me wince. I’m sure that makes him smile. He loves hurting me.

“We’re going to have some fun today,” my husband goes on as he continues brushing my hair. “Jimenez is still here, and he wants to see you again.”

My eyes shoot up to meet his in the mirror, finding him staring back. He wants a reaction out of me, and that’s exactly what he got. I just betrayed myself, showing him just how repulsed I am by his friend. He’ll only use that to humiliate me further.

“I don’t want to see him.”

The moment the words leave my lips, I know I’ve just given Xavier more ammunition to hurt me, and judging by his smirk, he’s had the same realization.

“Since when do I care about what you want?” he asks, his tone almost caring.

If I didn’t know his cruel ways well enough, I could almost mistake it for kindness, his words a sharp contrast to the tone of his voice.


It’s too late to beg now, but I have to try.

“Don’t make me see him again.”

“He’s waiting for you.”

Xavier smirks.

“You wouldn’t want to be rude to our guest, would you?”

I shake my head wordlessly. I want to cry. But I know anything I do now to show my distaste for Jimenez will only be turned against me. Xavier is enjoying this too much.

“I’ll see you in a few hours,” he tells me with a cool smile. “Look pretty, so I can be proud of my beautiful fucktoy.”

Grinding my teeth together painfully, I don’t dare say a word. I know all too well Xavier has the power to send an electric current through the cuffs on my wrists. I’ve felt it enough times to know that’s something I want to avoid at all costs.

Xavier picks himself up and lifts my chin up so my eyes meet his. He smiles to himself, turning my face this way and that while I leave my eyes down-turned, unable to bear the weight of his gaze.

“So damn pretty, Rain,” he mutters. “One day, you’ll finally break for me. And it’s going to be glorious.”

With those words, he leaves my room, leaving goosebumps on my skin and a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

But there’s nothing left for me to do, only wait for the inevitable. And as the clock ticks by and I try to busy myself by getting ready, it only serves to make me more nervous. Xavier’s thinly veiled threat is lodged in my brain, reminding me with every step that I’ll soon be turned into a sacrificial lamb.

There’s a knock on the door a few hours later. By that time I’ve bathed, applied some makeup and dressed in an outfit Xavier has picked for me. I know well enough what it means to disobey him, and Adelina’s words from earlier are still playing on my mind. I can’t afford to disappoint my husband again. Based on what my maid said, The Wife Breaker is even worse than the monster I married.

I open the door to find Adelina standing there in the presence of a guard. She nods at me and chats in Spanish while my heart pounds. By her hand gestures alone, I know what this means. I have to come with her - my husband and Jimenez are already waiting.

Trembling, I follow the maid down a long hallway and into the room I fear most - the playroom, where nightmares are born.

In the darkened room, two men are already waiting. Adelina scurries away after delivering me to them, and I feel a chill go down my spine as the door is locked behind me.

“Present yourself,” my husband’s voice demands darkly from the shadows.

I’m shaking so badly I stumble when I step forward. I’ve heard the words enough times to know them by heart, but that doesn’t make what I’m about to do any easier.

My fingers find the ties of my wrap dress and I slowly peel it off my body, feeling the men’s watchful gazes on every inch of heated skin. A flush creeps into my cheeks as I wait for them to say something, but neither of them does. They just stare. Only when I take a step closer do I notice Jimenez is sitting on an armchair, and a gorgeous younger woman is sucking his cock.

I fight the look of repulsion off my face. I already know showing my disgust will only make my husband more eager to hurt me, and I give myself a mental reminder to act as stoic as I can.

“Kneel for us,” Xavier tells me, and I obey, sinking to my knees in front of their shadowy figures.

The other girl pays me no mind, continuing to work on Jimenez’s pathetic cock.

I wish more than anything for the courage I had before I was locked up here for years. I wish I were brave enough to bite, scratch and fight tooth and nail to get the hell out of here. But being a prisoner for eight years has taught me enough to know any resistance is futile. I’ll only be punished more for my transgressions.

“Why don’t you join our friend in taking care of our guest?” Xavier suggests. “Crawl forward and help her.”

My breath catches in my throat. He’s made me fuck other men before, but not women. And now I have a sinking feeling he’s going to humiliate this girl along with me.

I scoot closer, instantly noticing her faraway expression. She’s on something, and for the first time, I wish I were drugged, too. Perhaps then it would be easier to forget the horrors that are undoubtedly in store for me tonight.

“What are you waiting for, Rain?” Xavier taunts me. “Get to work.”

The other girl doesn’t even look at me as I attempt to force myself to lick Jimenez’s cock. Revulsion makes bile rise in my throat and I cough, barely hiding the sound of my own retching.

“Your wife is fucking rude,” Jimenez barks at my husband. “Doesn’t she have any manners?”

An electric current rushes through my cuffs, and I stiffen. This was just a slight shock - a warning of more to come if I dare disobey again.

Hot tears of humiliation slide down my reddened cheeks as I force myself to lick Jimenez’s flaccid cock again. I want to mock him out loud. Ask him what it takes to get his useless dick hard. But I know better than that.

Fighting back the repulsion I feel, I do as I’m told, but the other girl outshines me. She’s so high. God knows what these two promised her in return for joining them in my humiliation. Little does she know, my husband never sticks to his promises. In fact, he delights in breaking them.

The torture goes on for what feels like ages before Xavier orders the other girl to ride Jimenez’s cock. I watch uselessly as she climbs on his lap and my husband injects her with something in her slender swan-like neck. I feel almost as sorry for her as I do for myself, but I don’t let that show either. It’ll only hurt us both.

I watch impassively as the stranger bounces on Jimenez’s cock. Yelping, I scramble to get away when a muscular arm wraps around my braid and tugs me backward.

“Don’t fight it,” an authoritative voice demands. “Just be a good toy for once and please me.”

I look up into Xavier’s gaze, darkened by lust. I should know by now it will be no use to beg him, and yet the words unfurl from my lips before I can stop myself.

“Please, don’t hurt me. I’ve had enough. I’m so tired.”

“I don’t think so,” he hisses in response. “And it’s up to me to decide whether you’ve had enough.”

I wince as he pulls on my braid, hard enough to make my head spin.

“Would you rather suck my cock, Rain? Is that it?”

“N-No,” I stutter, hating myself for appearing so weak in front of him. “Please, just let me go.”

“Let you go? What use would I have for a toy that doesn’t want to be played with?”

I don’t answer, making him tug on my hair so hard I whimper out loud.

“Tell me, Rain. What use do I have for a toy that refuses to be abused?”

“None,” I get out. “You have no use for a toy like that.”

“Good girl,” he mutters. “Finally, we knocked some sense into you. Now, are you going to misbehave again?”

I shake my head wordlessly, and he grins.

“Good girl.”

He lets go of me and drags the other girl off Jimenez. She’s so out of it she barely even notices, and as my husband pushes her aside, she lies flat on her back, her chest falling and rising heavily. I would worry about her more if I didn’t have my safety to stress about, and now that she’s out of the picture, I’m once again getting Jimenez’s full attention.

I watch his cock twitch and fight to keep the repulsion off my face. But nothing escapes the watchful eye of my husband.

“Clean him off,” Xavier demands. “Lick her juices off his dick.”

I glare at him, showing the next sign of disobedience for the night.

“Did I fucking stutter?” my husband hisses. “On your knees and get to work, now.”

I don’t obey instantly, and I’m punished by the cuffs once again. As the shock runs through my body, I grit my teeth even more and work through the haze in my head to remind myself of who I am and what I’m going to do to Xavier Gunn once I get the hell out of this gilded cage.

“What’s it going to be, Rain?” he asks darkly. “Obey... or suffer?”

I know neither isn’t an option as well as I know I’ll end up enduring both.

Pressing my lips together in a tight line, I sink to my knees in front of Jimenez. My body works of its own accord to suck his cock in my mouth, fighting the revulsion when I feel him getting harder under my tongue.

“That’s right, Rain,” my husband mutters, standing behind me with his palms resting on my shoulders. “Show everyone what a well-trained whore you are.”

A few tears slip down my cheeks and I pray Xavier hasn’t noticed. It’ll only encourage him to be crueler to me.

But of course, my luck has left the building a long time ago, and my husband wipes away the wet traces on my cheeks, licking his fingers.

“Your desperation tastes so damn good, Rain,” he mutters against the shell of my ear. “I can’t wait to break you fully tonight.”

Something takes over me then. Perhaps it’s the years of being abused and hurt under Xavier’s rule, or perhaps its pure foolishness powering my actions. Either way, I can’t help myself.

My teeth dig into Jimenez’s cock, and he yelps as I draw blood.

Xavier laughs, shocking me with his reaction as I spit out a mouthful of thick, dark blood. I feel sick in the pit of my stomach, barely feeling Jimenez’s slap as it reverberates through my body.

But my husband has yet to react, and I’m shocked by the fact he hasn’t sent an electric current through my body yet. The moment grows longer and more tense as Jimenez gets up and stumbles back, groaning in pain. There’s blood dripping down my cock, and when I turn to face my husband, I see he’s playing with a knife.

“See, Jimenez,” he says thoughtfully. “This happens when you fuck me over.”

I glance between the two of them, totally confused. I thought Jimenez was some important business owner my husband had to impress, but now it seems as if my disobedience was planned by Xavier all along.

“Now my little toy’s going to show you what real pain means,” Xavier hisses, wrapping my hand around the knife. “I told you not to fuck me over when we made our first deal three months ago. And what did you do? You turned out to be a goddamn rat, Jimenez. And now? Now my wife is going to cut your balls off.”

The serrated blade cuts into my skin and I fight back a groan of pain as droplets of blood run down my hand. My body is trembling and I can barely hold on to the blade as Xavier nods at me.

“Go ahead, Rain. Castrate him like the pig he is.”

With a loud clatter, the blade falls from my hands and I shake my head wildly, again and again while a single word leaves my lips, over and over.


“No?” Xavier narrows his eyes at me while Jimenez takes the chance to get away.

But he doesn’t make it far. My husband catches him by the throat and forces him to sit down in front of me. The older man is crying, and Xavier smirks at me as I come to face them both.

“You saying no to me again, little girl?” Xavier hisses. “This is your ultimate test, Rain. And I really think you should obey this time. Cut. His. Balls. Off.”

My blood runs cold. Out of all the horrible things he’s made me do, this has got to be the worst. And I can’t bring myself to do it.

“N-No,” I manage. “I will not hurt him.”

Xavier narrows his eyes, hissing, “He betrayed me, Rain. He needs to be punished.”

“Then you punish him,” I get out through gritted teeth. “I don’t want any part of this.”

“Last chance, Rain.”

My husband’s darkened gaze makes me think twice about turning him down again, but deep down I know I can’t do this. I shake my head wordlessly and my husband shrugs before leaning down and picking up the blade. Closing my eyes at the horrific scene before me, I try to block out the sound of Jimenez’s screams. I stumble forward, putting the scene behind me. Xavier doesn’t stop me as I run out of the room. He doesn’t even send a shock through the cuffs decorating my wrists. He just shouts after me, and his words make me more scared than I’ve ever been.

“That’s fucking it, Rain! You blew your last goddamn chance. Now you’ll wish you’d done what I’d asked of you. Because your life is about to get so. Much. Fucking. Worse.”